Anything under the sun, 2019 latest wealth project, earn eight days over your month, there is the process of metabolism, the new ecology to replace the old ecology is the inevitable law, we can not because we see the demise of the old things, on the pessimistic sigh. Because where old things die, there must be new things in the breeding growth!
Now China is like a mother in labor, although it is suffering the pain of economic transformation, but as long as you endure the pain, will give birth to new life.
After the withering of all things, there must be the recovery of all things, and there must be the establishment of a big break after the big break!
What is in decline? What is rising?
1: The disappearance of the company
The basic unit of traditional society is the company.
Since the Industrial Revolution, human needs have been neatly standardized, and at some point the whole world needed a certain product, and the product was standardized. The best way to make money at this time is to implement the "mass, single product" development strategy, that is: to unite a lot of people to produce a certain product can be, such as a variety of FMCG products, which is the logic of the formation of the company.
Then the company in order to improve production efficiency, the need to maximize consistency in goals and behaviors, which should be removed from the "people" of the differentiation of the "people" mechanization, into a thousand people. A small number of people at the top issue orders to be carried out by the majority of people at the bottom, which creates a top-down pyramid structure, and the whole society is a big pyramid.
In the era of corporatization, we have developed all kinds of rules and regulations to form a group of people into a synergy, and then people need to be in the specified time, do the specified things, complete the specified goals, sacrificing the ego to achieve the greater good, so the individual must obey the organization.
So the effectiveness of the company determines the value of its existence, the ineffectiveness of the company is eliminated, and people are just a part of the company, if the company is not working, you can change another company.
2: The Rise of the Individual
Today, we are surprised to find that the company is no longer the basic unit of society, and that a large number of individuals have been liberated, and the individual has become the basic unit of society.
Because with the maturity of the Internet, it is possible to accurately and efficiently dock the needs and skills of individuals, and with the driving force of making the best use of each individual's talents and taking the best of each individual's needs, we strive to realize the "multiple services for individuals" docking the "multiple personalized needs", and make each individual self-fulfilling. The company's goal is to provide the best possible service to the public and to make sure that every individual is self-actualized.
That is to say, the supply and demand system before society was "face-to-face" (company-to-company), but now the supply and demand system has become "point-to-point" (individual-to-individual), which is the basic principle of the "Rise of the Individual".
For example, the supply and demand system has become "peer-to-peer" (individual to individual).
For example, a large number of designers, consultants, analysts, lawyers, accountants, nail technicians, nannies, drivers, etc., are beginning to leave the enterprise to develop, each "individual" talent and interest has a place to use, and in the past is limited by the size of the market can not be set up a lot of characteristics of the small business, and now you can find a platform through the In the past, many small businesses with special characteristics could not be established due to the size of the market, but now they can find their own customers through the platform; and those personalized needs that could not be met due to the cost of information in the past can now find sellers on the platform. In the past, the outstanding individuals who could only sell themselves to the company can now easily realize their self-worth.
The use of diversified products to match diversified needs is impossible in the big industrial age, only the Internet can be this kind of touchpoint needs and services one by one to match.
Undoubtedly, with blockchain, big data, cloud computing, and increasing levels of customization, the rendition of this trend will be faster and faster.
The rise of the individual and the sinking of the organization is the most influential change of the moment, which will profoundly change the organizational structure of the whole society, which is equivalent to making the capillaries of the society more and more enriched, and the ability to supply blood and feed greatly increased.
The management concept of the big industrial era is: people are lazy, people become employees waiting for the need to be strictly managed, and then in a fixed time and a fixed place to do repetitive labor, so that they try to labor, and then get the profits and then go to pay, which is the employment relationship.
But this kind of management and organization doesn't work anymore, because people can only have the greatest creativity when they are autonomous and self-driven.
So we now see a lot of small and micro-enterprises are encountering difficulties, which is not accidental but inevitable, because the traditional employment relationship, can not be each individual's ability to give full play to.
3: Organizational change
Society is upgrading from a "company + employee" structure
to a "platform + individual" structure
Global 1.0 era, the driving force for progress is the state;
Global 2.0 era, the driving force is the company;Global 3.0 era, the driving force is the individual!
In the past, mankind built fences in the name of "corporations", but today these fences are being dismantled. Based on the platform of niche interests, niche values, niche dreams, niche hobbies can be fulfilled, which is called the blossoming of a hundred flowers, a hundred schools of thought, which is the basis for the realization of China's economic prosperity!
The "Age of the Individual" has unleashed our individuality, spawned a large number of freelancers, and the rise of countless platforms has given you the opportunity to participate in the creation and output of value. The more capable you are, the more unique you are, and the more specialized you are, the less you need to be attached to a company.
In the future, many people will become independent economies and begin a USB flash drive type of existence, inserting themselves into a variety of different teams or projects at any time, with their individual creativity being greatly released. On the contrary, those who have mediocre qualifications in general, or those who have never been able to find a niche, may only be able to survive by relying on the arrangements of others, and they will surely be relegated to the bottom of the social ladder.
Society will become flat, soft, warm, and emotional. In the past, we said: to make the company bigger and stronger. For example, the ultimate goal of traditional enterprises is to achieve mass production, and in the future this is no longer a universal value of the company.
In the future, there will be countless delicate, flexible and diverse micro-companies born, they may be a certain niche you have not even heard of, or a certain interest organization, and may just be a team that comes together at any time.
