Which one is better compared to Maverick electric scooter and Yadi electric scooter?

Yadi is better and more worth buying.

Yadi electric car is to do motorcycle, and later began to do electric car. And with their own motorcycle experience and "more high-end electric car" slogan will be driven by the electric car industry at the same time is also considered to let Yadi once again reborn, has more users, to the high-end step forward.

Maverick electric car in the eyes of many people may have gotten rid of the "mobility tools" this narrow category, it has been counted on behalf of a kind of freedom, independence - with their own and the team's strength "to make the city a better place to live" lifestyle. It's a way of life that makes the city a better place to live by itself and as a team.

On many occasions, Maverick has not just praised its own lineup of vehicles, but has also driven 500,000 users, and word-of-mouth and goodwill have skyrocketed.

Buy electric car notes:

Buy electric car need to pay attention to is the electric car trolley appearance, range, braking performance, battery performance, etc., but also to see whether the electric car meets the national standards, whether it can be licensed, whether the electric car has 3C compulsory certification, as well as the electric car of the main components of the warranty period is The main parts of the electric car warranty period is how long, and so on.

Buying an electric car is the first thing you see at first glance is the appearance of the trolley, when you buy your favorite trolley, you should pay attention to check the appearance of the trolley paint, workmanship, whether there are defects.

Check the electric car range, according to their own travel length needs to choose the right range of the tram. You can test ride the electric scooter you want to buy, check whether there is any problem with the brake performance, and also experience whether the riding feeling is comfortable.

Buying an electric car should be within your budget, paying attention to the battery form, power, speed and driving range. The electric car on the market is equipped with mostly lead-acid batteries, a small number of lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries have low energy density, large volume, heavy mass, cheap. Lithium-ion batteries have high energy density, small size, light weight, slow battery decay, long service time, and high price.