(ii) Words that meet the rules for pronouncing vowel letters
lake lake[leik]
face face[feis] cake[keik]
palace palace[plis] make make[meik]
case[keis] take take[teik]
3. ame pronounced[eim] 7. ate pronounced[eit],ade pronounced[eid]
game[ɡeim] plate[pleit]
safe[seif] late[leit]
same[seim] same[seim] ice skating same[seim] skate skate[skeit]
composite word association: from name (first name) (big) gate gate[ɡeit]
association family['fmili] family; again grade (rank)grade[ɡreid]
association family name last name date reading date[deit]
4. ane reads [ein] 8. ave reads [eiv]
crane, crane reads crane[krein] Dai Wei (male first name) Dave[deiv]
aircraft, plane reads plane[plein] save save[seiv]
5. ape reads [eip] brave brave[breiv]
tape tape[teip] away (from) leave[li:v]
shape[eip] have is the trope read have[hv]
Synonym association: by have the single triple present tense of have has[hz]. Past had[hd].
(ii) e is pronounced [i:] in stressed open syllables
1. The letter e is pronounced [i:] 2. ese is pronounced [i:z]
Male he he[hi:] Please please[pli:z]
Female she she[i:] (Chinese) Chinese[taini:z]
We we[[wi:] Japanese (Japanese). wi:] (Japanese) Japanese
I read me[mi:] [dpni:z]
This, that the reads [][i:] Lexical associations: China[tain] China by Chinese (Chinese is pronounced be[bi:] language);
Sports reads P.E[pi:i:] by Japanese (Japanese) association
Word association: by be (is) association Japan[pn] Japan.
Present tense of be am, is,are. plus letter association: by please (please)
Homophonic word association: by be (is) association association please[pi:zd] (happy
bee[bi:] (bee) of).
(c) i(y) is pronounced [ai] in stressed open syllables
1. i and y are both pronounced [ai] sky sky [skai]
my my [mai]
why why [wai] fruit (vegetable, meat) juice juice
shy shy [ai] [du:s]
eye[ai] office read office[fis]
cry[krai] 3. ide read [aid]
try try[trai] pride pride[praid]
fly fly[flai] ride ride[raid]
buy buy[bai] (in the ...) beside
be by[bai] [bisaid]
bye bye[bai] side[said]
ski[ski:] decide decide[disaid]
feed read hi[hai] (to) guide guide[ɡaid]
Homophone association: by eye 4. ike pronounced [aik]
Association I[ai] I Mike[maik]
2. ice pronounced [ais] 喜(歡)like[laik]
价格[prais] bike bike[baik]
米rais[rais] like like[laik]
好的nice[nais] Prefix association: by like(喜欢)
冰ice[ais] association dislike[dislaik](讨厌;不喜欢)
5.ine读[ain] Suffix association: by like(喜欢)
5. ain] suffix association: by write (writing)
mine mine mine [main] writer [rait] (author).
good fine[fain] 7. ive reads [aiv], ove reads [u:v]
glow shine[ain] arriverive[raiv]
line line[lain] drive[draiv]
machine trope read machine
dwelling live[liv]
[mi:n] to give[ɡiv]
internal medicine read medicine expensive expensive
[medisin] [ikspensiv]
6. ite read [ait] to raise improve improve[impru:v ]
White (last name) White[wait] Suffix association: by drive associate write[rait] think driver[draiv] (driver).
Favorite 8. ise pronounced [aiz]
[feivrit] exercise exercise [ekssaiz]
kite pronounced kite [kait] intelligent wise [waiz]
Homophonic associations: by white [wai surprise]. surprise[spraiz]
The association white[wait].
