What is the meaning of medical ecom technology medical ecom technology explanation

1, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (English: extra-corporealmembraneoxygenation, abbreviated ECMO), is a medical or emergency device that provides breathing and circulation outside the body for patients during cardiopulmonary surgery, such as surgery for severe cardiopulmonary failure and heart transplantation.

2. Also used in first aid, ECMO was first successfully utilized by the University of Michigan Medical School in the U.S. In addition to temporarily replacing the patient's cardiopulmonary function and reducing the burden on the patient's heart and lungs, ECMO can also buy more time for medical staff to save the patient's life.

3. ECMO is used in pediatric patients because of the complications that can easily arise, so the available assistance period is generally only about a week to a few days, while the assistance period for adult patients is longer.

3. The guidelines and norms for the use of ECMO are set up by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), which was established by the experts in the relevant fields, to regulate and set up the medical guidelines.