Types of optical fiber

Optical fiber in accordance with ITU-T recommendations for classification

1, G.651 multimode fiber (50/125μm, multimode gradient refractive index fibers) is suitable for wavelengths of 850nm/1310nm for short-distance transmission

2, G.652 conventional single-mode optical fiber (non-dispersion-shifted fiber STD): for 1310-1550nm access network, is the most widely used, is currently in addition to fiber to the home (FTTH) in addition to the home cable (FTTH) is the most widely used, the current in addition to fiber to the home (FTTH). SMF): for 1310-1550nm access network, is the most widely used optical fiber, in addition to fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) home cable, long distance, metropolitan area using almost all of the optical fiber for the G.652 fiber, applied to data communications and image transmission.

3, G.653 fiber (dispersion-shifted fiber DSF): in the λ = 1310nm near the zero-dispersion point, shifted to 1550nm wavelength, so that its loss coefficient and dispersion coefficient at λ = 1550nm wavelength are very small. It is suitable for long-distance transmission at 1550nm (backbone network/submarine fiber optic cable).

4, G.654 fiber (cut-off wavelength shifted fiber): for 1550nm long-distance transmission (submarine cable but does not support DWDM) it is at λ = 1550nm loss coefficient is very small, α = 0.2dB/km, the fiber bending performance is good. Mainly used for long distance non-regenerative submarine fiber optic cable system without inserting active devices. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to manufacture, expensive.

5, G.655 Fiber (Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber NZDSF, NonZero DispersionShifted Fiber): for 1550nm long distance transmission (backbone network.). Submarine fiber optic cable/support DWDM).

6, G.656 fiber (low-slope non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber): is a type of non-dispersion-shifted fiber, for the speed of dispersion has strict requirements to ensure that the transmission of a larger wavelength range in the DWDM system, in order to further expand the range of wavelengths available in the DWDM system, in the S (1460 ~ 1530 nm), C (1 530 ~ 1 565 nm) and L (1,565 to 1,625 nm) bands are maintained non-zero dispersion of a new type of optical fiber.

7, G657 ? Fiber (bending loss is not obvious single-mode fiber): FTTx bending radius is greater than G.652, so it is used in fiber to the home.

Based on the classification of fiber optic connector types, fiber optic patch cords can be divided into FC LC SC ST MTRJ and MPO?

Based on the number of fiber optic cores can be divided into single-core, dual-core, and multi-core (8-core, 12-core, 16-core, and 24-core)

Shanghai State Road Communication Technology Co. Ltd. to answer, hope to adopt, thank you