Do you really know how harmful prolonged Internet surfing is to you?

Expert tips: long face computer and use of cell phones can lead to skin cancer

In your daily enjoyment of modern technology to bring the convenience and comfort, has it ever occurred to you, in the unknowing your health has encountered electromagnetic radiation this invisible killer attack. A recent debate about cell phone radiation standards not only triggered more attention to the issue of radiation in electronic products, but also gave the world's electronics industry put forward a new security issues.

In view of the threat and impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) announced the international standard for electromagnetic radiation on March 16 this year, thus making the issue of electromagnetic radiation once again a focal point of consumer concern.

"I don't dare to pick up the cell phone now," said Ms. Xu in Beijing, who has been suffering from the headache caused by electromagnetic radiation from her cell phone. She told reporters that due to work needs, often two or three hours a day with a cell phone call, a long time, by the cell phone electromagnetic radiation, headache again. The 27-year-old Ms. Li engaged in advertising planning and creative work has been 5 years, day and night overtime and one after another project creative planning and long time cell phone to keep communicating with customers is her main work, but long time facing the computer and the use of the computer but make her skin dull, yellow, small rashes or erythema constantly, and frequent irritability, insomnia, vertigo, headache and other symptoms, diagnosed by the hospital as basal cell carcinoma. She was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, which was likely to be transformed into leukemia if not treated in time. To this day, Ms. Li in hate electromagnetic radiation at the same time, but also trying to through the proper channels to complain, for their own back to a fair.

Such a situation is not just an isolated phenomenon. In big cities like Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, more and more urbanites are suffering from sagging skin, hyperpigmentation, waxy face, enlarged pores, and other ailments due to excessive use of computers, cell phones and microwave ovens, bursting with headaches, nausea, blurred vision, rising blood pressure, sleep disorders, etc.

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The report of the authoritative medical journal "The Lancet" shows that prolonged exposure to computers and the use of cell phones, such as improper protection, is easy to make long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation in the range of the head, face, neck, back of the hand skin cancer. The eyes, nose, nasolabial folds and cheeks are most likely to be affected. These high-intensity electromagnetic radiation can cause great harm to human skin health. Clinical data in the last 5 years show that there is a significant increase in the number of patients with cancerous lesions in the parietal eyes, nose, nasolabial folds and cheeks. Foreign countries also have relevant reports about the incident of cell phone brain tumor, in general, the best cell phone long story short for good. In addition, long time face computer and use of cell phone prone to skin cancer is more likely to cause leukemia; according to Germany's "Picture Post" reported that the EU scientists research results confirmed that electromagnetic radiation can destroy cells and DNA with human genetic information.

According to the China Interior Decorators Association of indoor environment monitoring work committee of Professor Zhao Yufeng, computer, television in the use of state generated by static electricity on the skin killing power. The skin kills a lot of people. Static electricity will make the fluorescent screen surface adsorption of many airborne dust and dirt. If people close at hand, a lot of dust will fall on the skin, so that the skin's pores clogged, become acne "breeding ground", but also adsorbed the skin surface water, so that the epidermis dehydration, pore size, the skin becomes more rough. And dry skin, may lead to photosensitive dermatosis - small rashes or red spots on the skin.

The jury is still out on how much electromagnetic radiation affects the human body, but one thing is for sure electromagnetic radiation affects the human body. Electromagnetic radiation has caused widespread concern around the world, because there are now 1 billion cell phone users 1.3 billion computer users and 70 million microwave oven users worldwide, and the annual rate of increase in the billions. People do not want to be because of the original electromagnetic radiation and even the minimum communication tools can not be used, and even more can not accept it in how many years after the serious impact on human health.

In recent years, electromagnetic radiation pollution has attracted the attention of countries around the world, domestic and international reports on the hazards of electromagnetic radiation are numerous, in the face of scientists' research, a large number of reliable data, the defense of people's health has been launched.

How strong is the electromagnetic radiation of the computer? How harmful is it?

The terminal of the computer is the monitor, it is the same principle as the TV, when the cathode ray tube emits a stream of electrons hit the fluorescent screen, can be converted into visible light, in the process will produce harmful to the human body X-rays. And around the VDT will also produce low-frequency electromagnetic fields, long-term pollution by electromagnetic radiation, easily lead to glaucoma, blindness, leukemia, breast cancer and other diseases. According to incomplete statistics, commonly used in computer fatigue accounted for 83%, shoulder pain accounted for 63.9%, headache and loss of appetite accounted for 56.1% and 54.4%, and other autonomic disorders, depression, arteriosclerosis psychosis and so on.

