China is a country with a serious shortage of water resources, with a small per capita possession, low utilization of water resources, serious pollution, and uneven spatial and temporal distribution.
In China, about 56% of the average annual precipitation is consumed in land evaporation and plant transpiration, i.e., the utilization rate of water resources from rainfall resources into surface runoff (secondary water resources) is only 44%.
At present, only 30% of the country's urban water sources meet hygiene standards, more than half of the country's seven major water systems are polluted, and about 93% of the 44 rivers flowing through 42 large and medium-sized cities are polluted. The country's 669 cities in 400 insufficient water supply, 110 serious water shortages, mostly in the north and northwest of China's semi-arid, arid areas, including North China's water scarcity has become an important obstacle to constrain the development of the national economy.
In 32 megacities with more than one million people, 30 are plagued by long-term water shortages; in 14 open coastal cities, 9 are seriously short of water. Among them, 16.5% of the cities with serious water shortage, more than 300 million people have unsafe drinking water. And according to the information: China's final utilization of water resources is only equivalent to 7.5% of the primary water resources utilization, 18% of the secondary water resources utilization, and 56.25% of the tertiary water resources utilization.
China's water resources distribution there is a significant spatial and temporal uneven distribution of water resources, and water resources distribution in the north and south of a significant uneven distribution of 81% of the country's water resources are concentrated in the Yangtze River and its south, and the Huaihe River and its north, the amount of water resources accounted for only 19% of the country. Overall: the distribution of water resources in the southern region more than the northern region, the eastern region more than the western region.
Expanded Information:
Citizen's Code of Conduct for Water Conservation
1, Concepts: Water Conservation for Pride
Strengthening the protection of water resources, water conservation of the construction of the legal system and publicity work to enhance the awareness of all the people's water conservation, so that people consciously recognize water is a precious resource. Resources, abandon the "inexhaustible, inexhaustible" stereotypes, a cherish water resources, water conservation and protection of water resources began to form a good social trend.
2, a water multi-purpose
Can reuse water resources, improve the utilization rate, help save water.
3, careful use of detergents
Most detergents are chemical products, detergent content of large quantities of wastewater discharged into the river, will deteriorate the quality of water.
Long-term improper use of detergents, will damage the human central system, so that people's intellectual development is impeded, thinking ability, analytical ability to reduce the seriousness of mental disorders. Detergents left on the clothes, will stimulate the skin allergic dermatitis, long-term use of high concentration of detergents, detergents in the carcinogens will be from the skin, oral cavity into the body, damage to health.
Most of the laundry detergents produced in China contain phosphorus. China's annual output of 2 million tons of laundry detergent, according to an average of 15% of the phosphorus content, there are more than 70,000 tons of phosphorus discharged into the surface water each year, to the rivers and lakes to bring great harm. According to the survey, Dianchi, Erhai, Xuanwu Lake, the total phosphorus levels are quite high, Kunming's domestic sewage laundry detergent brought in more than 50% of the total phosphorus load .
Large quantities of phosphorus-containing sewage into the water source, will cause algae in the water to grow wildly, so that eutrophication occurs in the body of water, the water oxygen content declines, and aquatic organisms due to a lack of oxygen and death. The water body will also become stagnant water, foul water.
4, cherish the paper
The surge in demand for paper is one of the reasons for the growth of wood consumption, the country's annual paper consumption of 10 million cubic meters of wood, more than 1.3 million tons of imported wood pulp, imported more than 4 million tons of paper. Paper consumption of large quantities not only caused by deforestation, but also due to the production of pulp emissions of sewage so that rivers and lakes are seriously polluted (pollution caused by the paper industry accounted for more than 30% of the pollution of the entire waters).
5, the development and promotion of water-saving appliances
According to incomplete statistics, China currently has nearly 40 million sets of toilet tanks and a large number of other sanitary appliances, the annual loss of water due to leakage of toilet tanks hundreds of millions of cubic meters.
Changsha Hydrological Bureau-China's water resources status
Baidu Encyclopedia-Protection of water resources