(iv) o is pronounced [u] in both stressed open syllables and unstressed syllables
so[su] yoyo yo-yo[ju ju]
not no[nu] zero[ziru]
formerly ago ago[ɡu] tv play was pronounced video[vidiu]
go is pronounced go[ɡu]. Homophone association: from no (not) to photo photo [futu] think know [nu] (know)
also [:lsu] 2. oke pronounced [uk]
potato potato [pteitu] break broke [bruk]
tomato tomato [tmɑ:tu] (play) laughjoke[juk]
Tokyo[tukiu] Coca-Cola pronounced Coke[kuk]
Toronto Smoke smoke[smuk]
[trntu] 3.one pronounced [un]
Kilogram kilo[kilu] Phone telephone[ telifun]
feed hello[hlu] Bone is pronounced bone[bun]
piano is pronounced [pinu] one is pronounced one[wn]
4. ose is pronounced [uz]
Those those[uz] of the singular triple present tense does[ dz]
nose[nuz] homophone association: by to[to]
close[kluz] too[tu:] (also)
6. ome pronounced [m]
word sense association: by close close some some [sm]
closed. come [km]
5. The letter o is pronounced [u:]
welcome [welkm]
do [du:] ▲home home [hum]
to to [tu:] Syntactic associations: by home
shoe read shoe [u:] homework[humw:k]
to...li into[intu:] (homework).
(to...) onto[ntu] ove pronounced [v]
Word association: by do (to do) glove glove[ɡlv]
(v) u is pronounced [ju:]
1. u and ue are pronounced [ju:] 2. use is pronounced [ju:z]
Menu menu [menju:] Forgive excuse [ikskju:z]
Street (boulevard) avenue use with [ju:z]
[vnju:] 3. ute reads [ju:t]
▲Unarmed Kung Fu reads kung fu Lovely cute [kju:t]
[kfu:] minute minute [minit]
II. The vowel letters a, e, i, o, and u are pronounced [][e][i][i][][]
(a) a is pronounced [] in a stressed closed syllable
1. black black [blk] (Jack, male name) Jack[k]
back back [bk] jacket jacket [kit]
2. ad, ad read [d] synthetic word association: by back
glad [ɡld] think backpack [bkpk] (duffel bag).
pa dad[dd] 5. and pronounced [nd],ant pronounced [nt]
sad[sd] and and[nd]
bad[bd] hand[hnd]
Salad pronounced salad[sld] stand[stnd]*
3. an,an pronounced [n] sand sand[snd]
an an[n] island island[ailnd]
can can[kn] land land[lnd]
woman woman[wumn] England England[iɡlnd]
man man[mn ] band read band[bnd]
plan plan[pln] plant plant[plnt]
fan fan[fn] elephant elephant[elifnt]
musician musician 6. ank read [k]
[mju:zin] bank bank[bk] bank
4. ance pronounced [ɑ:ns] thank[k]
france france[frɑ:ns] 7. any pronounced [eni]
(dance) dance[dɑ:ns] much many[meni]
company company[kmpni]<
8. arrot pronounced [rt] class class[klɑ:s]
carrot carrot[krt] grass pronounced grass[ɡrɑ:s]
parrot woman[wumn] 11. at,at pronounced [t]
9. ask pronounced[ɑ:sk],ast pronounced hat[ ht]
[ɑ:st] that that[t]
mask mask[mɑ:sk] fat fat[ft]
ask read ask[ɑ:sk] cat cat[kk]
past[pɑ:st] after that[t]
fast fast[frɑ:st] sat sat [st] (past tense of sit)
breakfast breakfast [brekfst]
what [wt]
Synonym association: from pass (intro. racket pronounced bat [bt ]
"pasted") pasted Synonym association: from bat [bat]
[pɑ:stid] (verb "to pass" in pasted) association with racket [rkit] (racket)
going tense). Associate cap[kp]
10. ass reads [ɑ:s] (hat).
