app launch icon design specification-Technical dry goods: ApplewatchAPP design specification

androidapp interface design specifications (dpi, dp, px, etc.)

PPI (Pixelsperinch): the number of pixels per inch, that is, pixel density.

DPI (dotsperinch): that is, per inch, the number of dots that can be printed, generally known as pixel density. ppi formula: ppi = screen diagonal pixels / screen diagonal number of inches, through the collinear theorem to calculate the number of pixels on the screen diagonal.

ScreenSize (screen size): cell phone screen size, such as 3 inches, 4 inches, 4.3 inches, 5.7 inches, refers to the length of the diagonal.

DIP (device independentpixel): dip/dp, device independent pixel. 1px=1dp

density (determined by dpi)

Resolution: the number of pixels on the phone screen in the vertical and horizontal directions. eg resolution 480


Resolution: the number of pixels on the screen.

800, means the device has 800 pixels vertically and 480 pixels horizontally.

px(Pixel):The same pixel ui will look different on different resolution devices. It will be enlarged and distorted on small resolution devices, and reduced on large resolution devices.

AndroidDesign categorizes the dpi of mainstream devices into four classes:

120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi

, see the table below.

In the actual development, we often need to convert these sizes (such as the first in a certain resolution to complete the design, and then scaled to other sizes after fine-tuning the output), generally in accordance with the ratio between the dpi that is, 2:1.5:1:0.75 to the interface elements to the size of the definition.

That is to say, if 160dpi as a benchmark, as long as the size of the DP is a common multiple of 4, XHDPI multiplied by 2, HDPI multiplied by 1.5, LDPI multiplied by 0.75 to meet all the dimensions of the size of all the integer pixel. but assuming that 240dpi as the standard, it needs to be a DP is 3 common multiples of XHDPI multiplied by 1.333, MDPI multiplied by 1.333, MDPI multiplied by 1.333, MDPI multiplied by 1.333, MDPI multiplied by 1.333 to meet the size of the interface elements to be defined. 1.333, MDPI multiplied by 0.666, LDPI divided by 2. LDPI and XHDPI as a benchmark is more complicated. Meanwhile the first Android device (HTC's T-MobileG1) was of 160dpi. For all these reasons,

Standard dpi=160

Google's official explanation of dp is as follows:

AvirtualpixelunitthatyoushouldusewhendefiningUIlayout. toexpresslayoutdimensionsorpositioninadensity-independentway.

Thedensity- independentpixelisequivalenttoonephysicalpixelona160dpiscreen,whichisthebaselinedensityassumedbythesystemfora "medium "densityscreen. Atruntime,thesystemtransparentlyhandlesanyscalingofthedpunits,asnecessary,basedontheactualdensityofthescreeninuse. Theconversionofdpunitstoscreenpixelsissimple:


Forexample,ona240dpiscreen,1dpequals1.5physicalpixels.Youhouldalwaysusedpunitswhendefiningyourapplication'sUI, toensureproperdisadvantage. Youshouldalwaysusedpunitswhendefiningyourapplication'sUI, toensureproperdisplayofyourUIonscreenswithdifferentdensities.

Simply put, with 160dpi of the device as the standard, the device on the 1dp=1px; if the screen density is large, 1dip represents px is more, such as in the 320dpi screen on the screen, 1dip = 2px (that is, 1dp represents 2 pixels). In app development, it is best to use dp to do the layout of the interface to ensure that the adaptability of different screen density of the phone.

dp and px conversion formula:

My understanding, the formula indicates that the value of px is equal to the value of dp * (device dpi/160)

Note that, px, dp is the unit, but the density has no unit.

applyDimension of the source code is as follows, you can refer to:

android's many dimensions, it is recommended to use the resolution of


dimension design. This size 720x1280 in the display perfectly, in 1080x1920 also looks clearer; after cutting the picture file size is also moderate, the application of memory consumption will not be too high.

The app launch icon is 48*48dp, corresponding to each dpi device, the image resource pixels are as follows:





The app launch icon is 48*48dp.




Operation bar icon is 32*32dp, corresponds to the various dpi devices, the image resource pixels are as follows: the size of the graphic area is 24*24dp, you can refer to the usual ui cutout there will be a portion of white space.








