How is the purchasing position at Chijiang Gokyo Omeguchi?

How are purchasing positions at Zhijiang Guomao Omeguchi Company good. Zhijiang Guopharm Omeguchi Company purchasing positions monthly salary of 3,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan, the work time is 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., a single weekly rest, attendance awards of 300 yuan, inclusive of housing, gifts on holidays, no overtime, easy to go to work, mainly responsible for the order placed, follow up, articulation, and timely treatment of abnormalities in the implementation of the order, responsible for the organization of the relevant business statements and reports. Zhijiang State Pharmaceutical Omeguchi Company is located in Zhijiang City, Majiadian Jinshan Road No. 99, the main business scope includes the production of medical masks, the third class of medical equipment business, import and export of goods.