What are the types of aluminum profiles

Summary: Do you know what kinds of aluminum profiles? Aluminum profiles according to the use of classification, can be roughly divided into doors and windows of the building with doors and windows aluminum profiles, CPU radiator special radiator aluminum profiles, aluminum alloy shelves aluminum type 3 categories. According to the alloy composition, it can be divided into 5 categories such as anodized aluminum profiles, electrophoretic coated aluminum profiles, and powder coated aluminum profiles. Do you know the specifications of aluminum profiles and their grades? Aluminum brand which is good? The following understand the vision network editorial is detailed for your introduction.

Types of aluminum profiles aluminum profiles what kinds of aluminum profile specifications

Aluminum profiles is the aluminum bar through hot melt, extrusion, so as to get different cross-section shape of the aluminum material, it is the modern industries in the application of a fairly wide range of a class of metal raw materials, the current aluminum profile market products are also divided into categories, generally different ways of classification of its profile categories are different, and different profile categories of its own, and different profile categories of its own. And different profile categories of its processing methods and application areas are also different. Aluminum classification is as follows:

1, aluminum products are classified: rolling material, casting material, non-heat treatment type alloy, pure aluminum alloy (1 × × × × series), aluminum-copper alloy (2 × × × × series), aluminum-manganese alloy (3 × × × × series), aluminum-silicon alloy (4 × × × series), aluminum-magnesium alloy (5 × × × series), aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy (6 × × × × series), aluminum-zinc-magnesium alloy (7 × × series), aluminum and other aluminum and other applications. series), aluminum and other elements alloy (8 × × × series).

2, aluminum processing technology classification: casting material, heat treatment type alloy, non-heat treatment type alloy.

3, aluminum processing products classification:

Rolled products: sheet (Sheet), plate (Plate), coil sheet (Coil), strip.

Extruded products: Tubes, solid bars, profiles (Profiles).

Casting products: castings.

I. Aluminum profiles according to the use of classification:

1, building aluminum profiles building aluminum profiles mainly include aluminum profiles for doors and windows and curtain wall aluminum profiles;

2, radiator aluminum profiles are mainly used in various types of electric and electronic equipment heat dissipation, LED lighting fixtures heat dissipation, and heat dissipation of computer digital products, and so on.

3, industrial aluminum profiles in general industrial aluminum profiles are: mainly used in industrial production and manufacturing, such as automated machinery and equipment, cover the skeleton as well as companies according to their own machinery and equipment requirements for custom molding, such as pipeline conveyor belts, elevators, dispensing machines, testing equipment, shelves, etc., electronic machinery industry and clean room.

4, automotive parts aluminum profile is mainly used for automotive parts, connectors and so on.

5, furniture aluminum profiles are mainly used for furniture decorative frames, tables and chairs support parts.

6, solar photovoltaic profiles include: solar aluminum profile frame, solar photovoltaic bracket, solar photovoltaic tile fasteners and so on.

7, rail vehicle structure aluminum alloy profiles: mainly used for rail vehicle body manufacturing. Aluminum alloy profiles have the characteristics of light weight, good formability, high strength, corrosion resistance, recyclability, etc. In recent years, aluminum and aluminum alloys are more and more widely used in the field of rail vehicles.

8, framing aluminum profiles: made into aluminum alloy picture frames, framing a variety of exhibitions, decorative paintings.

9, medical equipment aluminum profiles are mainly used in: stretcher car frame, medical equipment, medical beds and so on.

Typical use of aluminum alloy

1050 food, chemical and brewing industries, extruded coil, a variety of hoses, fireworks powder

1060 requirements of corrosion resistance and formability are high occasions, but the strength of the requirements are not high, the chemical industry is a typical use of the equipment

1100 used in the processing of parts and components that need to be well formed and high corrosion resistance, but do not require high strength, such as chemical equipment. High-strength parts and components, such as chemical products, food industry devices and storage containers, sheet processing parts, deep drawing or spinning concave vessels, welded parts, heat exchangers, printing plates, nameplates, reflective appliances