How to minimize the harm of computer radiation on the human body, the author believes that the following points should be done:

1. Avoid prolonged continuous operation of the computer, pay attention to the middle of the rest. To maintain a most appropriate posture, the distance between the eyes and the screen should be 40 to 50 centimeters, so that both eyes are flat or gazing mildly downward at the fluorescent screen.

2. A good working environment should be maintained indoors, such as a comfortable temperature, clean air, and appropriate anion and ozone concentrations.

3. The light in the computer room should be appropriate, not too bright or too dark, to avoid direct light on the fluorescent screen and produce interference with light. The studio should be kept ventilated and dry.

4. Computer fluorescent screen to use color filters to reduce visual fatigue. It is best to use glass or high-quality plastic filters.

5. Install protective devices to weaken the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

6. Pay attention to keep your skin clean. The surface of the computer fluorescent screen there is a lot of static electricity, its collection of dust can be transmuted to the face and hands of the skin exposed, over time, prone to rashes, hyperpigmentation, and in severe cases, even cause skin lesions and so on.

7. Pay attention to supplemental nutrition. Computer operators in front of the fluorescent screen work time is too long, the retina on the retina of the retinal retinal will be consumed, and the retinal retinal retinal retinal retinal retinal retinal retinal retinal red by vitamin A synthesis. Therefore, computer operators should eat more carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, jujube, oranges, and milk, eggs, animal liver, lean meat and other foods to supplement the human body vitamin A and protein. And drink more tea, tea in the tea polyphenols and other active substances will be conducive to the absorption and resistance to radioactive substances


Reveal the computer "radiation" of the X-Files

As the saying goes: no gold is perfect. Computer, as a modern high-tech products and electrical equipment, in bringing more convenience, efficiency and joy to people's lives at the same time, there are some adverse factors harmful to human health.

The computer on human health hazards, from the type of radiation, mainly including computers in the work of electromagnetic radiation (various electromagnetic rays and electromagnetic waves, etc.), sound (noise), light (ultraviolet, infrared radiation, as well as visible light, etc.) and other types of radiation "pollution".

From the point of view of the source of radiation, they include CRT monitor radiation sources, chassis radiation sources, as well as speakers, printers, copiers and other peripheral equipment radiation sources. One of the CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor imaging principle, determines that it is difficult to completely eliminate harmful radiation in the use of the process. Because it is working, its internal high-frequency electron gun, deflection coil, high-voltage packages and peripheral circuits, will produce such as ionizing radiation (low-energy X-rays), non-ionizing radiation (low-frequency, high-frequency radiation), electrostatic fields, optical radiation (including ultraviolet, infrared radiation and visible light, etc.) and other types of rays and electromagnetic waves. While the liquid crystal display is the use of physical properties of liquid crystal, its working principle is completely different from the CRT display, inherently radiation-free (negligible), environmentally friendly "health" type of display; chassis internal components, including high-frequency, power consumption of the CPU, with a large number of internal integration of transistors of the main chip of the card The various components inside the chassis, including high-frequency, power-consuming CPU, various boards with a large number of internal transistors integrated into the main chip, with high-speed DC servo motors of the CD-ROM drive, floppy drive and hard disk, a number of cooling fans and transformers inside the power supply, etc., when the work of the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation and noise interference. In addition, external speakers, copiers and other peripheral equipment radiation source is also a not to be ignored "source".

From the point of view of the degree of harm, there is no doubt that electromagnetic radiation is the most harmful. Medical experts at home and abroad research shows that long-term, excessive electromagnetic radiation will cause direct harm to the human reproductive system, nervous system and immune system, is the main cause of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer mutation and cause pregnant women miscarriage, infertility, teratology and other lesions of the triggering factors, and can directly affect the minors of the body's tissues and bone development, caused by visual acuity, memory loss and decreased hematopoietic function of the liver! In addition, electromagnetic radiation can directly affect the development of minors' body tissues and bones, cause vision, memory loss and decrease of liver hematopoietic function, and lead to retinal detachment in serious cases. In addition, electromagnetic radiation is also a hidden danger to information security, the use of specialized signal receiving equipment can be received and deciphered, resulting in information leakage and unnecessary losses. Excessive electromagnetic radiation will also interfere with other electronic equipment around, affecting its normal operation and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems.

