What are the codes about architecture?

A, national standards for construction engineering:

(1) construction specification

1. Code for Construction of Thermal Insulation Engineering of Industrial Equipment and Pipes (GB50 126-2008)

2. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Civil Air Defense Works (GB50 134-2004)

3. General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Project (GB5023 1-2009)

4. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metal Pipeline Engineering (GB50235-97)

5. Code for Acceptance of Pipeline Welding Construction in Field Equipment Industry (GB50236-98)

6. Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building Water Supply, Drainage and Heating Engineering (GB50242-2002)

7. Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering (GB50243-2002)

8. Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Industrial Installation Engineering (GB50252-20 10)

9. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Automatic Sprinkler Fire Extinguishing System (GB5026 1-2005)

10. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems GB50263-2007

1 1. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Boiler Installation Engineering (GB50273-2009)

12. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Refrigeration Equipment and Air Separation Equipment Engineering (GB50274-98)

13. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Compressor, Fan and Pump Installation Engineering (GB500275-98)

14. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Foam Fire Extinguishing System (GB5028 1-2006)

15. Technical specification for water supply wells GB50296- 1999

16. Code for Engineering Quality Acceptance of Urban Sewage Treatment Plants (GB50334-2002)

17. technical specification for polypropylene pipeline engineering for building water supply GB/T50349-2005

18. Code for Fire Prevention Construction and Acceptance of Interior Decoration of Buildings (GB50354-2005)

19. Technical Specification for Application of Solar Hot Water System in Civil Buildings (GB50364-2005)

20. Code for Operation and Management of Air Conditioning and Ventilation System (GB50365-2005)

2 1. Technical Code for Ground Source Heat Pump System Engineering (GB 50366-2005) (revised locally in 2009).

22. Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building Energy Conservation Projects (GB504 1 1-2007)

23. Code for Acceptance and Inspection of Fire Extinguishers in Buildings (GB50444-2008)

24. Technical Specification for Construction of Laboratory Animal Facilities (GB50447-2008)

25. Technical Specification for Solar Heating Engineering (GB50495-2009)

26. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Fixed Fire Monitor Fire Extinguishing System (GB50498-2009)

27. Code for Organization Design of Building Construction GB/T50502-2009

28. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Water Supply and Drainage Pipeline Engineering (GB50268-2008)

(2) Design specification category

1. Code for Design of Outdoor Water Supply (GB500 13-2006)

2. Code for Design of Outdoor Drainage (GB500 14-2006)

3. Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage (GB 50015-2003) (partially revised in 2009)

4. Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings (GB500 16-2006)

5. Code for Design of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (GB500 19-2003)

6. Code for Design of Town Gas (GB50028-2006)

7. Code for Design of Compressed Air Stations GB50029-2003

8. Code for design of oxygen station GB50030-9 1

9. Code for design of acetylene station GB5003 1-9 1

10. Code for Design of civil air defence basement (GB50038-2005)

1 1. Code for Design of Boiler Room (GB5004 1-2008-2008)

12. code for fire protection design of high-rise civil buildings (2005 edition) GB50045-95.

13. Code for fire protection design of garages, garages and parking lots (GB50067-97).

14. Code for Design of Cold Storage GB50072-20 10

15. Code for Design of Clean Workshop (GB50073-200 1)

16. code for design of automatic sprinkler system (revised in 2005) GB50084-200 1

17. Technical Specification for Sprinkler Irrigation Engineering GB/T50085-2007

18. Code for Residential Design (2003 Edition) GB50096- 1999

19. Code for Fire Protection Design of Civil Air Defense Engineering (GB50098—2009)

20. Code for Design of Fire Extinguishers in Buildings GB50 140-2005

2 1. Code for Design of Low Expansion Foam Fire Extinguishing System (revised in 2000) GB50 15 1-92.

