LED lamps and lanterns testing equipment are what? (There are manufacturers, estimates, etc.)

What are the LED luminaire testing equipment?

1)LED photoelectric color test system: used to measure the color temperature\color rendering index\luminous flux\light efficiency\color coordinates\voltage\current\power factor, etc.

2)Large distributed photometer: measurement of luminaires light distribution curve\beam angle\luminaire efficiency\isotropic illuminance curve\and so on a lot of parameters

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Hangzhou Yuanfang: the company is very large, the price is high

Hangzhou Lingcai: the company is medium-sized, cost-effective

Hangzhou Sancolor: the company is medium-sized, the price is high

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1)LED photoelectric color test system: used to measure the color temperature \ color rendering index \ luminous flux \ luminous efficacy \ color coordinates \ voltage \ current \ power factor and so on

50,000 yuan

2)Distributed photometer: measurement of lamps and lanterns of the distribution curve \ beam angle \ lamps and lanterns of the efficiency of the curve of equal illuminance \ and so on a lot of parameters

130000 About 130000 yuan