2, suspected station fraud or diversion fraud behavior: including the display of commercial ads that do not comply with the Jitterbug user agreement, especially some sensitive topics in sensitive industries, such as interest rate rebates, stock funds, loans and insurance, virtual currencies, entrepreneurial part-time jobs, sweepstakes spoiled powder, money dumping and other ads that have financial risks. Or inside the private message to publish advertisements that impersonate others, provide false registration information or supporting materials, promote pseudoscience or false fraud ads, fake goods for sale and other content.
3, involving the release of medical violations of advertising information: Jitterbug's restrictions on medical content are very strict, and it's very easy to trigger the sealing mechanism for non-certified accounts to release healthcare or medical beauty, medical equipment and other related content.
4. Carrying videos: When many ShakeEye users first started to engage in ShakeEye, they would not be able to shoot and produce high-quality short videos, so they would download the popular videos and re-release them after watermarking, which is carrying them. Jitterbug has a very intelligent database that detects short video data from all major platforms across the web. Even if the video watermark is removed, the video md5 value does not change, and once it is uploaded for the second time, it will be detected by Jitterbug. Once you publish this handling video, and was detected by the Shake platform, then the platform will focus on your account to audit, may be taken to downgrade, limit the flow and other means.
5, keyword violation: keyword violation, that is, in your nickname, personality signature, avatar, video title description, private messages, comments and other places where you can insert copy, enter the violation information.