Kneeling for high-definition Computer-aided design for medical device product structure and modeling, this textbook disk link have? Disc Computer Aided Design for Medical Device

Kneeling for high-definition Computer-aided design for medical device product structure and modeling, this textbook disk link have? Disc Computer Aided Design for Medical Device Product Structure and Styling HD online

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Extract code: 1234


This book combines the characteristics of the medical device engineering related professions, and integrates medical device product structure and styling design based on the introduction of engineering drawing and computer-aided design. introduction of engineering drawing and computer-aided design, incorporating medical device product structure and modeling design and ergonomics ideas, and combining with medical device product development cases, it introduces in detail the process and methods of medical device product structure design. The book consists of five chapters, respectively, the foundation of engineering drawing, the mechanism design of medical device products, the ergonomics design of medical device products, the modeling design of medical device products, and the computer-aided design of medical device products.