Therefore, electromagnetic radiation has been listed by the World Health Organization as the fourth largest source of environmental pollution following the water, air, noise, and become a hazard to human health of the invisible "killers", protection against electromagnetic radiation has become a priority.


Health countermeasures A plan of spear and shield

As the saying goes: the devil is one foot high, the road is high. In view of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from computers, relevant international and domestic professional organizations and computer manufacturers have long since begun the work of protecting against computer radiation. After years of efforts, the computer and other electronic products manufacturing, radiation, energy saving, environmental protection, ergonomics and other aspects of the development of MPR, TCO, FCC, UL and other stringent certification standards to ensure that human health is not jeopardized. At the same time, the so-called energy-saving, environmentally friendly, radiation-free "green computer" also came into being in recent years.

The harm of electromagnetic radiation for the computer, can be taken to active protection and passive protection of two methods. Passive protection method, that is, in addition to improving the working environment and pay attention to the use of methods, take to frequent contact and operation of computers equipped with radiation clothing, radiation screen, radiation curtains, radiation glass and other measures to reduce or eliminate the harm of electromagnetic radiation; active protection method, it is from the computer electromagnetic radiation "source" -- monitor and chassis components. -- monitor and chassis and other components to start, it will eliminate or shielding.

One is to buy, that is, to buy the strength of manufacturers on the market to meet the "green computer" standard products; the second is DIY, that is, to buy through a variety of certification standards, "green" computer accessories, to create their own healthy computer. Here we will focus on how to choose to meet the radiation protection standard accessories to DIY healthy computer.

When using the computer, to adjust the brightness of the screen, in general, the greater the screen brightness, the stronger the electromagnetic radiation, and vice versa, the smaller. However, it should not be adjusted too dark, so as not to affect the effect of too little brightness, and easy to cause eye fatigue.

When operating the computer, pay attention to the screen to maintain an appropriate distance. The closer the screen, the greater the electromagnetic radiation suffered by the human body, so the better is 0.5M away from the screen.

In addition, in the operation of the computer, the face will be adsorbed a lot of electromagnetic radiation particles, to wash your face with water in a timely manner, which will reduce the radiation received by more than 70%.

There is another kind of tea

Commonly used computer in 83% of the people feel eye fatigue, 64% often feel shoulder pain, in addition, many people have tears, loss of appetite, sore throat, cough, chest tightness and other symptoms, and even slow action, memory loss.

Computer radiation not only jeopardizes human health, but also affects the quality and efficiency of work. For people who live a stressful and busy life, the easiest way to ward off computer radiation is to drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea and eat an orange every morning. Tea is rich in vitamin A original, it is absorbed by the body, can be quickly converted into vitamin A. Vitamin A not only can synthesize retinol, but also can make the eyes in the dark light to see things more clearly, so green tea can not only eliminate the hazards of computer radiation, but also to protect and improve eyesight. If you are not used to drinking green tea, chrysanthemum tea can also play a role in resisting computer radiation and regulating body functions.

The placement of the computer is very important. Try not to let the back of the screen towards someone's place, because the strongest computer radiation is the back, followed by the left and right sides, the front of the screen but the weakest radiation. To be able to read the words prevail, at least 50 centimeters to 75 centimeters away, which can reduce the damage of electromagnetic radiation.

Pay attention to indoor ventilation: scientific research has confirmed that the computer screen can produce a carcinogen called brominated dibenzofuran. Therefore, it is best to install a ventilation fan in the room where the computer is placed, and if not, pay particular attention to ventilation when surfing the Internet.

Care: The most visible part of facial aging is the eyes, so it is especially important to take care of the eyes.

Eye cream: It has a moisturizing effect, and in addition to reducing the problem of dark circles and bags under the eyes, it also has the effect of improving wrinkles and fine lines.

Eye gel: and the effect of the eye cream is almost the same, but the gel texture rub up more refreshing, daytime use of the skin without the burden of feeling, most of the elimination of under-eye bags, dark circles, soothing eye skin symptoms.


Radiation of electromagnetic waves on the human body has eight major injuries:

1, cellular cancer promotion

2, hormonal abnormalities

3, calcium ion intense loss

4, dementia triggered

5, abnormal pregnancy abnormal birth

6, high blood pressure heart disease

7, electromagnetic waves Allergies

8, the increase in suicides

Using a computer you have to pay attention to the four major hazards of computer radiation are as follows: !)

