Low-frequency pulse therapy instrument is good
Huahan needle God brand low-frequency pulse therapy instrument for disease has a very good diagnosis and treatment of disease, low-frequency pulse therapy instrument for gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, bronchitis, cardiovascular disease, headache and insomnia, toothache and lumbago and geriatric syndromes and so on the most effective, at the same time, low-frequency pulse therapy instrument does not sting the skin without any side effects, suitable for you around the family of a therapeutic instrument. Low Frequency Pulse Therapeutic Apparatus Low Frequency Pulse Therapeutic Apparatus is a new generation of multi-purpose therapeutic apparatus developed by adopting the latest computer circuit technology. Under the premise of ensuring the therapeutic effect, it realizes the needle-free, i.e. non-traumatic acupuncture treatment. Low-frequency pulse therapy instrument is based on the meridians and internal organs in the physiopathology of the mechanism of mutual influence, low-frequency electronic pulse stimulation of acupuncture points, to achieve "through its meridians and collaterals, regulating its qi and blood" effect on respiration, blood circulation, digestion, reproduction, nerves, endocrine and other systemic diseases have to promote the role of adjusting and curing. Low-frequency pulse therapeutic instrument is based on the principle of traditional Chinese medicine meridian science, combined with modern electronic technology to complete the development of non-invasive non-invasive Chinese medicine high-tech therapeutic device, it is through the special wave stimulation of the body's effective acupuncture points, so that it interacts with the human body's bioelectricity, so as to comprehensively regulate the human body's immune system, the endocrine system and the nervous system, which can make the body's smooth muscle to produce a large contraction and diastole, improve the liver's circulation, so that liver cells get enough blood and blood circulation. So that the liver cells get enough blood and oxygen, is the new equipment for non-pharmacological treatment of diseases. Low Frequency Pulse Therapeutic Apparatus Contraindication 1. It is forbidden for patients with pacemakers. 2. 2. this instrument can not be used with high-frequency surgical equipment (such as high-frequency electrocautery) on a patient at the same time, such as the simultaneous use may cause burns. 3. this instrument is prohibited in the short-wave surgery equipment (such as high-frequency electrocautery). 3. This instrument is prohibited to be used in the near side of the short wave therapeutic instrument or ultrashort wave therapeutic instrument, which will cause interference to this instrument and make its output unstable. 4. This instrument should be prohibited to be used in conjunction with low frequency electronic pulse therapy device when it is prohibited to be used in conjunction with other medical devices. 5. It is forbidden to use this instrument in the place where there is skin disease or skin breakage, and it is also forbidden to use any electrodes in the accessories of this instrument. 6. Stimulation of acupoints within the facial triangle or acupoints around the heart must be performed in the presence of a clinician. 7. Critically ill patients, patients with heart disease, children, must be used under the guidance of a clinician. ? Huahan Acupuncture God Electronic Acupuncture Electronic Acupuncture Therapeutic Instrument Beijing Jin Huahan Huahan Acupuncture God Experience Address