Where is the source of the Suzhou outbreak coming from?

As of 17:00 p.m. on January 10, 2022, there were zero existing indigenous confirmed cases in Suzhou. However, on the morning of February 10th, a company in Suzhou found one person with a positive initial screening result in a routine new coronavirus nucleic acid test, which was reviewed by the Suzhou CDC and came back positive, belonging to an asymptomatic infected patient.

According to Internet rumors are Flextronics employees, but the specifics have to wait for the official briefing. And Flextronics Electronics Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Hongzhong Road No. 268, is a commitment to aerospace, automotive, computer, consumer electronics, industrial manufacturing, infrastructure, medical and mobile products industry original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to provide a complete range of design, engineering and manufacturing services of the leading electronics manufacturing services provider.

The travel policy has not been adjusted for the time being, and it may be necessary to look at nucleic acid testing. However, Suzhou, after receiving reports of asymptomatic infected people, the city and district levels of the epidemic prevention and control of emergency response mechanism was immediately launched to carry out comprehensive epidemiological investigations, sampling and testing and isolation control, and strictly implement relevant site control and environmental disinfection and other anti-epidemic measures.

Because the diagnosed asymptomatic infected person engaged in warehouse imported materials (imported non-cold chain goods) receiving and sending work. As a key position personnel, according to the regulations to receive routine nucleic acid testing, February 7 before the test results are negative. sampling on February 9 to send for testing, February 10 early morning, the initial screening test is positive.

Currently, Suzhou Gusu District, Huqiu District, Wuzhong District, Xiangcheng District, Wujiang District, Suzhou Industrial Park, Changshu City, Zhangjiagang City, dining room, Taicang City are low-risk areas, and did not adjust the risk level.

As of 15:00 on February 10, the cumulative investigation of the person in Suzhou, the close 51 people, sub-closet and other relevant personnel 7578 people, have been sampled, have been out of the results are negative, the rest of the results to be out. A total of 641 environmental samples have been collected, and all results have been negative. Close contact and sub-closed contact personnel have been implemented control measures.