What kind of surveillance is the Infectious Disease Web Direct Reporting System?

It belongs to hospital-based surveillance and community-based surveillance.

This network reporting system "horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end" - horizontal coverage of the whole country, vertical "to the township health centers in the computer can see this network system! "

As long as infectious cases are found, especially unexplained pneumonia, hospitals have to report cases directly on this system, including the CDC, CDC departments at all levels can be the first time to understand the situation.

The CDC has a team of people dedicated to monitoring and writing daily analysis reports. And, once more than five cases of unidentified pneumonia are found in one place, a verification mechanism is automatically triggered: the CDC sends someone to conduct epidemiologic investigations, visit patients, and take samples.

Extended information

After completing the direct web-based reporting, county-level CDC agencies are required to complete a preliminary epidemiologic investigation of the case within 24 hours, as well as collect information on the outbreak.

At the same time, county-level CDC agencies are also required to organize expert consultations within 24 hours of receiving a case report, and to file a case with higher levels (municipal and provincial) for review. If experts at any level are unable to confirm the diagnosis, the case will be referred to a higher level for consultation, again within 24 hours of receipt of the report from the lower level. In cases where SARS and human avian influenza cannot be ruled out, relevant clinical samples will be collected for laboratory testing.

At the same time as the consultation, the medical institution should immediately admit the case to the hospital and treat it as a respiratory infectious disease in isolation, and the medical staff should also take personal protective measures.

If the outbreak is serious, the CDC will need to report it to the health commission of the administrative region where it is located. There are no exact rules about what kind of outbreaks need to be reported to the local health commission, and what kind of outbreaks the local health commission should report to the local government. The number of people infected varies from infectious disease to infectious disease, which is a matter of experience. But the CDC's report will include the specifics of the outbreak and also give recommendations for prevention and control.

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