Polo Kids Sugar Factory Community Store is located in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Songbei District, Sugar Factory Community, Building 10, Unit 101, this store has a variety of types of children's clothing, according to Baidu map query, to the six hospitals of the Harmonious Medical University to drive to the full distance of about 3.2 kilometers, it is estimated that it takes 7 minutes, passing through the Songpu Avenue and the Guangda Road;
POLO children's clothing Guanjiang International The address of the shopping center is located in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Puyuan Road, Songbei District, No. 3022, Guanjiang International Shopping Center F1, in this shopping center by a variety of children's clothing stores for customers to choose from, according to Baidu map query, to the Sixth Hospital of the Harmonic Medical University to drive to the whole journey of about 4.5 kilometers, it is expected to take 11 minutes, via the Songpu Avenue, Guangda Road.