22. Code for Design of Electronic Information System Computer Room (GB50 174-2008)

23. Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings (GB50 189-2005)

24. Code for Design of Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System (1revised in 999) GB50 193-93.

25. Code for Design of High and Medium Multiplication Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems (GB50 196-2002)

26. Code for Design of Water Spray Fire Extinguishing System (GB502 19-95)

27. Code for Fire Protection Design of Interior Decoration of Buildings (200 1 Revision) GB50222-95.

28. Code for Design of gas transmission pipeline project (GB5025 1-2003)

29. Code for Design of Thermal Insulation Engineering of Industrial Equipment and Pipes (GB50264-97)

30. Code for Design of Pumping Stations GB/T50265-97

3 1. Code for Design of Industrial Metal Pipes (2008 Edition) GB503 16-2000

32. Standard for Domestic Water Consumption of Urban Residents GB/T5033 1-2002

33. Code for Structural Design of Water Supply and Drainage Pipelines (GB50332-2002)

34. Technical Code for Building of Hospital Clean Operating Department GB50333-2002

35. Code for Design of Wastewater Reuse (GB50335-2002)

36. Code for Design of Reclaimed Water in Buildings GB50336-2002

37. Code for Design of Fixed Fire Monitor Fire Extinguishing System GB50338-2004

38. Technical Code for Biosafety Laboratory Building (GB50346-2004)

39. Code for Design of Dry Powder Fire Extinguishing System GB50347-2004

40. Code for Design of Gas Fire Extinguishing System (GB50370-2005)

4 1. Evaluation Standard for Green Buildings (GB50378-2006)

42. Specification for Process Design of Seamless Steel Pipe (GB50398-2006)

43. Technical Code for Rainwater Utilization in Buildings and Residential Areas (GB50400-2006)

44. Code for Design of Vibration Isolation (GB50463-2008)

45. Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in Hot Summer and Warm Winter Areas JCJ75-2003

Two, the construction industry standards, association standards, local standards

(A) the construction industry standards

1. Code for Design of Sports Buildings JGJ3 1-2003

2. Code for Architectural Design of General Hospitals (for Trial Implementation) JGJ49-88

3. Code for Design of Catering Buildings JGJ64-89

4. Code for Design of Office Buildings JGJ67-2006

5. Code for Design of Garage Buildings (JJ100-98)

6. Technical Specification for Energy Saving Renovation of Existing Heating Residential Buildings (JJ129-2000)

7. Testing Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings (JJ/T 132-2009)

8. Technical specification for ventilation pipes JJ141-2004

9. Technical Specification for Ground Auxiliary Heating (JJ142-2004)

10. Technical Code for Cold Storage Air Conditioning Engineering JJ158-2008

1 1. Technical Specification for Heating Metering JJ173-2009

12. Technical Specification for Energy-saving Renovation of Public Buildings (JJ176-2009)

13. Energy Efficiency Testing Standard for Public Buildings (JJ/T 177-2009)

14. Regulations on Construction Engineering Data Management JJ/T 185-2009

(2) Industry standard of urban construction engineering

1. Code for Installation and Acceptance of Household Gas Burning Appliances CJJ 12-99

2. Operating Rules for Hydrogeological Drilling and Sinking of Water Supply CJJ 13-87

3. Technical specification for rigid PVC pipeline engineering for building drainage CJJ/T29-98

4. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Town Gas Indoor Engineering CJJ94-2003

5. Technical Specification for Building Water Supply Polyethylene Pipeline Engineering CJJ/T98-2003

6. Technical Code for Buried Polyethylene Water Supply Pipeline Engineering CJJ 10 1-2004

7. Technical Specification for Pipeline Direct Drinking Water System CJJ1/KLOC-0-2006

8. Technical Specification for Water Supply and Drainage Engineering of Swimming Pool CJJ 122-2008

9. Technical Code for Metal Pipe Engineering of Building Drainage CJJ 127-2009

(3) Standards of China Engineering and Building Standardization Association.

1. Code for Design of Hospital Sewage Treatment CECSO 7: 2004

2. Technical standard for cement mortar lining of buried water supply steel pipe CECS 10:89: 89

3. Code for Water Supply and Drainage Design of Swimming Pool and Water Recreation Pool CECS 14: 2002

4. Technical Specification for Buried Rigid Polyethylene (PVC-C) Water Supply Pipeline Engineering CECS 17: 2000

5. Technical Specification for Rigid PVC Pipes and Pipes for Building Water Supply (CECS4 1:2004: 2004)

6. Pump vibration isolation technology CECS 59: 94

7. Code for Design of Hot Water Supply of Semi-Instant Water Heater (CEC S60: 94)

8. Radiographic structure and measurement standard of metal fusion welded joints in construction and installation engineering, CECS 70/7 1: 94.

