What exactly is an AED? The full name of Ade is automated external defibrillator, also known as automated external defibrillator, automatic defibrillator, cardiac defibrillator and idiot defibrillator. ADE is a portable medical device, which is used to diagnose some special or general signs of physical abnormalities, such as diagnosing specific arrhythmia and giving ADE such as electric shock defibrillation. It's not a special tool for hospitals, it's a tool that only doctors can use, but it's better to use with a little training.
In addition, ade plays a very key and important role. If ade is used in time when the patient is in a critical moment and facing that critical situation, if he is not in the hospital, but in other places and the patient needs help, then the patient is likely to be rescued. In fact, many patients with cash died because they were not rescued in time, or were not found in time, or because bystanders or their relatives could not use ADE. If ADE can be known and understood by everyone, it can solve many people's lives.
Why should Hangzhou, Zhejiang legislate for AED? Objective: To solve the problem that ordinary people, even the whole country in the future, are unwilling, unable and afraid to use ADE, and put forward relevant legislation. The purpose of legislating ADE in Hangzhou this time is to help people understand ADE and popularize its use. In addition, it is hoped that this legislation can protect the health and safety of emergency patients on a larger scale by increasing ADE facilities in major public places. In addition, this method may be extended to the whole country, and it is believed that the general ADE model will be realized in the whole country in the future.