Introduction to Accuray and the Radio Knife
Accuray began in 1987, when John R. Adler, now Professor of Brain Surgery and Radiation Oncology at Stanford University Medical Center, developed the Radio Knife after completing a specialty course in Sweden with the founder of radiosurgery, Dr. Lars Leksell. With the birth of the radioknife, Professor Adler had always envisioned the development of an accurate and precise non-invasive robotic radiosurgery system to treat tumors anywhere in the body. Since radiosurgery at the time was limited to intracranial tumors, Professor Adler's revolutionary concepts went far beyond the radiosurgical paradigm of the day.
In 2001, the FDA again approved the use of the radiosurgery knife to treat patients with tumors anywhere in the body. Unlike traditional radiosurgery systems, which can only treat tumors of the head and neck, the radioknife was approved to treat patients with intracranial and extracranial tumors. Because of the extreme precision of the radioknife, there is no need to implant a stent in the head or other parts of the body to prevent the patient from moving during treatment.
In 2004, Accuray again demonstrated its leadership in radiosurgery by receiving FDA clearance for its Synchrony® Respiratory Tracking System. Because tumors in some areas of the body, such as the lungs, liver and pancreas, can move during breathing, the Synchrony® Breath Tracker System allows healthcare providers to continuously track, detect and correct tumor movement during treatment without requiring the patient to hold his or her breath or to use breath control techniques. Unlike traditional radiation therapy, patients treated with Synchrony Breath Tracker can breathe normally during treatment, while the system maintains a high degree of accuracy and minimizes damage to the normal tissue surrounding the tumor.
In 2005, Accuray introduced the Xsight® Spine Tracking System, which automatically tracks, detects, and corrects tumor movement in the spine during treatment. Xsight® Spine Tracking System treats the entire spine, providing patients with comfort and sub-millimeter accuracy. The Xsight® Spine tracking system treats the entire spine, providing patients with a comfortable, sub-millimeter accurate radiosurgical treatment option that also saves physicians time in operating the treatment equipment, thus providing better service to more patients.
Over the years, Accuray continues to use innovative technology and faster computer systems to improve the radio wave knife, to provide the best equipment for radiosurgery. 2005 November, Accuray launched the fourth generation of the radio wave knife, the system is faster and more flexible than the previous generation of the radio wave knife, so that extracranial tumor radiosurgery more convenient. According to statistics, as of the end of the third quarter of September 30, 2006, more than 50% of the cases in the U.S. have been applied to the treatment of extracranial tumors, including tumors of the spine, lung, prostate, liver and pancreas.
Accuray has led the way in the development of radiosurgery systems with the development of the Shot Wave Knife robotic radiosurgery system, which has provided superior treatment to more than 90,000 cancer patients worldwide. With the creation of the first generation of the RadioWave Knife, Accuray has been actively upgrading the RadioWave Knife to assist clinicians in treating tumors anywhere in the patient's body with the highest degree of precision. There are numerous peer-reviewed papers that support the clinical application of the robotic radiosurgery system. Today, Accuray is committed not only to continuing its leadership in robotic radiosurgery, but also to providing cancer patients with a higher level of equipment to fight cancer.
Accuray's Milestones
1,1987, Successful development of the radiofrequency knife.
2,1990, Accuray Incorporate was founded.
3,In 1996, Japan approved the use of radio wave knife for the treatment of head and neck tumors.
4,In 1999, the FDA approved the radio wave knife for the treatment of patients with head and skull base tumors.
5,In 2001, the FDA approved the expansion of the indications for the treatment of tumors anywhere in the body. South Korea and Taiwan approved the use of RK for the treatment of head and neck tumors.
6,In 2002, Europe approved the use of radio wave knife for the treatment of tumors anywhere in the body.
7,In 2003, South Korea approved the use of radio wave knife for the treatment of tumors in any part of the body.
8,2004, Taiwan approved the use of radio wave knife for the treatment of tumors in any part of the body.
9,2005, Xsight? Spine tracking system was approved by the FDA to treat patients.
10,2006, Accuray opened a new manufacturing and R&D facility and received FDA approval to treat patients with the Xsight? Lung Tracking System and the 4D Treatment Optimization and Planning System.
11,In 2007, Accuray was listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange as common stock under the symbol ARAY.
12,In 2008, Japan approved the use of the radio wave knife for the treatment of tumors anywhere in the body.
13.In 2010, Acccury launched the fifth generation of the Cyberknife, Cyberknife VSI (referred to as the Versatile Intelligent Cyberknife)
14.In 2012, Accuray developed a brand new sixth generation of the Cyberknife, Cyberknife M6