The notification bar icon is 24*24dp, corresponding to each dpi device, the pixels of the icon are as follows:









96px p>36px|48



Some scenes need small icons, the size should be 16*16dp, where the graphic area size is 12*12dp.


|-::|-::|- ---:|-:|-:|-:|







A. General Knowledge Introduction of App Screen Adaptation

1. Notes on markup

Generally, to locate an Icon, you only need to give the top/bottom margins, left/right margins

Mark the distance of the icon only to the outside of the clickable range

General-purpose colors, fonts and a separate markup

General-purpose modules only need to be marked individually a copy of the module, such as the navigation bar

Mobile phone viewing area is generally a fixed width, length beyond the border can be cut to fit the screen

Generic knowledge of app screen adaptation. fixed, length beyond the border can slide, so the labeling of the width of the object can be proportional to the description

If you want to label the content of the top and bottom center, left and right center, or isometric can not be labeled

When the drawing is a list and the content of each item is the same, you only need to label one, if the content of each item has a small difference, you only need to indicate the difference between the ____糠

When delivering the a complete picture, do not need to do model adaptation, just give the HD picture (1920 * 1080) can be, pay attention to compression

When the background is a solid color, just give the outstanding value (iOS uses RGB color value, Android uses hexadecimal color value)

The icon should be given to the clickable area

If the icon is repeated in different pages, and the size If the icon is repeated in different pages, and the size is not much difference, directly give the largest cutout, and in the round figure marked size, the program will be scaled according to the demand

Clickable buttons usually need to give two states: normal/click (selected)

Buttons, if only a rectangle, rounded rectangle, rounded, ellipse, give the size and color value, can be set by the program

Fade effect can be achieved by the program, just give the Start and end color values and range

2. Cutout naming convention











Two, iOS apps screen adaptation

1. iOS exactly if you want to adapt how many kinds of models, which model resolution as the design size is the best


iOS only need to be compatible with the iPhone4, perfectly compatible with iphone5 and above models

If you make the design according to the vector drawing by 1X size, later enlargement into 2X, 3X; if you make the design according to the traditional px drawing apply the maximum size (3X) as the canvas.

3X as a canvas (1242 * 2208) is difficult to remember and can not be divided, we can directly to 1280 (640 * 2) as the width, the perfect zoom into 1X, 2X;

2X->3X to 1.5 to calculate the size and font size can be a better result

2. interface size

Device Resolution Status Bar Height 1136px40px88px98px



iPad1/21024* 768px20px44px49px


Navigation bar background image, if you consider the background of the status bar, the size of the background image for the navigation bar px + status bar px, if you only change the color of the navigation bar, then you only need to navigate the bar px

3. Icon size

DeviceAppStoreProgramApplicationHomeSpotlightSearchTabBarToolbar and NavigationBar





iPad3/4/Air/Air2/mini21024*1024px180*180px144*144px100* 100px50*50px44*44px


iPadmini1024*1024px90*90px72*72px50*50px25* 25px22*22px

Button cutout is recommended to equal width and height size cutout, and pixels must be >=88,*88px, when the width or height of the image itself is not enough, supplement the blank pixels (transparent pixels). In general, only the ordinary state button cut can be

(Adaptation is not recommended isometric zoom)

4. References

AUO Device Index

APP Cutting Flow and APP Cutting Naming Specification Detailed and Complete

APP Cutting Detailed Specification Ultimate Guide

iOS and Android apps. Android app interface design specifications

APP interface cutout naming and file organization specifications

Three, Android app screen adaptation

1. px as the base unit of the defects

Comparison of the above figure can be seen, ppi the lower the picture is displayed the bigger, ppi the higher the picture is displayed the smaller, resulting in the layout of the picture displayed on different phones is not uniform

The more the picture is displayed on the mobile phone, the more it is displayed on the mobile phone. The layout of the images on different phones is not uniform!

Using dp as the unit of all machine display unity

2. Measure a screen clarity unit ---- screen density (dpi == ppi)

Calculation formula: screen dpi = √( screen length^2+screen width^2)/screen size

Name density stands for resolution android unit and pixel conversion



< p>xhdpi240dpi~320dpi720*12801dp=2px



< p>Screen sizeLaunch iconOperation bar iconContext iconSystem notification icon (white)Finest stroke

320*480px48*48px32*32px16*16px24*24pxNo less than 2px

480*800px/480×854px/540×960px72*72px48* 48px24*24px36*36px not less than 3px

720*1280px96*96px64*64px32*32px48*48px not less than 4px

1080*1920px144*144px96*96px48*48px72*72px not less than 6px<

3. How many models should be adapted


Conclusion: only high-end xxhdpi (720*1280/1080*1920), low-end hdpi (480*800)

4. Units of measurement and borders

Touchable controls are all based on the unit of 48dp

Touchable controls are all based on the unit of 48dp

Touchable controls are based on the unit of 48dp

Touchable controls are all based on the unit of 48dp

Touchable controls are based on the unit of 48dp

Touchable controls are all based on the unit of 48dp.

