Record paper medical record paper

With the continuous progress of science and technology, medical record paper has also carried out a variety of evolution, the following are introduced:

Record paper

Disinfectant concentration test paper: a rapid, sensitive, visual display of chlorine-containing disinfectants and peroxides concentration of the test paper. It is used 1 medium-speed filter paper cut into a certain size of the paper, into the pre-formulated iodine compounds in the wet combined solution immersed in 30 minutes, to be uniformly soaked in medical record paper paper ventilated and dried, cut into 5 mm to 6 mm wide paper strips, will be bound to the cost of the paper, affixed to the cover and the back cover, in the back cover with the concentration of the standard color gradient plate, sealed with cellophane that is a product. This method of testing a wide range, easy to use, can save sterilization costs, to ensure the effect of disinfection.

Deodorant paper (deodorant paper): the deodorant with a coating method, or medical records within the pulp to add, or made into a sheet like paper to add to the paper, that is to say, the paper as a deodorant material carrier. Deodorant coating is a mixture of citric acid and resins and other modulations, which contain inorganic substances capable of absorbing malodorous gases, such as barium sulfate and other fillers, as well as cross-linking agents, organic solvents and so on.

Oil-absorbent facial paper: In the process of making gold foil, it is necessary to clamp the gold foil from the paper layer, called gold foil molding paper. When the gold foil was pushed and pressed until it could be stretched thinly, the paper fibers were crushed and pulverized at the same time, and the medical record paper manufacturer accidentally discovered its ability to absorb oil and grease in the process. Later, the gold foil manufacturing industry declined, and oil-absorbing paper made from linen and paper pulp became popular. Geisha in Kyoto, Japan, with their snow-white faces, competed for the use of these products to maintain the integrity of their makeup. Afterwards, blotting paper became a specialty of local art stores in Kyoto, and through word-of-mouth among tourists, it became a special commodity for the medical record paper beauty industry in Asia.

Dust-free paper: the use of dry process production of expanded soft paper, in the early 1970s in the last century into the field of science and technology and industry, initially used mainly for air purification. Due to the manufacture of some special precision instruments must ensure the absolute purification of air, such as semiconductors, large-scale integrated circuits assembly line, so the use of dust-free medical record paper paper for purification. With the development of science and technology, dust-free paper is widely used in the production of women's sanitary napkins, paper sheets, pad paper, wet wipes, napkins, surgical paper, etc., and has been involved in the field of multi-functional special paper such as anti-chemical, anti-biological bacterial, anti-virus, anti-radioactive substances. It is particularly worth mentioning that the dust-free paper molding process does not have the three wastes of conventional paper pollution, medical record paper has a water-saving, energy-saving, equipment miniaturization, product value-added features.