What does healthcare mean

Difference between healthcare and healthcare:

1. Pronunciation difference:

healthcare English? ['helθke?] American? ['helθke?]?

health?care English? [helθke?]US? [helθker]?

2. The structure is different:

healthcare is a separate word;

health?care has a separator sign in the middle and belongs to two words.

3. The size of the field is different:

healthcare refers to the healthcare aspect;

healthcare is biased to refer to the healthcare aspect.

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Extended information:

healthcare Nearby word: health

Pronunciation: english? [helθ] American? [helθ]?

Interpretation: n.? Health; medical care


n.? (noun)

1. The basic meaning of health can refer to both the physical "health" of a person (good or bad) and the mental "health" of a person, which is an uncountable noun.

2, health can sometimes be used as a wish, as "wish someone healthy" solution, can be used as an uncountable noun, can also be used as a countable noun.