9. Technical Specification for Building Drainage Rigid PVC Inner Spiral Pipe Engineering (CECS 94: 2002)

10. technical specification for glass fiber magnesium oxychloride cement ventilation pipeline CECS 95: 97

1 1. specification for chemical cleaning and thermal pre-membrane technology of circulating cooling water system (CECS 103: 99)

12. Technical Specification for Aluminum-plastic Composite Pipe Engineering for Building Water Supply (CECS 105: 2000)

13. Code for Water Supply and Drainage Design of Public Bathrooms (CECS 108: 2000)

14. Code for application design of building water supply and pressure relief valves CECS 109: 2000

15. Code for Acceptance and Testing of Cooling Tower CECS 1 18:2000

16. technical specification for buried rigid polyethylene drainage pipeline engineering CECS 122: 200 1

17. design code for water treatment of granular activated carbon adsorption tank CECS 124: 200 1.

18. technical specification for steel-plastic composite pipe engineering for building water supply CECS 125: 200 1

19. Technical Specification for Application of Multifunctional Water Pump Control Valve for Water Supply and Drainage CECS 132: 2002

20. Technical Specification for Ultra-thin Wall Stainless Steel Plastic Composite Pipe for Building Water Supply (CECS 135: 2002)

2 1. Technical Specification for PVC Pipeline Engineering for Building Water Supply (CECS 136: 2002)

22. Code for Application Design of Hydraulic Control Valve (CECS 144: 2002)

23. Technical Code for Trench Connecting Pipeline Engineering (CECS 15 1: 2003)

24. Technical Specification for Sewage Treatment of Integrated Biofilm Reactor CECS 152: 2003

25. Technical Specification for Thin-walled Stainless Steel Pipes and Pipes for Building Water Supply (CECS 153: 2003)

26. Technical Specification for Application of Building Fire Prevention and Sealing (CECS 154:2004)

27. Technical Specification for the Application of Synthetic Foam Spray Fire Extinguishing System CECS 156: 2004

28. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Automatic Control Project of Water Supply and Drainage Instruments CECS 162: 2004

29. Technical Specification for Buried Polyethylene Drainage Pipeline Engineering CECS 164: 2004

3 1. Technical Specification for Flexible Interface Cast Iron Pipe Pipeline Engineering for Building Drainage CECSl68:2004

32. Technical Specification for Smoke Fire Extinguishing System CECS 169: 2004

33. Technical Specification for Copper Pipe Engineering of Building Water Supply (CECS 17 1: 2004)

34. Code for Design of Water Seal Protection of Drainage System CECS 172: 2004

35. Technical specification for siphon roof rainwater drainage system CECS 183: 2005

36. Technical specification for backflow pollution prevention of water supply system CECS 184: 2005

37. Technical Specification for Noise Elimination of Rigid PVC Pipes in Building Drainage Hollow Walls (CECS 185: 2005)

38. Technical Code for Engineering of Random Polypropylene (PP-R) Aluminum-plastic Composite Pipe for Air Conditioning (CECS 198: 2006)

39. Technical Code for Water Supply Lining Stainless Steel Composite Steel Pipe Pipeline Engineering CECS 205: 2006

40. Technical Specification for Automatic Sprinkler Fire Extinguishing System with Rotating Sprinkler CECS 2 13: 2006

4 1.CECS gas heating water heater application technical specification 2 15: 2006

42. Technical Specification for Waterscape Fountain Engineering (CECS 2 18: 2007)

43. Technical Specification for Application of Simple Automatic Sprinkler Fire Extinguishing System CECS 2 19: 2007

44. Technical specification for connection of copper pipes and pipelines in buildings CECS 228: 2007

45. Technical Specification for Thin-walled Stainless Steel Pipe and Pipeline Engineering of Automatic Water Supply System CECS 229: 2008

46. Technical Specification for Fire Extinguishing Devices of Kitchen Equipment CECS 233: 2007

47. Technical specification for CPVC pipeline engineering of CECS automatic sprinkler system 234: 2008

48. Technical Specification for Water Supply Steel-plastic Composite Pressure Piping Engineering CECS 237: 2008

49. Technical specification for automatic fire monitor fire extinguishing system CECS 245: 2008

50. Technical Specification for Drainage System on the Same Floor of Buildings CECS 247: 2008

(4) Beijing local standards

1. Technical Specification for Construction of Construction and Installation Sectional Works (6 volumes) DBJ0 1-26-2003

2. Technical specification for application of 2.DBJ low-temperature hot water floor radiant heating /T0 1-49-2000

3. Technical Specification for Water Supply Copper Pipe Engineering of 3.DBJ Building /T0 1-67-2002

4. Quality evaluation standard for the Great Wall Cup project (DBJ0 1-70-2003)

5. Code for Design, Construction and Acceptance of Water Mist Fire Extinguishing System DBJ0 1-74-2003

6. Code for design, construction and acceptance of clean gas fire extinguishing system DBJ0 1-75-2003

7. Code for Design, Construction and Acceptance of Aerosol Fire Extinguishing System DBJ0 1-76-2003

8. Beijing Construction Site Safety, Protection, Site Hygiene, Environmental Protection and Safety Fire Control Standard DBJ0 1-83-2003