1145 Packaging and insulation foil, heat exchangers

1199 Electrolytic capacitor foils, optical reflective deposition film

1350 Wires, conductive strands, busbars, converters, etc.

1350 Wires, conductive strands, busbars, converters, etc. are typically used for processing of chemical equipment, but do not require high strength. strands, busbars, transformer strips

2011Screws and machined products requiring good cutting properties

2014Applications requiring high strength and hardness (including high temperature). Aircraft heavy, forgings, thick plates and extrusions, wheels and structural components, first stage fuel tanks of multi-stage rockets and spacecraft parts, truck frames and suspension parts

2017 The first 2XXX-series alloy to gain industrial application, the current application is narrower, mainly rivets, general-purpose machine parts, structures and transportation tools structural parts, propellers and accessories

2024 aircraft structure, rivets, missile components, truck hubs, propeller components and other various structural components

2036 automobile body sheet metal parts

2048 aerospace structural components and weapons structural parts

2124 aerospace structural components

2218 aircraft engine and diesel engine pistons, aircraft engine cylinder Head, jet engine impeller and compressor ring

2219 Space rocket welding oxidizer tank, supersonic aircraft skin and structural parts, working temperature of -270 ~ 300 ℃. Good weldability, high fracture toughness, T8 state has a high resistance to stress corrosion cracking ability

2319 weld pull 2219 alloy electrode and filler flux

2618 die forgings and free forgings. Pistons and aero-engine parts

2A01 working temperature less than or equal to 100 ℃ structural rivets

2A02 working temperature of 200 ~ 300 ℃ turbojet engine axial pressurized blades

2A06 working temperature of 150 ~ 250 ℃ of the aircraft structure and working temperature of 125 ~ 250 ℃ of the aircraft structural rivets

2A10 higher strength than 2A01 alloy, used in the manufacture of aircraft structural rivets with operating temperatures less than or equal to 100 ℃

2A11 aircraft medium-strength structural components, propeller blades, transportation tools and building structural components. Medium-strength bolts and rivets for aircraft

2A12 Aircraft skins, spacer frames, wing ribs, wing beams, rivets, etc., building and transportation tools structural components

2A14 Complex shape of free forgings and drop-forged parts

2A16 Working temperature of 250 ~ 300 ℃ spacecraft parts, welding containers and airtight at room temperature and high temperature operation. Cockpit

2A17 working temperature of 225 ~ 250 ℃ aircraft parts

2A50 complex shape of medium-strength parts

2A60 aircraft engine compressor wheel, guide wheel, fans, impellers, etc.

2A70 aircraft skins, aircraft engine pistons, guide wheels, wheel discs, etc.

2A80 aviation Engine compressor blades, impellers, pistons, risers and other parts with high operating temperatures

2A90 aircraft engine pistons

3003 is used in the processing of parts and components that require good molding properties, high corrosion resistance and good weldability, or both these properties and the need to have a higher strength than the 1XXX series of alloys, such as kitchen utensils, food and chemical product handling and Storage devices, transportation of liquid products tanks, tanks, to sheet processing of various pressure vessels and piping

3004 all-aluminum cans can body, requires a higher strength than 3003 alloy parts, chemical production and storage devices, sheet processing parts, building processing parts, construction tools, a variety of lamps and lanterns parts

3105 room dividers, stalls, mobile room panels, Gutters and downpipes, sheet metal molding parts, bottle caps, corks, etc.

3A21 aircraft fuel tanks, oil ducts, rivets and wire, etc.; construction materials and food and other industrial equipment, etc.

5005 is similar to the 3003 alloy, with medium strength and good corrosion resistance. Used as a conductor, cookware, instrument panels, shells and architectural decorative parts. The anodized film is brighter than that on alloy 3003, and harmonizes with the tone of alloy 6063

5050 sheet can be used as the lining plate for chillers and refrigerators, and for automotive gas lines, oil lines and agricultural irrigation pipes; it can also be processed into thick plates, tubes, rods, profiles and wires

5052 This alloy has good forming and processing properties, corrosion resistance, candleness, fatigue strength, and moderate static strength.