Why 48dp? Typically, 48dp is the physical size of 9mm on a device (subject to change). This is just within the recommended size range for touch controls (7-10mm), and at this size, the user's finger is more accurate and easier to touch. (xxhdpi standard is 144px)

Border attention to the white space between the interface elements should be 8dp.


5. font layout

Roboto is the default font set of Android system, font size unit sp (scalablepixels)

According to the Android design specification, the recommended font sizes are 12, 14, 16, 20 and 34, with adjustable font thickness








(Note: the font size should be double, and no decimal places)

6.9-Patch Chart

What is a 9-patch chart

Why use 9-patch format to make a chart

To adapt to the various cell phone screen stretching picture needs, effectively reducing the size of the picture

What is the use of

When you find that the picture is the background and may be stretched by the stretching of the picture, or the picture is too large

How to Make a patch9 image

Add a transparent pixel to the outer layer of the image, and spend 4 solid black edges in the transparent pixel area

1. width stretchable area

2. height stretchable area

3. vertical content area

4. horizontal content area

8. references

AU device index

Android Design Guide Simplified Chinese Version 4.x

MaterialDesign Chinese Version

Android design in the .9.png

Technical Dried Goods: ApplewatchAPP Design Specification

I. Outline of the specification

1. Navigation form

Hierarchical, through the current page click to jump to another page form. Suitable for complex products that require a hierarchical progression.

Page type, page switching, sliding, similar to the rotation

AppleWatch navigation form of either one, may not exist at the same time.

2. Interaction

Touch: list, button, switch and other controls

Gesture: vertical swipe, interface scrolling; horizontal swipe, interface navigation between the view; swipe from the left edge of the screen to the right to return to the parent interface.

Pressure touch: call up the current page context menu

Entity control (watch knob): long page browsing, to avoid long time finger swipe to avoid blocking the interface

3. Color

Use black as the background color of the app, or dark and gaussian blurred image as the background

High contrast color is used for text, Icons


SF and Applesquare

5. Icons

Notification icons, first screen icons, and long view icons, short view icons

Scenario icons (in-app function icons)

6. Layout

Don't have more than three icons in a row placed side-by-side

Priority of layout is to Adopt left alignment

Two, design size

1.1 Screen size



1.2 Icon size

Notification icon 48PX(38mm)55px(42mm)

The first screen Icons and often seen icons 80px(38mm)88px(42mm)

Short view icons 172px(38mm)196px(42mm)

Menu scenario icons (function icons within the app)

Icon size 70px,actual icon size 46px.(38mm)

Icon size 80px,actual icon size 54px.(42mm)

Icon line width should not be less than 4px

1.3 Icons


Notification icon, system notification popup icon


Header screen icon, as shown in the figure below. First screen icon 80px(38mm)88px(42mm)

1.3.3Long view icon, as shown below, the icon in the upper left corner. Long look icon 80px(38mm)88px(42mm)

1.3.4 Short look icon, as shown below. Short look at the icon 172px (38mm) 196px (42mm)

2. fonts and text

2.1 fonts

SF and applesquare

2.2 text (font size, the common font size units are PT and PX, PT is the unit of development, PX is the unit of design, under the @2X conversion relationship 1PT = 2PX)

Title headline18PT

Body titlecaption15PT


Remarks, footnotes, auxiliary text footnote12PT,13PT

3. color

High-contrast color used in text, icons, interface

1. main color, as shown below

2. secondary colors, accent colors (controls, buttons)

Button controls are usually designed with transparency

3. font color and transparency

4. layout

1 status bar and below the picture and list layout spacing

38mm (30px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px), 42mm (32px). 42mm(32px)

2 Status bar and list button layout spacing


3 Status bar and text layout spacing below


4 Text margins and divider buttons list image margins

38mm and 42mm margins are the same

5. Distance from pictures and buttons to both sides of the screen

38mm and 42mm margins are the same

5. Controls and lists

1 Single row control and list layout dimensions



2. Double row control and List Layout Dimensions

2.1 Body + Remarks



2.2 Two Row Body



3. Three Row Controls and List Layout Dimensions



4. Multi-row control and list layout size



5. Control and list type
