E0 1 serial signal reception failed?
P0 1 indoor fan thermal protection action?
E02 serial signal transmission failure
P02 Outdoor fan thermal protection action, compressor thermal protection action, abnormal power supply voltage (the voltage between L and N is not between 160v and 260v)?
E03 The indoor unit detected abnormal control of the remote controller or the unit.
E04 serial signal reception failed.
E05 serial signal transmission failed?
P03 Abnormal discharge temperature of compressor?
E06 serial signal reception failed?
P04 High voltage switch action?
E07 serial signal transmission failed?
P05 Power supply phase inversion or voltage drop?
E08 Duplicate address setting of indoor unit?
P09cn35 is not inserted correctly?
E09 duplicate remote control address (RCU ADR)?
P 10 internal unit movable switch action?
E 10 serial signal transmission failed?
P3 1 Early warning of other indoor units?
E 1 1 serial signal reception failed?
F0 1 Can't detect the indoor heat exchanger temperature (E 1=TH2)?
When E 14 uses flexible combination control, is the address setting of the main indoor unit duplicated?
F02 can't detect the indoor heat exchanger temperature (E2=TH3)?
E 15 what is to judge the indoor unit capacity or indoor unit capacity?
F 10 can't detect the indoor temperature?
Does E 16 judge whether the indoor unit capacity is too small?
F04 Can't detect the outdoor exhaust temperature?
E 17 serial signal transmission failed?
F06 can't detect the liquid temperature of outdoor heat exchanger (C 1=TH0E)?
Failed to receive E 18 serial signal?
F07 can't detect the gas temperature of the outdoor heat exchanger (C2=TH0C)?
L0 1 wrong address of indoor unit?
F09 thermal protection switch action?
L02 Model settings of indoor unit and outdoor unit do not match?
F29 indoor circuit board is broken?
L03 When using the unit control, the address of the indoor host is set incorrectly?
H0 1 compressor overload?
L04 outdoor unit address error?
H02 compressor lock?
L07 wiring error between indoor units?
H03 compressor abnormal current detection circuit?
L08 Indoor unit address (or unit group address) is not set?
H04 thermal protection switch action?
Is the capacity code of L09 indoor unit not set?
H05 thermal protection switch can't detect?
L 1 1 unit control line wiring error.
H06 low voltage switch action
L 13 indoor model number is set incorrectly (capacity)?
H 17 unbalanced power supply voltage?
H 18 compressor channel has abnormal sound.