Entering the game's screen is full of ancient Egyptian flavor interface attracted, hieroglyphics, side-turned 90-degree human body frescoes, all reflecting the ancient and mysterious flavor. Of course, that is "Caesar" engine, the operation is exactly the same, the left button to determine, the right button to view the buildings and characters. The right side of the screen is the control panel, Egyptian flavor, and very beautiful, much better than "Caesar". The upper menu in the FILE, OPTIONS and HELP do not need me to rote, need to pay attention to the Overseer menu item, it is used to view the city of various things and to the officer in charge of the orders given. The right side of the screen for the control panel, which Overlays for the view of the land data; green onyx-shaped press regurgitation for the ordinary / simple control panel style switch; mini-map under the left side of the VisitYourOvereers button to enter the consultant interface, the right side of the GoToTheWorldMap for the entry of the empire map. Rotate the map button in the upper right corner of the game screen, that pyramid icon says yes. Next is the build panel. The four buttons below the construction panel are, from left to right: cancel the operation just now, report on the situation at this moment, go to the city where the problem is, and view the current level of the mission. Oh, and really, once you've played Caesar III, Pharaoh's operations are quick to pick up.
Getting Started
Come out into the open wilderness and take your first steps in city building. In the beginning, you always have to build temples to please the gods, and of course it's the same when you come to Ancient Egypt. It is said that there were fifteen gods believed in at the time, but we mainly worshiped the five major gods: 1) Osiris was the god of agriculture, in charge of agriculture and the flooding of the Nile River; 2) Ra was in charge of commerce and the degree of contribution to the kingdom; 3) Path was in charge of handicrafts; 4) Seth was the god of war; and 5) Bast was in charge of health.
These gods are all quite scary looking and very scary when they start to get angry, except for avoiding divine punishment and getting some small favors if they are lucky. And these gods are also jealous of each other, so please they also have to be treated equally. Find a suitable place as the center, a "person" to give a TEMPLE (temple) to say. Under the OVERSEER menu item, OVERSEER OF THE TEMPLES is the Religious Director, where you can check the religious situation. There are Shrines, Temples and Temple Comlexes. Month Since Last Fesitval is the time since the last sacrifice; Apeasement is the mood of the god, below Anger will be punished by the gods, above Apathetic will have a chance to be blessed by the gods (Apathetic is cold). Apeasement is the mood of the god, below Anger will be punished by heaven, above Apathetic will have a chance to be blessed by the god (Apathetic means apathetic). The button at the bottom of the screen is for making sacrifices, which can be done in the name of a god to please him/her and are very effective, so don't waste it, just keep making sacrifices anyway. However, in order to perform sacrifices in Pharaohs, the city must first build a FestivalSquaer. It is important to note that this square can only be built at an intersection. Once the temple is built, the gods won't be angry for a while, so start building feverishly (the temple will have to keep being built as the city grows in size)!
City building, of course, can't be done without funding. The main sources of income include the export of agricultural and industrial products, taxes, and the collection of gold. Let's take a look at production first; after all, it's the largest source of income, and it's needed for the growth of the city. There are dozens of different kinds of agricultural and industrial products in Pharaohs. In addition to stone and crops, the production of many products requires raw materials, and in addition to being able to produce them yourself, you can also process them with incoming materials. Of course, one can't build a fishery in a ravine, and each raw product requires a specific place to build it, while it takes a bit of work to make a farm, mine or artisanal workshop work properly.
Agriculture: Since the game is set in ancient Egypt, the regular flooding of the Nile River brought fertile land to Egypt at that time, so farmland can generally only be built on the riverbanks of the land with yellow flowers (click on the building, use the mouse to move on the ground green box appears to indicate that the place can be built). Moreover, in the arid climate of Ancient Elder, you need water canals to irrigate your crops, which requires you to build a perfect irrigation system when reclaiming your farm. Build a Waterlift (water diversion device) on the leveling bank, then use an Irrigation Ditch to draw water from the front or back of the Waterlift (remember, it has to be in the front and back, that is, in the direction parallel to the big spoon of the water diversion worker), and then connect the ditch to the Farm. If you succeed, right-click on the farm and you'll see ThisFarmisIrrigante (This farm is connected to the irrigation canal) at the bottom of the information window. Things didn't stop there, as the Nile was regularly flooded, and because agriculture wasn't very well developed at the time, crops in Pharaohs took 9 months or more to grow, which meant that crops could only be harvested once a year. In order to give the farmers something to do in their spare time, Work Camps (workhouses) had to be built on the side of the farms to give these people rest and recreation. Generally, four to six farms need a Work Camp, so if you find that no one is working on your farm, check to see if there are enough Work Camps.