5052This alloy has good forming and processing performance, corrosion resistance, candlestick resistance, fatigue strength and moderate static strength, used in the manufacture of aircraft fuel tanks, fuel lines, as well as transportation vehicles, ships, sheet metal parts, instrumentation, street lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, etc.

5056Magnesium alloys and cable sheathing rivets, zippers, nails, etc.; aluminum clad wire is widely used in the processing of agricultural traps cover, as well as the need for a high degree of corrosion resistance of other occasions

5083Used for Need to have high corrosion resistance, good weldability and medium strength of the occasion, such as ships, automobiles and aircraft plate weldments; need to be strictly fireproof pressure vessels, cooling devices, television towers, drilling equipment, transportation equipment, missile components, armor, etc.

5086 used for the need to have high corrosion resistance, good weldability and medium strength of the occasion, such as ships, automobiles, aircraft, cryogenic equipment, television towers, drilling devices, and other occasions

5086 used for the need to have high corrosion resistance, good weldability and medium strength, such as ships, automobiles, aircraft, low-temperature equipment, television towers, drilling devices, transportation equipment, missile parts and decks, etc.

5154 welded structures, tanks, pressure vessels, ship structures and offshore facilities, transport tanks

5182 sheet used in the processing of cans lid, automotive body panels, steering wheel, reinforcing parts, brackets and other parts

5252 used in the manufacture of decorative parts of high strength It is used for the manufacture of decorative parts with high strength, such as decorative parts for automobiles. After anodizing with bright and transparent oxide film

5254 Hydrogen peroxide and other chemical product containers

5356 Welding magnesium content of more than 3% of aluminum - magnesium alloy rods and wires

5454 Welding structures, pressure vessels, marine facilities pipeline

5456 Armor plate, high-strength welded structures, tanks, pressure vessels, Ship materials

5457 Polished and anodized decorative parts for automobiles and other equipment

5652 Storage containers for hydrogen peroxide and other chemical products

5657 Polished and anodized decorative parts for automobiles and other equipment, provided that the material has a fine grain structure in all cases

5A02 Aircraft fuel tanks and ducts, welding wire, rivets, marine structural components

5A03 Medium-strength welded structures, cold-drawn parts, welded containers, welding wire, can be used in place of alloy 5A02

5A05 Welded structural components, aircraft skin skeletons

5A06 Welded structures, cold-drawn parts, welded and drawn containers, stressed parts, aircraft skin skeleton components

5A12 welded structural parts, bulletproof deck

6005 extruded profiles and tubes, for the requirements of strong and high than 6063 alloy structural parts, such as ladders, TV antennas, etc.

6009 automobile body panels

6010 thin plate: automobile body

6061 requires a certain degree of strength, weldability and corrosion resistance of the high variety of industrial Structural, such as the manufacture of trucks, towers, ships, trams, fixtures, machine parts, precision machining of tubes, rods, shapes, plates, etc.

6063 construction profiles, irrigation pipe and extrusion materials for vehicles, platforms, furniture, fences, etc.

6066 forgings and welded structural extrusions

6070 heavy-duty welded structures and tubes for the automotive industry. Extruded materials and tubes for industrial use

6101 High-strength rods, electrical conductors and heat dissipation equipment for public **** automobiles, etc.

6151 Used in the die forging of crankshaft parts, machine parts, and the production of rolled rings for the requirements of good malleability, high strength, and good corrosion resistance

6201 High-strength electrically conductive rods and wires

6205 Thick plates, treads and sidings, and other extruded materials for the automotive industry.

6205Thick plates, treads and high-impact extrusions

6262Threaded high-stress parts requiring corrosion resistance superior to 2011 and 2017 alloys

6351Extruded structural components of vehicles, water, oil and other transport pipelines

6463Architectural and various appliance profiles, and automotive decorative parts with bright surfaces after anodic oxidation treatment

6A02 aircraft engine parts, complex shapes of forgings and drop-forged parts

7005 extruded materials, used in the manufacture of both high strength and high fracture toughness of the welded structure, such as transportation vehicle trusses, rods, containers; large-scale heat exchangers, as well as welding can not be fused to deal with the components; also used in the manufacture of sports equipment such as tennis rackets and softball bats. Softball bats

