Workshop equipment overhaul project money should be credited to which account?

Workshop equipment overhaul project payments in accordance with the new guidelines, fixed asset repair costs are always recorded in the current profit and loss, debited to "administrative expenses - repair costs".

Employee housing fund Medical insurance is recognized as administrative expenses. Various types of insurance, including pension, medical, unemployment, housing fund and other social insurance can be set up in the administrative expenses account in the social insurance sub-accounts. Such as:

Administrative expenses - social insurance premiums -

-Pension Insurance

-Medical Insurance

-Unemployment Insurance

-Housing Provident Fund, etc.

The following article from the Sixth Space Academy Finance Department Mr. Meng wrote a better, you can refer to the following:

The new standard of accounting for fixed asset repair costs under the Discussion

After the implementation of the new ASBE, according to Article 6 of ASBE No. 4 - Fixed Assets, subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets, which meet the conditions for the recognition of fixed assets, shall be included in the cost of fixed assets; if they do not meet the conditions for the recognition of fixed assets stipulated in the Guidelines, they shall be recognized in profit or loss as they are incurred. Compared with the original system of accounting for fixed asset repair costs, the new standard has two changes: first, it is as a follow-up expenditure, does not meet the conditions for recognition of fixed assets repair costs occur, a one-time charge to the current period, no longer use the withholding and amortization of the way of accounting; second, due to the cost of repairs included in the current period's administrative expenses or selling expenses and other period expenses, the enterprise production of products or the cost of providing labor services Fixed asset repair costs are no longer included in the cost of products produced or labor services provided by the enterprise. The above two changes can be seen throughout the new enterprise accounting standards system is the "assets and liabilities" concept, the emphasis is more on the enterprise's net assets rather than profits, weakening the "income and expenses", no longer use the withholding or amortization of the way to account for can make the enterprise Assets more prudent, in order to prevent the artificial manipulation of accounting information, but no longer consider the relevance of fixed asset repair costs and enterprise products or services provided, and all of which will be included in the period of the cost of the author believes that it is also questionable.

I. Fixed asset repair costs are all included in the profit and loss problems

1. Contrary to the division of cost and period expenses

In order to calculate the cost of products produced by the enterprise or the cost of services provided, it is necessary to correctly delineate the boundaries between the management of production costs and operating expenses. Fixed asset repair costs are all included in the period costs, contrary to the principle of cost accounting of the correct division of cost and period costs.

Costs are incurred in the production of products or services provided by the process of products or services borne by the cost, when it is included in the cost of the products produced or the cost of services provided. Period expenses are expenses incurred in the course of production and operation that should not be borne by the cost of products or services. In other words, the cost is able to objectify with the product, while the period expense is not objectified with the product, directly into profit and loss, and enterprise profit. Therefore, according to the accounting principles of cost and expense, if a fixed asset belongs to the production workshop, directly used in the production of products or the provision of services, that is, with the production of products or the provision of services there is a link, then it should be objectified into the cost of products or services; if a fixed asset belongs to the management of the enterprise or the sales department, is not directly used in the production of products or the provision of services If a fixed asset is used by the management or sales department of the enterprise, not directly used in the production of products or the provision of services, that is, there is no direct link with the production of products or the provision of services, then it can not be objectified to the cost of products or services, and should be included in the period expenses.

2. Accounting for depreciation and leasing costs of fixed assets is not coordinated

Compared with the treatment of depreciation and leasing costs of fixed assets, only the cost of repair of fixed assets under the new standard is directly recognized in profit or loss, which is not coordinated. According to Article 18 of ASBE No. 4 - Fixed Assets, fixed assets should be depreciated monthly and recognized in the cost of the related assets or in profit or loss according to the usage. Also according to Article 22 of AS 21 - Leasing, for the rent of operating leases, the lessee shall recognize the cost of the relevant assets or current profit or loss in accordance with the straight-line method for each period during the lease term; other methods may also be used if they are more systematic and reasonable. In fact, fixed assets are the material production technology basis of enterprise production and operation, with high unit value, long service life, in order to maintain its good technical condition, especially in the equipment biased obsolescence of the enterprise, in the process of its use is bound to incur a relatively large amount of repair costs. The new accounting standards for depreciation, leasing costs by use of the cost or profit and loss, or more prudent in line with the actual situation of production, repair costs are in fact a fixed asset usage fees, or should be used with depreciation, leasing costs consistent with the processing method.

