How far is the radiation from radiographic filming? How great is the harm to the human body?

X-ray examination of the human body has damage, the more rays illuminated, the greater the risk of cancer, so the State Ministry of Health issued as early as 2002, "the management of health protection of radiation work" clearly stipulates that medical personnel should be examined by the necessary protection.

"Radiological work health protection management measures", which stipulates in Article 25: "engaged in radiological diagnosis, treatment units, should be developed and the unit engaged in the diagnosis, treatment program compatible with the implementation of quality control, compliance with quality control and monitoring norms. Radiological diagnosis, treatment device protection performance and technical indicators related to the quality of irradiation, shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards."

Medical personnel short-term exposure to large doses of radiation, acute skin burns, necrosis, radiation dermatitis, eye crystal clouding secondary to cataracts; long-term low-dose radiation, the onset of the disease is generally in a few years or even a dozen years, may occur leukemia, other tumors, fetal malformations and so on. However, for the hazards of medical radiation, many doctors themselves do not have enough protection awareness, although the hospital also provides the appropriate protective measures, but in practice, some medical workers will be reluctant to use because of the trouble. Many in the X-ray machine under the orthopedic surgery and manipulation of the reset of the doctor, arm hair all the sweat off, which shows that radiation has been harmful to the body.

Industrial radiation protection to do three things:

(1) distance protection, work away from the source of radiation.

(2) time protection, do not work for a long time.

(3) shielding protection, the work area should have an effective shielding device.