In the future, people's lives and work will gradually start to become one, for example, some people will travel and write at the same time, and some people will study and make money at the same time. Through your knowledge, talent, and skills you can have a decent life and still create value for the world.
The continued refinement of the social division of labor in the future will intensify the disintegration of business. For the "individual", this is simply the best of times, we can finally do not have to go to work, no need to deal with interpersonal relationships, no need to ask the boss for time off, just put all the enthusiasm into their own good at things, ability to pay directly proportional to the return, surrounded by all the things have nothing to do with me.
The future of China is one of on-demand customization, teaming up according to interests, serving people, small batch production, and constant iteration, so there is no overcapacity, because the essence of overcapacity is not that there are too many products to be sold, but that there are too few products that can really satisfy the needs of consumers.
Some people may ask, then how to accomplish the big projects in the future?
The era of the rise of the individual does not mean that organizations no longer exist. The future of the organization is a value chain composed of a mesh-type organization, individuals can join in, each make the best use of their talents, the so-called elephant invisible, this mesh organization seems to be loose, but at any time can produce fusion and fission effect, play a huge effect, can complete the vast project.
This kind of organization has an equal and open self-help operation system, instead of a center for control, this is a kind of ecological, multi-party collaborative governance, which is precisely the thinking of the blockchain.
4: Talent, the most core capital in the future!
In the big industrial era, the most important production factors of capital are land, plant, equipment, resources, etc., and then in the employment of a large number of workers in the assembly line operation, you can get huge profits through the scale of production, and the whole world is pursuing this set of development logic.
At this point, everyone just acts as a screw, we just need to master a certain field of knowledge, and engage in unchallenging repetitive labor.
Now it is different, people are more and more expensive, talent is more and more scarce, "people" is becoming the most critical capital, the scarcity of talent will promote the individual price rise, so part of the profits will inevitably be transferred from the capital side of the side of the talent, until it reaches a reasonable balance of value.
And the future of management are systematized to complete, no longer need to manage talent, but to create talent.
We have entered an era of "value creation".
Talent is becoming the most important factor of production, surpassing land and all resources!
5: The best investment in the future is self-investment
The real spring of talent has arrived. For the service industries of culture, education, health, entertainment, arts, tourism and so on, there will be a huge influx of innovative talents, and everyone can become an independent service provider in the future.
In the future, young people will no longer need to fight for their family background, connections, and financial resources, but will be able to achieve personal success entirely through their own strengths and talents, giving the world an "equal opportunity for all".
Future individuals, the more creative they are, the more freedom they will have to choose when to work, with whom to work, what projects to participate in, and where to work.
The best opportunity in this era is to "discover yourself", and the best investment is self-investment, which is a very exciting conclusion!
In the future, we don't need KPIs, we don't need sales commissions, we don't need performance evaluations, we just need to provide consumers with the most unique products and services, and this becomes the guidepost to lead, motivate and measure everything. And this relies no longer on the management system, relies on whether you can fully utilize the creativity of the members on the platform!
At the same time, the future of mankind, all the fences and barriers, will be dismantled. The financial system will also be rebuilt, it will allow everyone who has credit and needs help to the appropriate help.
In short: in the future, if you want to have value, you must first be able to create value.
The era of doing business is over, the era of doing business has arrived. The basic logic of doing business is to find the price difference by all means, and the basic logic of doing business is to create social value while realizing personal value.
6: There are crises and opportunities
If you y understand the above changes, you will be able to read a lot of changes at the moment!
Crisis, crisis, there is danger and also organic!
Many companies are facing dissolution, but there will be some companies that will seize the opportunity and grow into platform companies.
There will be a group of people who will fall, and there will be a group of people who will stand up.
Each generation has its own mission, and if the old doesn't go, the new won't come.
Nowadays, China is in urgent need of a group of new intellectuals who are truly educated, innovative and have positive energy to serve as the mainstay of society.
China will switch to a new operating system, and the language used to design and develop this operating system is the logic of the rise of the individual.
We can no longer afford to be brutal, or the water that goes into your head now will be the sweat that comes out of your head in the future.
This is a great time, everything is shuffling, everything is waking up!
We must understand that we are walking a path that no one has ever walked before. Throughout the world's economic history, there is no precedent to follow, much less any template to learn from. So many phenomena cannot be explained by established economic models, and we are going through the most extraordinary phase of history.
This social progress is about people finding themselves and getting back on their feet. This is the way out for China's economy, the way out for business, and the way out for each and every one of us.
Based on this, all logic will be overturned and rebuilt, and all rules will be rewritten. Looking around, the world is expecting a redrawing of responsibilities, rights and interests.
Believe it or not, the world is only getting fairer. Those who are stuck in their ways and backward will be eliminated, and those who create and innovate will be given greater freedom!
Finally, enjoy this quote from Dickens:
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times;
It is the age of wisdom, it is the age of folly;
It is the period of faith, it is the time of doubt;
It is the season of light, it is the season of darkness;
It is the spring of hope, it is the the winter of disappointment?
People have everything before them, people have nothing before them;
People are going straight to heaven, people are going straight to hell.
There is another saying:
Winter is here, can spring be far behind?
We are facing an increasingly volatile world; no business model is long-lived; no competitiveness is eternal; no asset is solid;