There are two ways to determine if you have H. pylori.
1. It can be based on the symptoms of H. pylori: stomach pain and stomach fit. Flatulence, diarrhea, constipation
Excessive burping? Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, anorexia, weight loss, bloody stools, black stools, extreme fatigue, and most notably, bad breath.
2, directly to the hospital gastroenterology test, the current C13 or C14 urea breath test, fast and convenient, non-invasive, accuracy of up to 90%, especially C13 radiation-free especially for children, pregnant women, the elderly and frail people.
Helicobacter pylori is extremely contagious and can spread through fecal-oral and oral-oral transmission, so it is important to pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life, pay special attention to diet and avoid spicy food to reduce the stimulation of the gastric mucosa, and can be used on a regular basis probiotic, in particular, the Wei Zhi Yu probiotic has a good resistance to gastric acid, the bile salts of the characteristics of the probiotic, and is able to interfere with or block the flow of H pylori in the gastric mucosa. It can interfere with or block the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori on the surface of gastric mucosa, and can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of Helicobacter pylori by colonizing a large number of plants in the stomach. It can effectively inhibit the growth and reproduction of H. pylori through massive colonization in the stomach, thus minimizing the harm caused by H. pylori