3. Impact on the authenticity of the current performance

In the repair costs incurred in a relatively large and relatively uneven production enterprises, repair costs do not take into account the use of fixed assets, directly into the current profit and loss, the impact on the operating profit of the enterprise is relatively large, and it is difficult to carry out a balanced assessment of the business performance of the enterprise, so that the enterprise annual statements lack of comparability, and also is not conducive to the business operators to make decisions. Decision-making. As a large and medium-sized aerospace military research and production enterprise, we have a deep understanding. With the requirements of technological progress, production equipment capacity also needs to be constantly improved, the corresponding annual repair costs are also a considerable amount of money, while the repair costs of fixed assets occurring each year is not balanced. If the repair costs do not meet the conditions for recognition of fixed assets are all included in the current profit and loss, the annual operating results of the enterprise will be affected by the larger impact and fluctuations, each time the business performance of the comparative analysis, it is necessary to remove the fixed asset repair costs out of the separate statement.

4. Impact on the price system of military products or services

The repair costs are all included in the current profit and loss, from the enterprise product cost or cost of labor elements, but also due to the lack of fixed asset repair costs of this cost factor, the production of products or sales of labor offer and pricing of the work of the enterprise to bring a certain impact. Especially for military enterprises, the impact is even greater. Military products are special products, price determination is not based on market supply and demand, but a complete and independent offer, pricing system, and in this system, for the determination of the period cost is quite strict, there is a certain percentage of the limit. In other words, no matter how the real period expenses of the enterprise, it is difficult to recognize the part that exceeds the limited proportion. Repair costs, if a large number of period costs, the impact on the price of military products, the impact on the profits of military enterprises are more significant.

Two, fixed asset repair costs of accounting treatment recommendations

1. Correctly divided into production costs and operating expenses management boundaries

If a fixed asset belongs to the management or sales department, that is, not related to the production of products or services, because of the cost of its object can not be directly objectified, you can incur the repair costs are directly charged to the profit and loss account, that is, "administrative expenses". That is, "administrative expenses" or "selling expenses" account; if a fixed asset belongs to the production sector, directly used in the production of products or services provided, that is, with the production of products or services provided by the existence of a link, then it can be objectified into the The cost of the product or service. When the production of products or services to complete the transfer cost and sales, with the transfer of the cost of goods sold will be included in the current operating results.

2. Fixed asset repair costs for different purposes are handled separately

For fixed asset repair costs associated with the production of products or the provision of services, they should be further categorized according to the exclusive and ****-exclusive relationship between the production of the product or the provision of services in order to adopt a reasonable method of charging the cost of the product produced or the services provided. For example, a piece of machinery and equipment only in the workshop processing and production of a product, this type of production or service object clear fixed assets incurred repair costs are directly based on the costing object of the product; if a fixed asset is not only used for the production of a product or the provision of services, but for a variety of products produced or services provided, for example, a piece of machinery and equipment at the same time is used for the processing and production of different products, the repair costs incurred by such fixed assets also have a clear costing object, but for a product or service is an indirect link, so the accounting treatment should be set to the set of "manufacturing costs" and other subjects, and then in accordance with a certain method of apportionment to the corresponding product costs.

3. Fixed asset repair costs are not accounted for by withholding or amortization

Fixed asset repair costs are no longer accounted for by withholding or amortization for the new accounting standards system, which can make the handling of business assets more prudent, reduce the artificial manipulation of repair costs, and more conducive to the simplicity and ease of accounting processing.