7039 refrigerated containers, cryogenic equipment and storage tanks, firefighting pressure equipment, military equipment, armor plate, missile devices

7049 is used for forging static strength and 7079-T6 alloy of the same and requires a high resistance to stress corrosion cracking courage of the parts, such as aircraft and missile parts - - landing gear hydraulic cylinders and extruded parts. -Landing gear hydraulic cylinders and extrusions. The fatigue properties of the parts are roughly equal to those of 7075-T6 alloy, while the toughness is slightly higher

7050 aircraft structural parts with medium-thickness plates, extrusions, free forgings and drop-forged parts. Manufacture of such parts on the alloy requirements are: resistance to spalling corrosion, stress corrosion cracking ability, fracture toughness and fatigue resistance are high

7072 air conditioner aluminum foil and ultra-thin strip; 2219, 3003, 3004, 5050, 5052, 5154, 6061, 7075, 7475, 7178 alloy plates and tubes cladding

7075 used in the manufacture of aircraft structures and futures other requirements of high strength, corrosion resistance of high stress structural components, mold manufacturing

7175 used for forging aircraft with high strength structural. T736 material has a good combination of properties, that is, strength, resistance to peeling corrosion and resistance to stress corrosion cracking properties, fracture toughness, fatigue strength are high

7178 for the manufacture of aeronautical Spacecraft parts requiring high compressive yield strength

7475 fuselage with aluminum clad and non-aluminum clad plate, wing skeleton, trusses and so on. Other parts that need both high strength and high fracture toughness

7A04 aircraft skins, screws, and stressed components such as beam trusses, spacer frames, wing ribs, landing gear, and so on.

Two, according to the alloy composition can be divided into:

1, anodic oxidation aluminum;

2, electrophoretic coating aluminum;

3, powder coating aluminum;

4, wood grain transfer aluminum;

5, planing aluminum.

The characteristics of different categories of aluminum profiles as well as their application areas are different, it is recommended that you understand the characteristics of aluminum profiles as well as the application areas and then compared to buy it!

Three, aluminum specifications 9 series

Based on the aluminum plate contains different metal elements, aluminum plate can be divided into 9 categories, that is, can be divided into 9 series, the following step by step roughly introduced.

1, 1000 series represents 1050106010701000 series aluminum plate is also known as pure aluminum plate, in all series of 1000 series belongs to the most aluminum content of a series. Purity can reach more than 99.00%.

2, 2000 series aluminum plate on behalf of the 2A16 (LY16) 2A12 (LY12) 2A06 (LY6) 2000 series aluminum plate is characterized by high hardness, which is the highest content of copper elements, probably in the 3-5% or so. 2000 series of aluminum belongs to the aerospace aluminum, in the conventional industry is not often used.

3, 3000 series aluminum plate represents 300330033A21 mainly. Can also be called rust-proof aluminum plate China's 3000 series aluminum plate production process is more excellent. 3000 series aluminum plate is made of manganese as the main component. The content is between 1.0-1.5.

4, 4000 series aluminum plate represents 4A014000 series of aluminum plate belongs to the series with high silicon content. Usually between 4.5-6.0% silicon content. Belong to the building materials, mechanical parts, forging materials, welding materials; low melting point, good corrosion resistance. Product description: heat-resistant, wear-resistant properties.

5, 5000 series on behalf of the 5052.5005.5083.5A05 series. In our country 5000 series aluminum plate belongs to one of the more mature aluminum plate series.

6, 6000 series on behalf of the 6061 mainly contains magnesium and silicon two elements, so the concentration of the 4000 series and 5000 series of advantages of 6061 is a cold treatment of aluminum forging products.

6061 general characteristics: excellent interface characteristics, easy to coat, high strength, good availability, corrosion resistance.

Typical uses of 6061 aluminum: aircraft parts, camera parts, couplers, marine fittings and hardware, electronic fittings and connectors, decorative or various hardware, hinge heads, magnetic heads, brake pistons, hydraulic pistons, electrical fittings, valves and valve parts.