glass glass[ɡlɑ:s]
(ii) e is pronounced [e] in stressed closed syllables
1. ed,ed is pronounced [ed] 4. en,en is pronounced [en]
red[red] red[red] when[wen]
bed[bed] thenthen[en]
hundred reads hundred ten[ten]
[hndrd] penpen[pen]
2. elf reads [elf] hen[hen]
shelf shelf[elf] women
self self [self] [wimin]
3. ell pronounced [el] men (plural) men [men]
spelled spell [spel]* garden pronounced garden [ɡɑ:(r)dn]
bell bell [bel] 5. end pronounced [end], ent pronounced [ nt]
smell[smel] friend friend[frend]
sell sell[sel] repair(mend[mend]
tell tell[tel] spend reads spend[send]*
good(well) well[wel] student student[stju:dnt]*
traveltrave[trv] apartmentapartment
restauranthotel[hutel] [pɑ:tmnt]
6. ess read [es]
addressaddress[dres] 7. et read [et]
clothes[dres] forget forget[fɡet]
chess chess[tes] fetch get[ɡet]
guess[ɡes] secret secret[si:krit]
commerce, business let let[let]
[biznis] 8. even [i:vn]
Word association: from dress evening [i:vni]
to clothes [kluz]; more even [i:vn]
and then uniform [ju:nif:m] plus letter association : from even (more)
(uniform) then associates pants associates event [ivent] (competition item
[pnts] (pants, US colloquialism); item).
Re-associate short[:ts] (shorts).
(c) i is pronounced [i] in stressed closed syllables
1. ick and ic are pronounced [ik] music [mju:zik]
stick stick [stik] drop (answer) tick [tik]
fast (of) quick [kwik]
2. ridge is pronounced [ri] violin violin[vailin]
refrigerator fridge[fri] thin[in]
rare porridge[pri] penguin[peɡwin]
bridge pronounced bridge[bri] by the association of win[win]
3. ill pronounced [ il] winner
ill[il] 5. ind[aind]
pill[pil] find[faind]
will[wil] species[class]kind[kaind]
(small) hill[hil ] idea (thought) mind [maind]
skill, skill skill [skil]* read as behind after ...
Word association: from will [bihaind]
association of the past tense of will would 6.ing read as [i]
[will] [bihaind]
association of the past tense of will with [i]
[wud]. Bring bring[bri]
4. in,in pronounced [in] something thing[i]
begin begin[biɡin] relaxed relaxing
in[in] [rilksi]
in... in[in] [rilksi]
twin (one of the sons) twin[ twin] sing sing [si]
win [win] ring (ring) ring [ri]
dolphin dolphin [dfin] king king [ki]
participate in read join [in]
Interesting Interesting 7. ip read [ip]
[intristi] travel trip[trip]
morning[m:ni] (ship)ship[ip]
exciting exciting[iksaiti] fried potato fries pronounced chips[tips]
● dumplings dumpling 8.ish pronounced [i]< /p>
[dmpli] wish wish[wi]
following[flui] fish fish[fi]
pretty good-looking English English[iɡli]
[ɡudluki] dish (子)dish[di]
在 ...during read during 9. is and iss read [is]
[djuri] Miss Miss[mis]
beginningbeginning[biɡini] to think about, (lose) miss[mis]
nothing Tennis is pronounced tennis[tenis]
nothing. tennis[tenis]
[ni] Near-synonymous association: by Miss (Miss)
anythinganything[enii] association Ms[mis]; and then association
Boring reading boring[b:ri] Mrs[misiz] (Mrs., Mrs.).
Lying [laii] (present participle of lie)
(d) o is pronounced []
1. ob, ob is pronounced [bb] 3. ong is pronounced []
Bob Bob [rb] young young [j]
Robbing (robbing) rob [rb] Song is pronounced song [ s]
job read job[b] strong[str]
2. ock read [k] wrong wrong[r]
clock clock[klk] along along[l]
lock lock[lk] long long[l]
dot clock oclock[klk ] 4. ot,ot pronounced [t]
(short) sock sock[sk] many lot[lt]
rock read rock[rk] not not[nt]
Synonym association: by clock forget forget[fɡt]
Association [lɑ:m] clock (alarm clock). Hot(s) hot[ht]
(v) u is pronounced []
1. uch is pronounced [] homophone association: by sun (sun)
suchsuch[s] association son[sn] (son).
