Gaomi city medical insurance bureau phone number

Gaomi City Medical Insurance Bureau Phone Number 0536-7036066 Updated 2020-11-15 Area Gaomi City, Address, No. 2999 Kangcheng Street, Gaomi City, Weifang City, Shandong Province. Medical insurance refers to the adoption of national legislation and is based on the principle of compulsory social insurance. Basic medical insurance premiums are paid in full and on time by employers and individual employees. Those who do not pay in full and on time are not counted in their individual accounts, and the basic medical insurance co-ordination fund does not pay for their medical expenses. Take the ratio of medical insurance contributions in Beijing as an example: employers pay 10% of their total contribution base each month, employees pay 2% of their salary as a whole, and patients with serious illnesses add another 120 RMB. Medical insurance is a kind of insurance that compensates for medical expenses caused by diseases.

1. Social insurance in which society or enterprises provide necessary medical services or material assistance to employees in case of illness, injury or maternity. Such as China's public medical care and labor insurance medical care. Chinese employees' medical expenses are borne by the state, the unit and the individual **** the same, to reduce the burden on enterprises and avoid waste. When an insurance liability accident occurs, insurance premiums should be paid proportionally. In November 2019, the National Health Insurance Bureau launched a national health insurance electronic voucher system, which was first piloted in some cities including Hebei, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Shandong and Guangdong. By 2020, China's basic medical insurance participation rate will stabilize at more than 95 percent, and the participation rate will reach 136.131 million people. Medical insurance refers to the insurance that covers the medical expenses of the insured during the period of consultation and treatment under the condition that the occurrence of the medical behavior agreed in the insurance contract is the condition for the payment of the insurance benefit.

2. Medical insurance, medical insurance has the basic characteristics of social insurance, such as compulsory, mutual aid and social. Therefore, the medical insurance system is usually implemented by national legislation and the establishment of a fund system. Costs are borne by both employers and individuals***, and medical insurance costs are paid by medical insurance organizations to address the medical risks caused by workers' illnesses or injuries. Like other insurances, medical insurance also collects medical insurance premiums in advance from people threatened by illness in the form of a contract and establishes a medical insurance fund; when the insured person is sick and goes to a medical institution and incurs medical expenses, the medical insurance organization should give certain financial compensation. Therefore, medical insurance also has two major functions of insurance: risk transfer and compensation transfer.

3. The economic loss caused by the risk of disease is spread to all members who are threatened by the same risk, and the centralized health insurance fund is used to compensate for the economic loss caused by the disease. Medical insurance has a wide range of liabilities, generally based on the characteristics of its medical services to distinguish between medical costs, including doctors' outpatient costs, drug costs, hospitalization costs, nursing costs, miscellaneous hospital expenses, surgical costs, and a variety of examination costs.