What are the water treatment equipment have what equipment?

The main components of water treatment equipment are:

1, raw water tank: the supply of raw water to play a buffer role in coordinating the supply of raw water and raw water pump input

2, raw water pump: to provide sufficient pressure and water for the point of use.

3, quartz sand filter: raw water through the quartz sand filter multi-layer mechanical filtration, can be filtered out of the raw water, sand, rust, large particles and suspended solids, etc., to remove insoluble impurities in the water and water retained in the colloid, free Cl, odor, chromaticity, and part of the iron and manganese and adsorption of organic matter in the water to reduce the value of the water SDI.

4, activated carbon filter: the raw water through the quartz sand filter treatment, most of the visible matter has been removed, and then through the activated carbon filter to remove the colloid left in the water, free Cl, odor, chromaticity, and part of the iron and manganese and adsorption of organic matter in the water, belonging to the adsorption filtration method.

5, softening tank:

In order to achieve a higher recovery rate, and to prevent reverse osmosis concentrated water end, especially reverse osmosis pressure vessel in the end of a membrane element in the concentrated water side of the chemical scaling of carbonate, sulfate, and Ca2 +, Mg2 + ions, thus affecting the performance of the membrane element, softening device can completely remove the calcium and magnesium ions of the hardness of the water to protect the reverse osmosis membrane, in order to prevent the RO membrane surface scaling problems. RO membrane surface scaling problems, to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system.

6, high pressure pump: in order to overcome the osmotic pressure of the RO membrane, the need for the outside world to provide pressure to the RO membrane, this pressure is the pressure required for the normal operation of the RO membrane, this pressure is provided by the high pressure pump.

Water treatment equipment working principle

RO - reverse osmosis pretreatment process is mainly activated carbon and fine filtration. Osmosis is a natural phenomenon: water through a semi-permeable membrane, from the low solute concentration side to the high solute concentration side, until the solvent chemical level reaches equilibrium. At equilibrium, the pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane is equal to the osmotic pressure. This is the phenomenon of Osmosis.

Reverse osmosis means that if pressure is applied to the side of high concentration, the osmotic effect mentioned above can be stopped and reversed, so that water is forced from the high concentration to the side of low concentration, and the water is purified. This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis (reverse osmosis), this semi-permeable membrane is called reverse osmosis membrane.