(Xu) much[m] us reads [s]
2 reads [p] us us[s]
up[p] (bus*** steam) bus[s]
cup[kp] plus plus[pls]
▲jump reads jump[kp] ● minus[ mains]
3. un, un pronounced as [n] ● minibus [minibs]
gun gun [ɡn] discuss discuss [disks] *
run run [rn] 5. ut, ut pronounced as [t]
sun sun [sn] but but [bt]
Joke reads fun[fn] cut[kt]
Composite reads by sun put[put]
Associated with sunglasses off[closed] shut[t]
[snɡlɑ:siz] (sunglasses).
III. Vowel letters in non-poisoned syllables are pronounced [], [i] or unpronounced
Wombat koala [kuɑ:l] child children [ildn]
Panda pronounced panda [pnd] (beat) open open [upn]
Australia Chickens (chicken) pronounced chicken
[streilj]* [ikin]
Canada[knd] 3. et pronounced [it]
Africa[frik] wallet wallet[wlit]
Sofa sofa[suf] ▲street street[stri:t]
banana banana[bnɑ:n] ● quiet quiet[kwait]
camera pronounced camera trumpet[trmpit]
[kmr] 4. letter y pronounced [i]
2. en,en pronounced [n] easy easy[i:zi]
p>often often[fn] (fast)happy[hpi]
listen[lisn] amateurishly read hobby[hbi]
cloudy cloudy[klaudi]
comedy comedy[kmdi]
windy windy [ windi] quite pretty[priti]
nobody nobody[nubdi] dirty(s) dirty[d:ti]
study[stdi] activityactivity[ktiviti]
Sydney Sydney[sidni] 6. ly and li are both pronounced [ li]
Survey survey[s:vei] ugly ugly[ɡli]
Healthy healthy[heli] early(s) early[:li]
Sunny reads sunny[sni] loudly loudly[laudli]
Very small teeny[ti :ni:] curly[k:li]
lazy lazy[leizi] unfriendly unfriendly
heavy heavy[hevi] [nfrendli]
movie movie[mu:vi] cauliflower broccoli[brkli]
5. ty, ty pronounced [ti] home (family) family[fmli]
sympathy piti[piti] only (only) only[unli]
city[siti] usually usually[ju:uli]
duty duty[dju:ti] actually really[rili]
party, (gathering) party[pɑ:ti] 7. ry and rry are both pronounced [ri]
thirsty[:sti] every[evri]
empty[empty] very very[veri]
factory factory[fktri] 8. on,on pronounced [n]
dictionarydirtionary London London[lnn]
[iknri] lion[lain]
library[laibrri] reasonreason[ri:zn]
country country[kntri] ▲ on...[n]
documentary onion onion[njn]
[dkjumentri] Boston Boston[bstn]
accessory [ ksesri] opinion (view) opinion
strawberry strawberry [pinjn]
[str:bri]* mutton mutton trope pronounced mutton
sorry sorry [sri] [mtn]
(worrying) worry [wri]
Carry (carry) read carry [kri]
terrible scary [skεri]
hungry hungry [hɡri]
story story [st:ri]
Part II Words that meet the rules for pronouncing consonant letters
1. b and be are both pronounced [b] physique build [bild]
describe (describe) describe land field[fi:ld]
[diskraib] older read old[uld]
club club[klb] wild[waild]
2. The letter d is pronounced [d] child child[ taild]
world world[w:ld] humid humid[hju:mid]
word word[w:d] lexical association: by child
beard beard[bid] to think of kid[kid] (a child, young man.)
