1, health care card application:
After the application of the unified standard residents' health card with residents' electronic health records and electronic medical records, ? can be common in different cities and between different hospitals, to achieve inter-hospital information sharing, to avoid repeated examinations.
2, optimize the application of the medical process:
Using the residents' health card, residents can realize without leaving their homes to all the hospitals or primary care institutions that can accept residents' health card to book appointments, according to the booking time to arrive at the medical institution, you can pick up the number through the manual counter or outpatient self-service.
3. Emergency medical treatment application:
Resident health card stores personal name, age, ID number, home address, contact information and other identity information, when an emergency, medical ambulance personnel can read through the resident health card in the first time to obtain the necessary basic information.
4, convenient for farmers to apply for medical treatment:
Farmers apply for the residents' health card, such as any designated medical institutions in the province to which they belong to seek medical treatment, you can instantly with the residents' health card settlement of diagnosis and treatment, the patient only has to pay for the individual out-of-pocket expenses part of the burden of medical treatment can be greatly reduced.
5, focus on maternal and child health applications:
Women and children through the residents' health card, in addition to enjoying convenient services, but also timely access to the country's free basic public **** health services and major public **** health services, such as free premarital checkups, maternal folic acid supplementation, etc..
6, community health service applications:
Residents with a resident health card, once diagnosed in the hospital with a disease that is included in the national basic public **** health service program, the community health service organization will automatically obtain the hospital diagnosis and treatment information through the regional health record information platform.
7, the residents of self-health management applications:
Residents of personal Internet or the use of self-service equipment, you can query the hospital online expert number source and book appointments, view personal health records, timely grasp of their own medical history, self-service print booking registration form, inspection and laboratory tests, health guidance information, etc..
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