What is the most profitable thing to buy from Super Tycoon in Kaixin?

Super Tycoon in Kaixin - Price List

1, Daily Consumer Goods

Super Tycoon Highest Prices, Lowest Prices

Caviar Factory 100W 200W

Brewery 200W 400W

Winery 400W 800W

Toy Factory 1800W 2100W

Designer Clothing Trademark 3500W 4000W

Children's Food Factory 3800W 4300W

Snack Manufacturer 5200W 5500W

Cereal Factory 6600W 7100W

Cosmetic Company 9400W 1E500W

Luxury Furniture Factory 1E1000W 1E2600W

Canned food factory 1E1600W 1E2400W

Designer carryall brand 1E4000W 1E4600W

Fast food chain 1E9000W 2E

Automotive production line 2E5500W 2E6700W

Soft drink company 5E5000W 5E6700W

Household appliance company 5E5500W 5E7700W

Designer shoe trademark 6E3000W 6E5000W

Jewelry manufacturer 7E6000W 7E8400W

Clothing market chain 9E2000W 9E4900W

Coffee store chain 12E 12E3800W

Wedding company 4E 4E5000W

Limousine service 4E 4E4500W

Marriage agency 63E8800W 65E4500W

2, foreign imports

Jockey 100W 300W

Bugatti roadster 100W 400W

American ostrich farm 300W 500W

Private zoo 500 800W

Racing team 100W 500W

Falcon 4600W 5100W

Jet 6000W 6400W

Vacation style island 1E4900W 1E5700W

Space Flight Gear 1E6000W 1E6700W

The Treasure Search Team 2E4000W 2E5100W

Genetic Laboratory 7E2000W 7E6200W

University Town 9E2000W 9E4900W

Charitable Foundation 11E 11E4500W

The Space Exploration Team 26E 26E6600W

Military Robots 43E 44E

National Parks 400E 403E7800W

New Nations 780E 788E2000W

Space Colony 2600E 2623E9300W

New Planet 52349E 52457E

< p>3. Industrial Products

Tankers 500W 700W

Steel Mills 3200W 3700W

Gold Mining 3500W 4000W

Machinery Plants 6500W 7000W

Wind Farms 7900W 8500W

Motor Carriers 3E4000W 3E5600W

Mining plant 7E8000W 8E3000W

Diamond mining 12E4000W 12E6800W

High-speed rail line 30E 30E6400W

Oil extraction plant 40E 40E9200W

Oil extraction team 65E 66E4600W

Solar power plants 70E 71E5900W

Stock exchanges 80E 81E9900W

Medical equipment factories 34E 35E6800W

Banks 4000W 4500W

4. Recreation


Hot air balloon travel 800W 1200W

Nightclubs 1000W 1400W

Airship companies 2300W 2600W

Broadcasting satellites 3200W 3700W

Television channels 3200W 3700W

Newspapers 4600W 5000W

Airlines 6900W 7500W

Fitness centers 9000W 9700W

Amusement parks 1E 1E700W

Magazine publishers 1E4200W 1E5200W

Movie studios 1E6000E 1E6700W

Record labels 1E8000W 1E8800W

Television stations 5E 5E1600W

Casino 5E2000W 5E3600W

Hockey team 5E8000W 5E9800W

Soccer team 11E 11E3500W

Basketball team 11E 11E5600W

Softball team 14E 14E3200W

Rugby team 16E 16E3700W

Hippodrome 2E7900W 2E9200W

Movie theater 9E8000W 9E9300W

Cricket team 12E7000W 12E7600W

5. High-tech products

Server manufacturer 1000W 1400W

Electronic pet company 5000W 5400W

Computer game company 1E 1E700W

IT company 3E 3E1400W

E-commerce company 4E 4E2000W

Technology company 6E 6E4100W

Call center 6E 6E1900W

Telecommunication network 8E 8E2500W

Business software company 10E 10E3200W

Pharmaceutical company 145E 147E5000W

Chip manufacturer 415E 417E1000W

Web search engine 642E 647E500W

Global positioning system 1087E 1091E8000W

Real estate

Water villa 500W 900W

Condominium unit building 8000W 8600W

Large farm 8000W 8600W

Luxury hotel 8000W 8600W

Luxury condominium 1E 1E800W

Skiing resort 1E8000W 1E8800W

Private Villa 2E8000W 2E9300W

Office Complex 4E2000W 4E3300W

Golf Course 4E2000W 4E3300W

Skyscraper 7E 7E2200W

Greenhouse 9E 9E2900W

Shopping Mall 20E 20E4900W

7. Rare Commodities

Ferrari ENZO 1000W 1400W

Superyacht 7E 7E2200W

Holy Grail 4000W 4600W

Terracotta Warriors 2000W 2300W

Monet's Real Monet 1E 1E500W

British Palace 2E 2E800W

Golden Belt 6000W 6500W

Crown 2E 2E800W

Here's the asset list, follow him and you'll make a fortune