1. China
China issued the Measures for the Administration of Air Traffic of Civilian Unmanned Aircraft, which reads as follows:
1. Civilian unmanned aircraft shall, in accordance with the law, engage in flights in the fields of industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery, mining and construction, as well as flights in the areas of medical care and health care, rescue and disaster relief, meteorological exploration, oceanographic detection, scientific experiment, remote sensing, mapping and surveying, education and training, culture and sports, and tourism and tourism. The flight activities of medical and health care, rescue and disaster relief, meteorological detection, scientific experimentation, remote sensing and mapping, education and training, culture and sports, tourism and sightseeing.
II. Civil UAV activities and their air traffic management shall comply with relevant laws and regulations, including the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Rules of Flight of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Control of General Aviation Flights, and the regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration of the People's Republic of China (CAAC).
Third, units and individuals organizing and implementing civil drone activities shall apply for the delimitation and use of airspace in accordance with the Regulations on General Aviation Flight Control and other regulations, accept the management of flight activities and air traffic services, and ensure flight safety.
Fourth, in order to avoid the impact on the flight safety of transportation aviation, it is prohibited to engage in drone flight activities within the flight airspace of civil transportation airports without the approval of the Regional Administration. When applying for the designation of temporary flight airspace for civil aviation drones, they should avoid flying in the same airspace with other manned civil aircraft.
V. Since there is no captain to perform the task during the flight of the drone, in order to ensure the flight safety, the drone controller shall assume the rights and responsibilities stipulated for the captain, and the drone controller shall be specified in the application for the flight plan.
Fifth, the organization and implementation of civil unmanned aircraft activities of the unit or individual should have the means to monitor or grasp the flight dynamics of its unmanned aircraft, at the same time in the process of flight activities with the relevant control units to establish reliable communication links, timely notification of the situation, and acceptance of air traffic control. In the event of abnormal drone flight activities, and may affect flight safety and public **** safety, the unit or individual who organizes and implements the civil drone activities shall immediately report to the relevant control unit.
VII. Civil drone flight activities within the temporary flight airspace shall be organized and implemented by the unit or individual engaged in civil drone flight activities, and shall be responsible for their safety.
VIII. Civil aviation air traffic control units shall carry out air traffic management of civil drone flight activities in accordance with relevant regulations and the requirements of these Regulations. Air traffic services shall not be provided simultaneously for civil drones and manned aircraft in an airspace designated for drone activities.
9. The crew of a civil aircraft discovering unmanned aircraft flight activities shall promptly report to the relevant air traffic control unit. When an air traffic control unit discovers unmanned aircraft activities in an area or receives a relevant report, it shall notify the controlled aircraft of the information on unmanned aircraft activities, put forward avoidance recommendations if necessary, and notify the relevant control unit, air traffic control operation management unit and the Civil Aviation Regulatory Authority of the location of the unmanned aircraft activities according to the requirements.
X. The use of radio frequencies and radio equipment in civil UAV activities shall comply with national radio management regulations and provisions, and shall not cause harmful interference to aviation radio frequencies. Civilian unmanned aircraft remote control system shall not use aviation radio frequencies. Where radio equipment is set up on a civil unmanned aircraft and aviation radio frequencies are used, an application shall be submitted to the Office of the Radio Regulatory Commission of the Civil Aviation Administration.
XI. Without authorization, voice broadcasting communication signals shall not be transmitted on civil unmanned aircraft.
XII. The use of civil unmanned aircraft shall comply with the radio control orders issued by the relevant state departments.
2. Britain
Drones must always be kept in the line of sight of the controller, the flyer, and must be greater than 50 meters away from people, vehicles and buildings, and fly at an altitude of no higher than 120 meters; since Nov. 30 last year, drones with a mass of 250 grams to 20 kilograms have to be registered, and drone users are also required to register and take a test on their ability to pilot the drones.