7, 7000 series represents 7075 mainly contains zinc. Also belongs to the aviation series, is aluminum-magnesium-zinc-copper alloy, is a heat-treatable alloy, commonly used in the manufacture of aircraft structures and futures. It requires high strength, corrosion resistance of high stress structural parts, mold manufacturing. Basic rely on imports, China's production process has to be improved. (My company once had a foreign company put forward domestic 7075 aluminum plate annealing is not uniform, appearing on the surface of the aluminum plate and internal hardness inconsistent problems)

8, 8000 series more commonly used for the 8011 belongs to other series. My memory is to do bottle caps as the main function of the aluminum plate, also used in radiators, most applications for aluminum foil. Less commonly used.

9, 9000 series belongs to the spare series, technology is so developed, in order to cope with in order to contain other alloying elements of the appearance of aluminum, the International Aluminum Sheet and Strip Federation, the special indication of the 9000 series for the spare series, waiting for a new variety to fill the gap in the 9000 series.

Four, the characteristics of the aluminum series

1 series: containing aluminum 99.00% or more, good electrical conductivity, good corrosion resistance, good welding performance, low strength, can not be strengthened by heat treatment. Application scope: high purity aluminum (containing more than 99.9% aluminum) is mainly used for scientific experiments, chemical industry and special purposes.

2 series: copper as the main element of aluminum alloy. Will also add manganese, magnesium, lead and bismuth in order to cut. Such as: 2011 alloy, in the melting process should pay attention to safety protection (will produce harmful gases). 2014 alloy with sky aviation industry, high strength. 2017 alloy than 2014 alloy strength is a little lower, but easier to process. 2014 can be heat-treated to strengthen. Disadvantages: serious tendency of intergranular corrosion. Applications: aviation industry (2014 alloy), screws (2011 alloy) and the use of higher temperature industry (2017 alloy).

3 series: manganese as the main alloying element of the aluminum alloy, not heat treatment strengthening, good corrosion resistance, good welding performance. Good plasticity. (close to super aluminum alloy). Disadvantages: low strength, but can be strengthened by cold work hardening. Easy to produce coarse grains when annealed. Applications: Seamless tubing for fuel guides used in airplanes (3003 alloy), cans (3004 alloy).

4 Series: Silicon based, not commonly used. Part of the 4 series can be heat-treated to strengthen, but there are some 4 series alloys can not be heat-treated. hr

5 series: magnesium-based. Good resistance, good welding performance, good fatigue strength, can not be heat-treated to strengthen, only cold working to improve strength. Applications: lawn mower handles, aircraft fuel tank conduit, bulletproof vests.

6 series: magnesium and silicon-based. Mg2Si for the main phase of strengthening, the most widely used alloys. 6063, 6061 with the most, the other 6082, 6160, 6125, 6262, 6060, 6005, 6463. 6063, 6060, 6463 in 6 series of lower strength. 6262, 6005, 6082. 6061 in 6 series of strength, 6061 in the 6 series of strength is relatively high. Characteristics: medium strength, good corrosion resistance, good welding performance, good process performance (easy to squeeze out of the molding) good oxidation coloring performance. Applications: cross energy tools (such as: automotive luggage racks, doors, windows, body, heat sinks, between the box shell)

7 series: zinc-based, but sometimes a small amount of magnesium, copper. One of the super hard aluminum alloy is containing zinc, lead, magnesium and copper alloy close to the hardness of steel. Extrusion speed is slower than 6 series alloys, welding performance is good. 7005 and 7075 is the highest grade in the 7 series, can be heat treatment to strengthen. Applications: aviation (bearing components of aircraft, landing gear), rockets, propellers, airships.

Eight series: aluminum alloy is more commonly used for the 8011 belongs to other series, most of the applications for aluminum foil, the production of aluminum rods are less commonly used.

Nine series: aluminum alloy is a spare alloy.

Fifth, the price of aluminum extrusion

How much does aluminum extrusion cost per ton?

General material then 18,000-19,000 yuan, the surface anodic oxidation treatment is about 22,000 yuan / ton, if the surface treatment is better, spraying, electrophoresis is more expensive.

According to the current price of aluminum ingots to calculate the words, oxidation silver white is about 18,500, electrophoresis white is about 21,000, polished oxidation 23,500 or so.