1, computer radiation pollution will affect the human body's circulatory system, immune, reproductive and metabolic functions, serious also induce cancer, and will accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. `

2, affecting people's reproductive system is mainly manifested in men with reduced sperm quality, pregnant women with spontaneous abortion and fetal malformation, etc. 2.}N

3, affecting people's cardiovascular system manifested in palpitations, insomnia, some women's menstrual disorders, bradycardia, decreased cardiac output, sinus irregularities, leukocyte reduction, decreased immune function, etc. 5S

4, on people's visual system has an adverse effect due to the eyes belong to the human body on the sensitive organ of electromagnetic radiation, excessive electromagnetic radiation pollution will also have an impact on the visual system. The main manifestation of vision loss, causing cataracts, etc. Zc=

The State Administration of Quality Supervision yesterday announced the latest computer product quality national supervision and sampling results show that the electromagnetic radiation in the computer can not be ignored.

The AQSIQ sampled computer products in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Hubei and other 14 provinces and cities, the sampling pass rate of 72%. It is understood that the sampling results show that the current domestic market in the computer products in the computing speed, multimedia features and hardware and software supportability than before have improved, but some companies are not stable enough product quality level. In this sampling, four pass, HP, Muze and other well-known enterprises of computer products were also identified as unqualified products.

It is understood that the computer product quality national inspection of the main quality problems found in the process of sampling electromagnetic compatibility in the radiated nuisance, conducted nuisance indicators exceed the standard. Radiation harassment is a computer work to space emitted by an electromagnetic wave interference, this interference will affect other electrical appliances, especially high-sensitivity electrical appliances work properly; Conducted harassment will affect the normal operation of other electrical appliances in the same grid, such as the composition of the entire system of motherboards, display cards, switching power supplies, monitors, keyboards, mice, etc., if you buy a bad radiation harassment caused by the exceeding standards. Sampling found that some enterprises due to insufficient understanding of the standard, parts and components import control and production line assembly quality control is not strict, the lack of the necessary means of detection, resulting in unqualified product quality.

Beware of computer hazards to your health:

It has been said that the computer, the network is the 21st century survival tool, do not understand the computer and the network of people in the new century will not be able to survive. Therefore, whether it is a gray-haired old man or a toddler, the whole country, are learning computers, learning the Internet. However, excessive indulgence in computer operation and Internet surfing is extremely damaging to one's health, and even jeopardizes one's life in serious cases. Not long ago, a young man in Xicheng District, Beijing, suddenly died next to his computer after arguing with someone on the Internet. This is a tragedy. "The body is the capital of the revolution", once the health is damaged, even if the computer again know how to understand the Internet again will be able to drive the survival of the new century tools will not help.

Prevention of computer syndrome

The specific manifestation of computer syndrome is long-term computer operation, programming personnel due to central nervous and vegetative nervous disorders caused by headache, insomnia, palpitations, excessive sweating, anorexia, nausea, as well as depressed mood, slow thinking, easy to irritate, and often fatigue and other symptoms.

Medical doctors and physiologists believe that the reason for computer syndrome is because the important components of a computer are the monitor, the keyboard, and the computer mouse. Computer monitor is a high brightness, flicker, with radiation screen, it will hurt people's eyes; keyboard keys on the dense, key surface has a certain elasticity and resistance, long-term keystroke will be unfavorable to the fingers and upper limbs; the use of computers in the process of people face a long time computer peripherals and displays, blinking times reduce the number of leading to dry eye; the use of computers require the body is straight, the body and the whole body shall not have changes, so that long time will be The computer requires the body to be straight, the body shape and the whole body must not be changed, so long time will appear lumbar acid neck straight, head swelling, dry eyes, general discomfort and other symptoms.

The radiation generated by the computer work is harmful to the body. There are two types of computer radiation: low-energy X-rays and low-frequency electromagnetic sound radiation, longer in this environment and neglect the necessary health care will cause central nervous system disorders.

Long-term operation of the computer will make people produce mental and psychological stress. Because there can not be the slightest error in the computer operation process, requiring a high degree of concentration, eye, finger fast and frequent movement, so that the human physiology, psychological are overburdened, resulting in insomnia, neurasthenia, headache, decreased immunity, and even induced a number of mental illnesses.