Industrial: Industrial production is relatively simple, as long as you have the raw materials, the workshop will produce the product. In addition, the Clay Pit must be built near water; the Lumberyard must be near the forest; and the ReedGatherer must be built next to a papyrus field that is dark green on the outside and light green in the center dotted with small yellow flowers. Mines in Pharaohs are built next to gray rocks, with the caveat that Gold Mine, Copper Mine and Plain Stone Mine must be built on top of gold granular rocks. Likewise, if the build destination has a deposit of that type, it will be indicated by a green color. Of the ores, Gold and Copper are the most useful, the former can be converted into money, while the latter is quite expensive and is a major product that generates foreign exchange.
Click Go To The World Map to go to the map of the kingdom, the map has a small flag inserted in the city can be traded, click on the point you can see its imports and produce varieties of goods, press XXXDdbentoOpenWater/Land Trade Route (open trade routes), and then go to the business adviser screen click on the goods you want to trade. Import for import and Export for export. You can choose how many units the city wants to keep (Export When Over) or how many units it wants to import (Import To Maintain). If that's too much trouble, you can also select Let Your Overseer To Set Import/Export Level to let the consultant decide how much to import or export. This business consultant is very good at controlling imports, but letting him control exports is likely to result in a backlog of goods, so it's better to do the exporting yourself, and maintaining a stock of about 4,000 daily necessities is enough to cover the daily expenses of a city of 20,000 people.
Taxes are essential. To collect taxes, you must build a Tax Collector near your home, and you must also build a City Palace in your city. Right-click on the City Palace or go to the Overseer of The Treasury screen to see the percentage of taxpayers out of the total population and adjust the tax rate. If the percentage of taxpayers is too low, it's time to build more tax offices and don't let the tax evaders off the hook. As for the tax rate, don't adjust it too high, it's not a good idea to dry it up. However, to raise the tax income you should raise the level of residential homes, so they pay much higher taxes.
In addition to product output and taxes, this time Pharaohs has added a great source of income ---- mining gold. As long as your city has that gray rock dotted with gold particles, it's a money-making machine. Gold nuggets mined in gold mines don't appear in the Commerce Overseer catalog, meaning they can't be imported or exported, but the city's Town Hall and Dynasty Mansion (the Pharaoh's Palace, which is your very own home) can convert them into money. Oh, it's a blessing to have a gold mine.
The money problem is solved, but you still need various personnel to maintain the normal development of the city, Architect's Post can maintain the aging buildings (with the D key you can check the aging of the buildings, the higher the column the more dangerous), Fire House (Fire Station) can check the various buildings to reduce the occurrence of fires, and the house fires rely on them (with the D key you can check the aging of the buildings, the higher the column the more dangerous). They can also check the probability of fires (use D to check the probability of fires, high columns indicate that fires are likely to occur here), and PoliceStation (Yamen, that is, the police station) can not be missing (use C to check the crime rate), and in the case of an enemy invasion Yamen can also be blocked (although two or three times to be chopped down), to buy time for the troops.
When it comes to fighting wars, every civilization has fewer of them, and ancient Egypt was no different. In order to build a strong army, you must first have a Recruiter to recruit troops, and then you'll need a WeaponSmith to make weapons or a ChariotMaker to produce two-wheeled chariots. The land forces in Pharaohs are divided into city defense forces and field armies. The city defense forces need to be stationed on top of towers (towers can only be built in Walls with more than two floors), and don't forget to build a GateHouse after you have surrounded the city with a wall (use R and L to adjust the direction of the city gate). The army is divided into Infantry, Archers and Charioteers, which must be stationed in their respective Fort. Next there will be an Academy (military academy) for the army to improve its combat effectiveness. The biggest improvement in the military design of Pharaoh and Caesar III was the addition of a navy! Since most Egyptian cities are located on the banks of the Nile River, a strong navy is essential to defend against enemy incursions on the water. There are two types of warships you can build, the WarShip (Battleship), which is made in the WarShipWharf (Battleship Dockyard) and can attack enemies with bows and arrows or ramming horns, and the TransPortWharf (Transportation Ship Dockyard), which can carry troops from one fortress at a time. See Improvement for troop specifics.
Improvement Episode
1. Minmin Upgrades
Since it's using Caesar's engine, there will be a complex system of Minmin upgrades in Pharaohs as well. There are Hut, Shanty, Homestead, Cottage, Apartment, Residence, Manor and Estate. Various kinds of residential and have different levels, such as Hut is divided into Crude (simple) and Sturdy (solid) two kinds; and Resident has Common (common), Spacious (huge) and Fancy (luxury), Stately (solemn) four kinds. There are probably close to thirty types of dwellings, which is simply too big for one's head. But these homes are very beautiful (Redident above), especially the highest level of PalatialEstate (palace-like mansions), really brilliant, if you can also live in such a house. I can't believe that the Egyptians were already living in such nice residences more than 5,000 years ago. Of course, it's not that easy to turn a small hut into a luxurious palace.