In the wake of the Gatwick drone incident, the British government has expanded the no-fly zone for drones near airports from the previous 1 kilometer to 5 kilometers, extended the no-fly zone at the end of runways, and given the police new enforcement powers over drone flyers, with violators of these laws facing up to five years in prison.
3. France
In France, civilian drones can only be flown during daytime, and nighttime flights must be approved in advance by the relevant authorities, while drone operators should keep their drones within visual range. When a "first-person view" flight is conducted or a drone device is used to follow an activity that prevents the operator from tracking the vehicle directly with the naked eye, another person must be in charge of monitoring the situation.
From the point of view of the limitations of the flight area, drone flights are prohibited over cities and surrounding areas, including highways, parks, beaches and other public **** places, and also over airports, nuclear power plants, military bases, historical sites, hospitals, prisons, nature reserves and other sensitive or protected areas and their surroundings. For some important airports, the drone ban will even be extended to a 10-kilometer radius around the airport.
In addition, even in private places, drones must be flown away from crowds or vehicles, and flight altitude and speed must be controlled within safe limits to avoid causing safety accidents. Drone users must also respect the privacy of others, and are not allowed to photograph others and their property, disseminate the captured content, or use it for commercial purposes without permission. In addition, operating a drone in a moving vehicle is also a prohibited behavior.
Existing regulations also clearly stipulate the flight limit for civil drones: outside of the licensed flight zone for model aviation, the maximum flight altitude of a drone may not exceed 150 meters above the ground or water surface.
Users of drones that violate these regulations can face fines of up to 75,000 euros and up to one year in prison. In the case of "unintentional" or "intentional" maneuvering of a drone into a no-fly zone, the judiciary will have the power to punish drone operators with a "fine of 15,000 euros, imprisonment of six months," and a "fine of up to 10,000 euros, imprisonment of six months," and a "fine of up to 10,000 euros, imprisonment of six months," respectively.
4, the United States
It is recommended that the flight altitude of the aircraft is best not to exceed 400 feet, away from the surrounding air obstacles, the aircraft must remain in the line of sight, to ensure that the operator of the aircraft mastery of the degree of proficiency and sober, never interfere with a manned aircraft or aerial objects, and moreover, do not overfly the sensitive areas and facilities, and do not get prior permission to follow the case of anyone. Do not follow anyone or any activity without prior permission.
When entering any community, you should first understand the local regulations and laws, in short, without understanding the local environment, the arbitrary use of aircraft may lead to regulatory trouble and safety issues.
5, Russia
In Russia to use drones must be applied for in advance, aerial photography is also. Currently, the only law you can look for regarding drone management in Russia is the Russian Federation's Aerial Regulation of March 11, 2010, which was enacted. According to article 52 of the regulation, an application must be submitted in advance for drone use and the relevant permit must be obtained, the reality being that the average individual and social organization has no chance whatsoever of obtaining that permit.
6. Australia
According to the Australian Aviation Authority (AAA), non-commercial drones are not allowed to fly within 3 nautical miles of an airport, or 400 feet above ground level into controlled airspace if they are flying in a large town. In addition, drones must be kept at a safe distance of at least 30 meters from people, and flying at night is also not allowed.
7. Japan
Japan's House of Representatives voted to pass the Small Drone Flight Control Act, which lists the prime minister's residence, the Diet, the Imperial Palace and other important facilities, as well as the outer 300 meters as no-fly zones, and violators can be sentenced to less than one year in prison or fined up to 30,000 yuan.
The amendments to the Aviation Act, collectively known as the Drone Control Act, prohibit unauthorized flights over areas that affect aviation safety, over areas where there is a concentration of people in residential areas, and over areas where there is a high concentration of people, such as rallies and exhibitions. Flying at night without a permit is in principle not allowed.
People's Daily Online - Drones plague London airports one after another
People's Daily Online - France continues to improve regulations governing civil Drone use
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