The classification of fire protection level of a factory building is usually classified by Party A, Party B, Party C and Party D, which is used to indicate the fire safety level of the building and related fire prevention measures.
Class-A factory building: Class-A factory building refers to a building with high fire safety standards and good fire prevention performance and facilities. Generally speaking, Class A workshops have complete fire alarm systems, automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke control and exhaust systems, and complete fire prevention measures and facilities such as building structures, fire partitions and fire doors.
Class B factory building: Class B factory building refers to a building with a slightly lower fire safety standard than Class A factory building. The fire prevention facilities and measures of Class B workshop may not be as perfect as those of Class A workshop, but they still have high fire safety performance. Class C workshop: Class C workshop refers to buildings with low fire safety performance. The fire prevention facilities, fire prevention measures and fire safety standards of Class C workshop are relatively poor, so it is necessary to strengthen fire risk management and monitoring.
Class D workshop: Class D workshop refers to the building with the lowest fire safety performance. There may be serious fire risks in the D-class workshop, and the fire prevention facilities and measures are insufficient, so it is necessary to strengthen fire safety management. These categories are classified according to relevant local laws, regulations and standards to ensure the fire safety of the plant. When choosing a workshop, it is necessary to make decisions according to the fire-fighting facilities and measures required by different types of workshops to ensure the fire safety in the workplace.
except for the classification of the fire protection level of the workshop of A, B, C and D
Class A: Class A is one of the classifications of buildings by the National Fire Department (NFPA). A-class building is the highest level, with the strongest fire prevention measures and fire safety performance.
class b: the class b building is slightly lower than class a, but it still has relatively high fire protection capability. This kind of building generally has a relatively complete fire alarm system and automatic fire extinguishing system.
class c: class c buildings refer to general businesses, office buildings, etc., and their fire control facilities and safety standards are relatively low, so it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and fire prevention measures.