Ventilator, simple respirator capsule, defibrillator, cardiac monitor, micro pump, gastric lavage machine, sputum suction device, oxygen device;
Opening device, tongue forceps, tongue depressor plate, flashlight, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, oxygen bag, electric plug board;
Syringes, infusion sets, transfusion sets, indwelling needles, patches, blood collecting needles, blood collection test tubes, medicines in the ambulance and so on.
The maintenance of these instruments and maintenance:
1, the maintenance of medical equipment by the Department of Information and Equipment Management is responsible for and undertake
2, the use of the department of important equipment should be dedicated to the custody of the operator, the custody of the operation of the staff to implement the instrument of the first level of maintenance, i.e., the daily cleaning and dust removal, mechanical operation should be lubricated in a timely manner, and before the start to check a variety of working conditions Whether to have, after verification of the error can be started to use