birdbird[b:d] 3. f,fe and ffe are both pronounced [f]
tired[taid] beefbeef[bi:f]
need[ni:d] leaf[li:f]
crowded[kraudid] wife wife[waif]
relaxed relaxed[rilkst] (small) knife knife[naif]
Giraffe pronounced giraffe[irf] 6. The letter k is pronounced [k]
Scarf pronounced scarf[scarf]* think think[ik]
4. The letter g pronounced as [ɡ] drink [drink] drink [drik]
leg [leɡ] park [park [pɑ:k]
egg [eɡ] egg [eɡ] dark [dark [dɑ:k]
flag [flag [flɡ] pork pork [pk]
bag [bag [bɡ] fork fork [f:k ]
big [biɡ] big [biɡ] clerk [klɑ:k]
pig [piɡ] pig pig [piɡ] speak speak [spi:k]*
trail zigzig [ziɡzɡ] blank form blank [blk]
5. ge, ge pronounced [] milk milk [milk]
age age[ei] work work[w:k]
page page[pei] Suffix association: from work
language language[lɡwi] think worker[w:k] (worker)
large[lɑ:] 7. l,ll pronounced [l]
orange[rin] post mail[meil]
(giant) large(s) huge[hju] e-mail e-mail[i:meil]
change read change[tein] doll read doll[dl]
wheel read wheel[wi:l]< /p>
feel feel [fi:l] 9. m and me both read [m]
girl girl [ɡ:l] time time [taim]
very bad read awful[:fl] (stone) gray lime [lain]
8. le read [l] cream cream [kri:m]
Peoplepeople[pi:pl] team(group) team[ti:m]
purple[p:pl] farmfarm[fɑ:m]
tabletable[teibl] armarm[ɑ:m]
little[litl] warmarm[w:m]< /p>
rule[ru:l] drum drum[drm]
noodle[nu:dl] medium midium[mi:dim]
article pronounced article[ɑ:tikl] from...pronounced from[frm]
terrible terrible[terbl] swim[swim]
sale reads sale[seil] afternoon pm[pi:em]
example example[] exam exam[iɡzm]
apple reads apple[pl] semester reads term[t:m]
add letters Associations: from (table) (Jim's male name) Jim[im]
associate vegetable[vetbl] Mrs. madam[mdm]
(vegetable); from rule (rule) sitcom[sitkm]
think ruler[ru:l] (ruler) problem problem [ prblm]
Near-synonym association: by (table)
association desk[desk] (desk)
Museum is pronounced museum 11. p and pe are both pronounced [p]
[mju:zim] hope hope[]
Near-synonym association: by medium (middle (earth) map map [mp]
etc.) association middle[midl] group[ɡru:p]
(of the middle). Soup (soup) soup[su:p]
Homophonic association: by Jim camp[kmp]
gym association[im] (gym). help help[help]
10. n and ne both read [n] cheap cheap[i:p]
learn learn[l:n] stop stop[stp]
take turns (turn) turn[t:n] 12. se and ce read [s]
clean (dry sweep) clean[ kli:n] nurse nurse[n:s]
meaning mean mean[mi:n] (money) bag purse[p:s]
(between...) because because[bikz]
green[ɡri:n] other else else[els]
< p>foreign[frin] science[sains]magazine[mɡzi:n] (a) piece[pi:s]
Suffix association: from clean to practice
Think clean[kli:n ] (cleaner). [prktis]
13. st[st] T-shirt T-shirt[ti: :t]
most most[must] men's (shirt) shirt[ :t]
exam (test) test [test] cassette tape case cassette
last [lɑ:st] [kset]
lost [l:st] lost lost [l:st] skirt skirt [sk:t]*
competition contest [kntest] unit unit[ju: :t]
competitive contest [kntest] unit [ju. nit]
host[hust] host straight[streit]*
must[mst] pretty smart[smɑ:t]
just now just[st] sweet dessert[diz:t]
email (post) post[ pust] visit visit[vizit]
(last) best[best] fruit fruit[fru:t]
The list is pronounced list[list] left[left]
14. t and te are both pronounced [t] difficult difficult[difiklt ]
western west [west] belt belt [belt]
it it [it] strict strict [strikt]*
rest rest [rest] place district [distrikt]*
sit [sit] discipline; subject subject
front front[frnt] [sbikt]
(count) count[kaunt]
5. x reads [ks],xt reads [kst] next next[nekst]
gender sex[seks] text text[tekst]
fax fax [fks] cab read taxi [tksi]
fox fox [fks]
box (box) box [bks]
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