9. Technical Code for Construction Safety of Heating Gas Pipeline in Beijing DBJ0 1-86-2004

10. technical specification for construction and acceptance of high-density polyethylene drainage pipeline engineering DBJ0 1-94-2005

1 1. public building energy efficiency evaluation standard DBJ0 1- 100-2005.

12.DBJ green building evaluation standard/t 01-kloc-0/0/-2005

13. Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings DB J 1 1-602-2006

14. technical specification for household heat metering design of newly-built residential buildings with central heating DBJ0 1-605-2000.

15. technical specification for application of low-temperature radiant electric heating film in residential buildings DBJ0 1-6 10-2002

16. Code for Fire Protection Design of Boiler Rooms in Civil Buildings (Trial) DBJ0 1-6 14-2002

17. code for design of simple automatic sprinkler system DB J0 1-6 17-2004

18. Technical Specification for Water Quality and Anticorrosion of Heating Systems DB J0 1-6 19-2004

19. design standard for energy efficiency of public buildings DBJ0 1-62 1-2005

20. Code for Design, Construction and Acceptance of Automatic Smoke Exhaust System DBJ0 1-623-2006

2 1. Technical specification for design, construction and acceptance of gas indoor engineering DB11/T 301-2005.

22. Beijing Underground Pipeline Detection Technical Specification DB11T 316-2005.

23. Technical Conditions for Water Saving of Water Appliances DB 1 1/T343-2006

24. Regulations on Management of Construction Organization Design of Building Engineering DB 1 1/T363-2006

25. Technical Specification for Flexible Interface Cast Iron Pipe for Building Drainage DB 1 1/T364-2006

26. Technical specification for construction of solar hot water system DB11T 461-2007

27. Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Energy Saving Projects in Public Buildings DB11/T 510-2007.

Third, the municipal engineering standards

1. Code for Structural Design of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering (GB50069-2002)

2. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Water Supply and Drainage Structures (GB50 14 1-2008)

3. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Water Supply and Drainage Pipeline Engineering (GB50268-2008)

4. Code for Comprehensive Planning of Urban Engineering Pipelines (GB50289-98)

5. Code for Design of Pipeline Structure of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering (GB50332-2002)

6. Code for Engineering Quality Acceptance of Urban Sewage Treatment Plants (GB50334-2002)

7. Code for Design of Wastewater Reuse (GB50335-2002)

8. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Town Gas Transmission and Distribution Engineering CJJ33-2005

9. Code for Design of Urban Heating Pipe Network CJJ34-2002

10. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Urban Heating Pipe Network Engineering CJJ28-2004

1 1. Technical Specification for Detection of Urban Underground Pipelines CJJ6 1-2003

12. technical specification for polyethylene gas pipeline engineering CJJ63-95

13. technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in cjj town /T 8 1-98

14. Code for Construction and Acceptance of Town Gas Indoor Engineering CJJ94-2003

15. Technical Specification for Corrosion Protection of Buried Steel Pipelines for Town Gas CJJ95-2003

16. Technical Specification for Directly Buried Steam Pipelines for Urban Heating CJJ 104-2005

17. Construction quality inspection standard of drainage pipe (canal) project DBJ0 1- 13-2004

18. technical specification for construction of water supply and drainage pipelines in Beijing DBJ0 1-47-2000.

19. technical specification for construction safety of Beijing heating gas pipeline project DBJ0 1-86-2004

20. Beijing water supply and drainage engineering construction safety technical specification DBJ0 1-88-2005

2 1. Technical specification for underground pipeline detection in Beijing DB11/t 316-2005.

