What kind of insurance can reimburse the cost of IVF?

There are a few representative products: Zhong'an online IVF insurance (basic version), EasyAn Insurance Easy Pregnancy Insurance (non-collective version), Fosun United Good Pregnancy Star (Plan 1), Taikang online wishing for pregnancy IVF insurance.

Fosun United Good Pregnancy Star is one of the few products that can cover both surgical failure and complications, and with a 2-year coverage period, it comprehensively covers pregnancy. The claim threshold is low and 2 failed surgeries will be paid.

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Compared with the lump-sum products, the reimbursement-type products such as EasyPregnancy and Taikang Wish Pregnancy IVF Insurance have higher coverage. If you have a higher budget, you can consider EasyPregnancy, which offers 500,000 coverage with unlimited reimbursement; and if you have a lower budget, you can consider GoodPregnancy IVF Insurance, which offers 200,000 coverage with a higher threshold for reimbursement, requiring three consecutive failed clinical pregnancies to reimburse for upfront medical expenses. Both do not cover third-generation IVF technology.

ZhongAn IVF insurance premium is the cheapest, the basic version of the 30-year-old premium is only 3,700, 3 consecutive pregnancy surgery failure can be compensated 18,000.

If you have any insurance questions, you can seek advice from Mint Insurance online. Mint Insurance is a technology-driven third-party insurance service platform that strictly selects Top 1% quality sales consultants across the industry to help new-generation families easily solve all their insurance problems through 1-to-1 professional consulting and customized services. The platform certified sales consultants must also be licensed by the CBI, have a bachelor's degree or above, and have more than 1 year of insurance experience.