Who explains what the method of industrial modeling is?

Household modeling is a bit easier to make than a large sand table. It mostly uses a separate small table with thick PVC panels for the walls. In order to see the inner structure, the outer wall is usually made with transparent plexiglass panels. The practice of industrial modeling is similar to that of the sand table, which also has to be scaled down to a certain proportion according to the drawings, carved out panels and glued with trichloromethane. Usually, it is placed in a glass enclosure and not on a table. Determine the scale of the sandbox and calculate the size of the sandbox. When making a sandbox, first mark the area to be made on a topographical map and then determine the sandbox scale. The scale of the sand table is divided into horizontal and vertical scale. Horizontal scale is the ratio of the horizontal distance between two points on the sandbox to the corresponding horizontal distance in the field. The size of the horizontal scale, according to the use of the purpose and conditions, such as the study of the tactical movements of the detachment, the scale is usually greater than 1:1000.