22. Inspection standard for closed air of concrete drainage pipeline engineering CECS 19:90: 90

23. Technical Specification for Buried Steel Frame Polyethylene Composite Pipe Gas Pipeline Engineering CECS 13 1: 2002

24. Technical Code for Long-distance Water Pipeline (Canal) Engineering of Urban Water Supply (CECS 193: 2005)

Four. Standard atlas

(1) Atlas of North China

1. Heating Engineering (2005) 91sb1-1

2. Health Engineering (2005) 9 1SB2- 1

3. Water supply project (2005) 9 1SB3- 1

4. Drainage Project (2005) 9 1SB4- 1

5. Boiler House Project (2006) 9 1SB5- 1

6. Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering (2005)9 1SB6- 1

7. Refrigeration Engineering (2006) 9 1SB7- 1

8. Gas Engineering (2006) 9 1SB8- 1

9. Thermal Power Station Project (2006) 9 1SB9- 1

10. reclaimed water project (2002) 91sb10/

1 1. Fire water supply project 91sb11.

12. Automatic fire extinguishing project 9 1SB 12- 1

13. Comprehensive Edition (2000 Edition) 9 1SB-X 1

(2) Atlas of National Building Standard Design (abstract)

1. Selection and installation of disinfection equipment for secondary water supply 02SS 104

2. Selection and installation of small and medium-sized cooling towers 02S 106

3. Swimming pool fittings installation and equipment selection 04S 107

4. Install backflow prevention valve 05S 108.

5. Outdoor fire hydrant installation 0 1S20 1

6. Indoor fire hydrant installation 04S202

7. Installation of fire pump adapter 99S203

8. Selection and installation of special water pump 04S204 for fire fighting.

9. Selection and installation of 98S205 fire-fighting pressurization and pressure-stabilizing equipment (diaphragm pressure tank)

10. Installation of automatic sprinkler and water spray fire extinguishing facilities 04S206

1 1. Installation of fire pump connector, local revision 99(03) S203 in 2003.

12. 04S30 1 is selected for the installation of building water supply equipment accessories.

13. Hospital sanitary equipment installation 92S303

14. Insulation of pipelines and equipment 03S40 1

15. Pipe supports and hangers 03S402

16. Preliminary design depth mode of water supply and drainage for civil building engineering 05S902

17. Analysis and explanation of common problems in civil building engineering design (water supply and drainage specialty) 05SS904

18. Pipe hanger 03K 132

19. split air conditioner installation 94K303

20. Design depth map of HVAC and electric power construction drawing of civil building engineering 04K60 1

2 1. Preliminary design depth map of HVAC and power for civil building engineering 05K602

22. Construction and installation of household heat metering system for hot water central heating 04K502

23. Fan installation 05K 102

24. Constant pressure of heating and air conditioning circulating water system 05K2 10

25. Atlas of Engineering Design and Construction of Heat Exchanger Station 05R 103

26. Indoor heat pipe hanger 95R4 17- 1

27. Insulation of pipelines and equipment 98R4 18

28. Cold preservation of pipelines and equipment 98R4 19

29. Selection and installation of heat pump hot water system 06SS 127

30. Construction pipeline direct drinking water project 07SS604

3 1. Design and construction of gas station engineering 06R30 1

32. Installation of water supply and drainage facilities in civil air defense basement 07FS02

33. Ventilation design of air defense basement FK0 1-02

Design and installation of 34.07K304 air-conditioning machine room

35. Selection and installation of heat pump hot water system 06SS 127

36. Construction pipeline direct drinking water project 07SS604

37. Gas station engineering design and construction 06R30 1


1. Code for Design of Town Gas (GB 50028-93)

2. Energy-saving inspection standard for heating residential buildings JJ132-2001

3.JGJ Technical Specification for Radiant Floor Heating 142-2004

4.JJ Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings /T 16-92

5. Reasonable electricity consumption of hotels and restaurants GB/T 12455- 1990.

6. Energy-saving design standard for civil buildings (heating residential buildings) JCJ26-95

7. Code for Design of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (GB500 19-2003)

8. Code for Design of Urban Heating Pipe Network cjj 34-2002;; J2 16-2002

9. Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering (GB50243-2002)

10. Technical Specification for Exterior Wall Thermal Insulation Engineering JJ144-2004

1 1. Technical Code for Ground Source Heat Pump System Engineering (GB50366-2005)

12. Technical Specification for Application of Solar Hot Water System in Civil Buildings (GB50364-2005)

13. Design standard for building lighting (GB50034-2004)

14. Design standard for architectural daylighting GB/T 50033-200 1

15. design standard for urban road lighting GJJ45-9 1

16. standard for quality inspection and evaluation of urban heating pipe network engineering CJJ38-90