The first step is to ensure the supply of water, food and daily necessities. In ancient Egypt, the dry climate, combined with low productivity, meant that water supplies were carried to each household on a stretcher by dedicated men. You had to build WaterSupply (water delivery houses) in residential areas to ensure that all residents had access to clean water. Wells (springs) were not suitable for Minmin upgrades due to their uncleanliness, and could only be used in particularly arid areas where it was not possible to build a WaterSupply. Press W to check the WaterSupply situation of a certain area, pay attention to make sure all residents have water supply, which is the most basic condition for upgrading. Daily necessities and food must be delivered to the residents via Bazzar (market), so it is important to have a market near the settlement, and you can check the status of the market supply by using the Bazzar button in Overlays. Since food is stored in the Granaty (Granary), and supplies are produced and stored in the StorageYard (Warehouse), the Market Maiden will have to walk to the aforementioned location to pick up the items, so the two warehouses should not be too far away from each other in the market, and generally eight to nine squares between them will be about right (2x2 squares in the market). When a resident upgrades to StatelyManor, they will often ask for another Luxury, Beer, or Food item.
The next thing is to have entertainment, medical, educational and legal facilities nearby. Recreational facilities are categorized as Booth (vaudeville), BandStand (vaudeville plus music), Pavilion (vaudeville music plus dancing) and SenetHouse (kicking bricks). The first three recreational facilities need to be built at cross or thru intersections, and JugglerSchool (juggling school) and Conservation (art school) have to be built to cultivate talent, so you must remember to save room. The final game actually requires beer, and it's the only recreational facility that will lower land prices. As for medical care, the residents of the game also need a Dentist (dentist), Apothecary (pharmacy, used to prevent the plague), Physician (hospital), and Mortuary (mortuary, used to make mummies, requires linen), and the latter two types of buildings must be complementary. In order to improve the cultural quality of the citizens, ScribalSchoole (school) and Library (library) are also indispensable. Almost forgot, the ancient Egyptians have a strong sense of law, remember to build a Courthouse (court) in the residential area so that they can find a place to fight the lawsuit.
The last and most obvious way to upgrade your home is to raise the price of your land. All buildings have an effect on the price of your land, as shown in Tables One through Four. In addition to these buildings, the usual ways to increase land value are to build Gardens and Statues, and to pave roads into Plazas. When the residence is more than 2X2 grid can be extended to the garden (only two rows next to the road can be occupied, residence up to Manor or more will need 3X3 or 4X4 space), so in the vicinity of the facilities to improve the land value of the place with the garden is the first choice, as for those nearby residential buildings to reduce the value of the land, or use the statue, after all, the effect is better than the garden (press the R or L key can change the shape of the statue and the direction of the statue)
2. Production and trade
The biggest problem after a city grows in general is the lack of workers. You can go to ChiefOverseer to see how many workers are missing in the city (This CityIs Short By XXX Employees). There are two reasons for this situation, one is the lack of population, the general solution is to build more houses, or lower taxes, raise wages (adjusted in the manpower consultant screen) to attract more young people to settle in the city (generally new immigrants are young people, in addition to the OverseerofGanaries (statistics consultant) in the Census (census) table to see the population's (generally new immigrants are young people and you can see the age composition of the population in the Census table in the Overseer of Ganaries). For immediate needs, you can prioritize industries at the OverseerofWorkers. From top to bottom, they are Food Production and Distribution, Business and Industry, Recreation, Religion, Education, Health Care, Transportation, Government Agencies, and Military. By clicking on one of these industries, you can set the priority level, with the lower level industries having to wait until the higher level has distributed the required workers to meet their own workforce needs, and so on. Or you can turn off other industries in the business advisor to distribute the labor, but these are just tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and the real solution to the labor problem will require an increase in the city's population. Another reason is that when homes are upgraded above Manor, the homeowner changes from a general citizen to a Scribe (a clerk, who in ancient Egypt was in charge of paperwork and history, etc., the equivalent of the nobility in Caesar III). While Scribes are major taxpayers, they don't participate in the labor force, so in the event of a shortage of workers caused by too many Manors in the city, you either have to stockpile your daily necessities and wait for the residential level to come down, or you have to think about shoveling out ancillary buildings around the rich neighborhoods (for the same purpose). As for unemployment, it's relatively much easier to just build more workshops and municipal facilities, and the most toxic thing you can do is to shovel out the homes of the inhabitants for greenery. Trade, pay attention to the efficiency of the flow of goods. General commodities are to be placed in the warehouse, right-click on the warehouse, select Special Orders (Special Orders) can be in the list click on the right side of the commodity button on the warehouse under the command (granary also has a similar command, will not repeat the description): Don't Accept (do not accept the commodity), AcceptAll (Accept, up and down arrows on the left side of the allocation of storage space for the commodity, expressed in proportional) and (Accept, the up and down arrows on the left side can adjust the space allocated to the product, expressed as a ratio) and Get Maximum (go to other warehouses to fetch the product, the up and down arrows on the left side can adjust the quantity of the product fetched, expressed as a ratio of the space in the warehouse). The general practice is to set up warehouses near factories to accept only raw materials, and warehouses near houses and docks to accept only manufactured goods, so that the flow of materials will be much more organized and the time wasted on the way will be reduced. If you don't manage your supplies well, the porters will complain, "I've traveled all over the city to move this stuff!"
