What is the single day limit for a Class 2 card

Class II cards have a single day limit of $10,000 and a $200,000 annual limit. Class III cards have a single-day limit of $5,000 and an annual limit of $100,000 per year.

Debit cards are divided into one type of card, two types of cards and three types of cards, of which one type of card is a full-featured account, usually the first debit card you get at the bank is a one type of card, which allows you to handle transfers, consumption, payment, wealth management, deposits and other businesses. The second type of card has a limit on spending, usually a daily limit of 10,000 and an annual limit of 200,000 dollars. The third type of card is more restrictive and can only make some small purchases.

The three types of bank cards are as follows:

One, Class I account is a full-featured account, a debit card as we know it, which can be used for deposits, transfers, consumption and payment of bills, purchase of investment and financial products, and cash withdrawals, etc., with unlimited scope and amount of use. Individuals' salary income, large-value transfers, bank-certificate transfers, as well as payment and disbursement of medical insurance, social insurance, pension and provident fund should be handled through Type I accounts.

II. Class II accounts can handle deposits, purchase of investment and wealth management products and other financial products, limited consumption and payment of fees, and limited transfer of funds to non-binding accounts. By bank counter, self-service equipment to the bank staff on-site face-to-face to confirm the identity of the II type of households can also handle cash, non-binding account funds transfer business, can be issued with a bank bank card entity card. The aggregate daily limit for transferring funds to non-binding accounts and depositing cash for Class II accounts is 10,000 yuan, and the aggregate annual limit is 200,000 yuan; the aggregate daily limit for consumption and payment of bills, transferring funds to non-binding accounts, and withdrawing cash is 10,000 yuan, and the aggregate annual limit is 200,000 yuan.

Third, III type accounts can handle the limit of consumption and payment of fees, the limit of transferring funds to non-binding account business. By the bank counter, self-service equipment to the bank staff on-site face-to-face to confirm the identity of the III type of households can also handle non-binding account funds transfer business. Among them, the account balance of Class III accounts shall not exceed $1,000; non-binding account funds transfer to the cumulative daily limit of 5,000 yuan, the annual cumulative limit of 100,000 yuan; consumption and payment of fees and payments, the transfer of funds to the non-binding account of the cumulative daily limit of the total of 5,000 yuan, the annual cumulative limit accounts. totaling 100,000 yuan.