Physiologists also believe that the long-term operation of the computer will make the human mind stereotypes dislocation caused by human psychological imbalance. Because of the computer communication is different from the human communication, the former only need to give the correct order, the latter also need to coordinate a variety of relationships, solve a variety of problems. This is easy to make long-term computer operators to develop either adhere to, or give up the thinking of stereotypes, and generalized to deal with interpersonal relationships, thus appearing "stereotypes of misalignment". This kind of people in real life in the easy loss of self-confidence, difficult to do a good job, aggravated by the inner tension, boredom, anxiety and restlessness, and ultimately lead to physical and mental exhaustion, a variety of physiological and psychological symptoms.

To prevent computer syndrome, physiologists believe that long-term operation of the computer must be adjusted physically and mentally, to correct the misplaced thinking stereotypes, and on this basis to deal with a variety of interpersonal relationships. Strengthen the sense of self-care, take the necessary preventive measures. Such as proper preparation before work, proper rest during work, proper relaxation after work, and strengthening physical exercise in general. Coordinate from the direction of nutrition, eat more food rich in vitamins and proteins. Regular physical examination and self-physiological measurements, discovering problems and making immediate adjustments to alleviate the symptoms concerned. Pay attention to the protection of the eyes, operation often far away, blinking, closed eyes rest, more eye training and do eye exercises and so on.

Beware of Internet addiction

In foreign countries due to the increasing number of Internet addiction, there have been many places to open a computer disease clinic. The newly published "Chicago Tribune" on the network users have this question: such as not online "surfing", you will feel restless; whether you originally intended to only 15 minutes of Internet access, but ultimately more than 2 hours or more; your monthly phone bill is getting longer and longer? If you answer "yes" to the above, you must have a tendency to Internet addiction.

Internet addicts mainly have the following symptoms: extreme mental exuberance after surfing the Internet and happy to use the network for a long time to obtain psychological satisfaction, the behavior after surfing the Internet can not be self-control, or through the Internet to escape from reality, and often anxiety, depression, interpersonal relationship indifference, mood fluctuations, irritability and other phenomena; family and friends to hide their own is a "netizen! They hide that they are "Internet addicts" from their family and friends; they spend more time online than they originally planned every time, and even wander around in the unreal environment all night long, while they are drowsy and uninterested in real life during the daytime; they keep their fingers moving when they are not on the Internet, and in serious cases, their whole body trembles, spasms, and destroys objects; they are even obliged to eat and sleep just for the sake of living; and they are unable to pull themselves out of the situation due to being trapped in it too y, and they eventually embark on the road of suicide. The first time I saw this, it was a very good idea to go to the Internet and get rid of it.

For people who surf the Internet, we must pay attention to maintain a normal and regular life; entertainment, not too obsessed; Internet time should not be too long, generally 1-2 hours, especially to pay attention to stay away from all the pornography, violent programs. Adults who are physically weak are advised not to surf the Internet. Children and teenagers are in a period of growth and development, parents should pay attention to their supervision, strict control, so as not to become a victim of Internet addiction.

The mouse is hazardous to hand health

Hundreds of millions of computer users may not be aware that cheap mice can cause injuries to their hands due to "repetitive strain injuries," which are on the rise globally.

Experts warn that anyone who uses a mouse can develop "repetitive strain injury" of the hands. Early symptoms include fatigue or numbness in the hands, a "clicking" sound in the joints of the fingers or wrist, and tingling in the fingers.

Pascarelli, a Washington, D.C.-based expert on repetitive strain injuries of the hands, said, "It's safe to say that a mouse is more likely to cause injury than a keyboard." This is because when people use a mouse, they are forced to concentrate on one or two fingers repeatedly. In addition, in order to match the slight activity of the mouse, the ligaments of the wrist are also prone to strain, leading to tendonitis.

Claimed to be more compatible with the design of the hand than the mouse "slider" (trackball), in fact, will also force the wrist and some of the fingers to repeat the unnatural movements, while at the same time, some other hand muscle movement is not enough. Pascarelli said, "We simply can not find a mouse or a trackball, can be used for a long time without damage to health."

This is certainly very bad news for computer users. Now that both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems are graphical, people are relying on the mouse more and more every day. To avoid injuries, experts say, "The best way by far is to use a variety of different input devices."

Children should be cautious about learning computers

Experts have found that many parents, unwilling to let their children lose at the starting line, let their children learn computers at an early age, and even from kindergarten onwards, many parents support their children's learning of computers. However, if children before puberty are allowed to use computers alone for long periods of time, there are not only benefits, but if not handled correctly, it can leave a trail of harmful effects ----------- that can cause obstacles to the child's thinking and emotional life. So much so that the damage caused affects the child for the rest of his or her life.