3. War
When you have a strong army, you must learn to command it skillfully. Right-clicking on a troop or ship will bring up a control box, and clicking on the graphic buttons in the box will allow you to give commands to your troops. Army commands include: HoldGroundInTightFormation, HoldGroundInLooseFormation, Charge, EngageNearbyEnemies, MopUp, ReturnToNearbyEnemies, and MopUp. EngageNearbyEnemies), MopUp (Return to Fortress). Transportation ship commands include HoldPositions, EvadeEnemies, Embark, Disembark, Repair, and Return. Battleships operate similarly to land forces, so I won't go into that here.
4. Mission Completion
Some maps or levels will give the player tasks and objectives for the level, generally population and city indices (which can be found on the Rating Overseer screen) that meet the required conditions to pass. These conditions are not difficult to fulfill, and all it takes is time. Population, as long as your city is in good condition and has enough housing, will always go up; Culture is related to education and entertainment; the level of housing in the city affects Prosperity; and Monument requires you to build pyramids and other large-scale projects. The last Kingdom is Kingdom Contribution, where the Pharaohs of Egypt will give you tasks to do from time to time, such as supplying a certain amount of a certain commodity, asking your army to go on an expedition, etc. If you ask for something, you'll have to pay for it, and then you'll have to pay for it. If the Pharaoh wants something, you should select that commodity in the Commerce Overseer and click the Ues AndTradingThis Resourse button to switch it to Stockpile. When you have enough stockpiles, go to the Political Overseer and see a bar with the Pharaoh's orders, click on it and select Click Here To Dispatch. If the Pharaoh asks you for troops, go to the Overseer Of The Military and click the KingdomService button after the troops. When the task assigned by your superiors is completed, your Kingdom Contribution will go up.
5. Building Wonders
Ancient Egypt is best known for the pyramids that some people still think were built by aliens. In Pharaohs, in addition to the pyramids, you'll have the opportunity to build the Sphinx, the Obelisk, and the Temple of the Sun. The biggest problem with building these wonders is leaving enough room! Yes, that's the biggest problem. These buildings require larger plots of land than you can imagine, especially the pyramids, which often exceed the entire screen. Since most of the cities in Pharaohs are in the Nile Delta, the terrain is scattered and there isn't a lot of room for you to build wonders (because there's still the growth of the city to consider, and you can't just leave the people alone, right?) Especially if there are cards or maps that allow you to build a few wonders at the same time, you really need to plan it out well. If you have enough space, the next step is labor. To build wonders, you first need the Capenter's Guild (Carpenter's Guild) and Stone mason's Guild (Stone Mason's Guild) in the Constuction Guild to train up craftsmen to inspect and guide the construction on the ground, and then you need sheds to provide laborers for transporting timber and stone in general. You might be wondering, "How do you build something in a game like this and have to haul materials? Don't you just click on the build menu and drop it on the ground? This is where the game stays true to history. As you should have seen from your history textbooks, it takes decades to build a pyramid, often starting when the pharaoh ascends to the throne and often remaining unfinished until his death. In addition to the long construction time, building a pyramid also requires a large number of laborers, just like the Great Wall of China, are hundreds of thousands of civilian workers brick by brick. In the game, you can see a long line of workers pulling stone wagons across the city to the construction site, but also have to climb up the high pyramid, it is really miserable ah. Since in history it takes so long to build, in the game these large buildings are also very time-consuming, once my Temple of the Sun and the Great Pyramid at the same time to start building, in which the Temple of the Sun played two nights to complete, the Great Pyramid is still only up to the fourth floor. To speed up construction, you should build more sheds and construction unions near the construction site. Then build a few warehouses closest to the construction site, and use the warehouse control command to transfer the required stone from other warehouses to there.