What is digitalization?

Digitization, a high-frequency word that emerged in 2020. It's not a new word, it's just that the epidemic has given the word greater practical significance and broader impetus, with telecommuting, lightweight services, and the demand for traditional enterprise transformation surging in the year.

Often referred to as digital transformation, in fact, for enterprises and institutions, enterprises to enhance their competitiveness as the fundamental goal, based on digital technology, data operation and maintenance as the core, to promote the business model, operational processes, management systems and other aspects of the digitalization of strategic initiatives.

Digitalization is the application of technological innovation in other areas, its ultimate goal is to promote the transformation of the business model, most of the changes in the business model need technical support, and each technological change, but also gave birth to a new business model. A business model, a description of how an organization performs its functions, is an outline summary of its main activities, which defines a company's customers, products, and services.

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Traditional units in the era of digitalization, with the rapid changes in the market, the development of science and technology, changes in consumer spending patterns, the emergence of a variety of cross-border competitors, it is inevitable to keep up with the times to make a change, looking for a new point of growth, otherwise it will be left behind by the new economic model. Enterprise digitalization has several major segments, intelligent production, personalized customization, network collaboration, service extension, different types of business units on the digitalization of each segment of the different needs, the overall process down to encompass the digital strategy, digital system, digital project development and digital platform operation.

The digital factory is the most representative case of digitalization in many types of enterprises, and its business functions include visualization and kanban management, daily exception processing, routine reports and operation analysis, performance analysis and personnel assessment, scientific decision-making and function prediction, and MES production management system. The complete digital factory solution from the supply chain to manufacturing management, and then to the digital marketing, the specific performance is throughout all aspects of factory operations.

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Manufacturing Operations Management Components:

PMC, production planning, planning scheduling, purchasing orders, material flush, inventory inquiries, inventory optimization, warehouse management, inventory leveling, receiving shelves, lineside warehousing, AGV distribution, finished goods warehousing, order shipment, logistics and distribution

Quality Management:

Quality Planning, product design quality control, supplier quality control, quality control of incoming materials, process quality control, finished product quality control, quality of defective products, continuous improvement

Production Management:

Work order management, outsourcing processing, electronic SOP, material bar code, transfer management, tooling fixtures, anti-dullness and error prevention, job reporting, process control, auxiliary materials control, personnel management, abnormal alarms

Operation and Maintenance Management:

Equipment Inspection, Equipment Maintenance, Spare Parts Management, Operation Monitoring, Failure Management, Energy Consumption Monitoring, Vehicle Management, Vehicle Access, Dispatch Management, Personnel Access, Access Control, Attendance Management, Personnel Management

Digitalization is a huge project, and the domestic factory digitalization is at the forefront of this, and the complexity of the production process and the benefits of intensive is the driving force behind the development of digitalization. Promote the development of digital motivation, factory digitalization intuitive performance is the integration of software and hardware, the kernel is still the modernization of advanced production management experience, the development of standards, control of each link, each link at a glance, everything is in order.