Helicopter information 30 words

The helicopter is mainly composed of the fuselage and the three major systems of lift (including rotor and tail rotor), power and transmission, as well as on-board flight equipment. The rotor is generally driven by a turboshaft engine or a piston engine through a mechanical transmission system consisting of a drive shaft and reducer, etc. It can also be driven by the reaction force generated by the jet from the tip of the paddle.

Principle of helicopter:

The lift of a fixed-wing aircraft originates from the wings fixed on the fuselage. When a fixed-wing aircraft flies forward, a relative motion occurs between the wing and the air, which in turn generates lift. A helicopter's lift is similar to that of a wing, except that it comes from a "rotor" that rotates on a fixed axis.

Rotor blades do not rely on the entire fuselage to fly forward like airplanes do to create relative motion between the wing and the air, but instead rely on their own rotation to create relative motion with the air. However, while the rotor blades provide lift, the helicopter fuselage also has a tendency to rotate in the opposite direction due to counter-torque (a torque equal to the rotation of the driving rotor blades but in the opposite direction, i.e. reaction torque).

For single-rotor helicopters, it is common practice to counterbalance the counter-torque by using another small rotor, the tail rotor, at the rear of the fuselage to create a moment that counteracts the reverse motion. For multi-rotor helicopters, it is common to counteract the counter-torque by rotating the rotors in opposite directions to each other.



The outstanding features of helicopters are that they can do maneuvering flights at low altitude (a few meters above the ground), at low speeds (from hover) and with constant nose direction, especially vertical takeoffs and landings in small sites.

Because of these features, it has a wide range of uses and development prospects. In the military has been widely used in ground attack, landing, weapons delivery, logistical support, battlefield rescue, reconnaissance patrol, command and control, communications, anti-submarine minesweeping, electronic countermeasures.

In civil applications, it is used in short-distance transportation, medical care, disaster relief, emergency rescue, lifting equipment, geological exploration, forest protection and firefighting, and aerial photography. The transportation of personnel and materials between oil wells and bases at sea is an important aspect of civilian use.

Disadvantages and improvements:

Current helicopters relative to fixed-wing aircraft, high vibration and noise, maintenance and repair workload, the use of higher costs, lower speed, shorter range. The future direction of helicopter development is to improve in these areas.

Short-range - vertical take-off and landing aircraft combat target is not a conventional combat aircraft, its combat objectives are ultra-low altitude air control and combat airborne low-speed targets, responsible for accompanying my helicopter group, mainly attempted anti-helicopter and anti-drone operations, taking into account the ground close tactical support of the short-range - vertical take-off and landing of fixed-wing aircraft is not yet a substitute.

The Fishhawk helicopter can be seen as a variant or development of the short-range-vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing aircraft, but it is not yet mature enough to replace helicopters and fixed-wing short-range-vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

With the development of aviation technology in the future, when the turbofan jet engine can be used to replace the current turboprop engine, you can fully replace the use of turboshaft, turboprop engine helicopters and helicopters.

This is back to the fixed-wing vertical take-off and landing aircraft on the road, this aircraft is the dream of mankind, both military and civilian demand is huge, especially for our country's mountainous terrain for a wide range of uses.

Since the tilt-rotor aircraft can be completely like a fixed-wing aircraft as a lifting body to fly flat, no S-97, "Jedi" but also a pair of huge rotor overhead to increase drag.

It's speed and range are much better than helicopters - the Blue Whale is expected to reach a cruising speed of 538 kilometers per hour in the future, with a range of more than 3,100 kilometers. "The Blue Whale's future commercial load can reach 20 tons, comparable to the early Transport-8 transport aircraft. With such a powerful performance, both military and civilian, can be.

"The 'Jade Shadow' is smaller, cheaper, more maneuverable and flexible, adapted to assault transport, anti-submarine search and rescue and reconnaissance; while the 'Blue Whale' is huge, stable, flying fast and far, suitable for transportation. " These two sci-fi meaning full of new models, is expected to become China's future high-speed vertical take-off and landing vehicle leader.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Helicopters