The California tax system is administered and levied by government units at different levels of state and county. The main taxes include: Personal Income Tax (Personal Income Tax)
The tax rate ranges from 1 to 9.3.
Corporate Income Franchise Tax (Corporate Income Franchise Tax)
The business franchise tax is 8.84% of the annual taxable income, but the minimum tax amount is US$800.
Sales Tax and Use Tax
The current sales tax in California is 7.25, but because local governments also have to levy sales tax, the actual tax amount Between 7.25 and 8.25. Businesses in California must pay use tax if they use tangible current assets that do not pay sales tax, such as assets or inventory purchased out of state.
Local Property Tax (Local Property Tax)
It varies from place to place. The average tax rate across the state is about 1.1 of the announced land price.
Unemployment Insurance Tax (Unemployment Insurance Tax)
The annual salary of each employed worker is 3.4 of US$7,000.
The disability insurance (employed labor burden) rate is 0.8 of salary $31,767.