The main reason for this problem is that once a child is hooked on the computer, they may spend hours a day playing with it, causing the child's eyes to glaze over, their wrists, arms and back to ache, and they may also affect the normal development of their bones due to poor sitting posture.

School or home computers are usually designed for adults, and children sitting at a computer desk often have to stretch their necks to see the words or graphics on the screen, and the keyboard can't be high-speed to a height that suits them, plus the chairs don't fit, so they have to shrug their shoulders to press the keys. Problems are more likely to occur if they spend long hours in front of the computer doing homework or playing games. The most serious problem is the emergence of bad posture, over time, their bodies will be deformed, the occurrence of the spine, wrists, neck and back muscle pain phenomenon.

The U.S. Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration's report points out that each year, 650,000 employed people across the United States are affected by inappropriate or excessive use of computers, and most of these people who often cry out for neck, back, and wrist pain have been harmed by bad computer equipment in their childhood. Parents must tell their children to pay special attention to the sitting posture, sitting for a long time must stand up, stretch arms, fingers, and move their bodies to eliminate fatigue.

Psychologists point out that the logical way of thinking is formed by the human vocabulary, language, experience and other **** with the formation. Youth development of children for a long time alone "traveling" computer, computer symbols of thinking will dominate his basic way of thinking, fragmented symbols of machine thinking will replace the ability to think logically. Memorization is different from understanding. Memorization is just saving what is already in the brain, while understanding means making everything your own. With prolonged use of computers, children have less active memory for thorough understanding. Computers cannot solve everything. Children spend too much time with computers too early and become overly attached to them, which is not conducive to the formation of an independent life. The information in the computer can't be removed from the fake to save the truth, the pornographic content on the international Internet is very serious to children, and only with the computer with the children are not good at communicating with others.

To reduce the harm caused by the use of computers by children, children grow up physically and mentally. Parents should use computers with their children, give the necessary guidance and communicate with their children.

How to protect your eyes after surfing the Internet for a long time?

Computer bright eye program

Many people sit in front of the computer, whether it is chatting on the Internet, playing Game or dealing with paperwork, often a sit is a few hours, once the end, only to find that they not only back pain, and the eyes also follow the fatigue, soreness up. Coupled with the room air conditioning, often make the eyes unconsciously dry, red, if the fatigue is not improved, if the long-term down not only in the appearance of dark circles, white eyeballs filled with blood and other changes, time will also cause vision loss, optic nerve dissonance and other issues. So, how can computer people to protect both eyes?

When using the computer or reading books and newspapers, it is best to take a 5-minute break every 30 minutes, stand up and walk around, or look out of the window can be, and has been paying attention to the close range of the line of sight to pull long and far.

Maintaining the eyes of the good countermeasures

1, drink more water: especially in the air-conditioned office or room, should pay special attention to water supplementation, can improve the eyes mucous membrane dry state.

2, eye drops, saline, artificial tears: people wearing contact lenses often rely on these eye drops to protect the eyes; some people in order to prevent eye dryness, but also in the pharmacy to buy some eye drops to point, but it is important to note that the source of the drops, it is best to be diagnosed by a doctor to prescribe, a more secure. Because most of the eye drops or artificial tears, in order to save the convenience, will add preservatives or biocides, the general public in the use of should not be too big a problem, but if the allergic body is difficult to say.

3, cold, hot compresses: in the eye fatigue, you can use ice and hot compresses alternately soothe the eyes, but not ice or pressure to the eyeballs, hot compresses are the same, not more than 5 minutes at a time, you can with the eyes up and down the left and right, rotate, and do a few more times, can promote blood circulation around the eyes, for the fatigue caused by the improvement of the dark circles under the eyes has a very good effect.

4, usually can eat more food containing beta carotene: carrots, papaya, pumpkin, green vegetables. Some people in the office will brew some wolfberry tea or cassia tea, these are very helpful to the eyes.

Simple massage

a. Rub the palms of your hands against each other until they are hot, cover your eyes with your hot palms and turn your eyes up and down.

b. With eyes closed, gently press the index fingers of both hands along the brow bone until the temples, pressing slightly harder on the temples. Then press down from the temples to the lower orbits until the junction with the bridge of the nose.

C. Eyes closed, the index fingers of both hands along the bridge of the nose, the sides of the nose, up and down back and forth rubbing. And the index finger forcefully press the depression on both sides of the nose.

Frequent use of computers, you may want to take advantage of the rest of the time to give yourself a little massage, for eye fatigue is also very helpful.