How to protect emergency and first aid under Shanghai's war epidemic? How to meet the public's medical needs?

Establishing specialized emergency and urgent care channels will help more patients get better treatment. In addition, the hospitals concerned should work out different solutions according to the specific conditions of the patients, which will not jeopardize the anti-epidemic policy and enable ordinary residents to be treated.

After the outbreak in Shanghai, many hospitals were faced with a large number of quarantined and treated people. At the same time, the number of patients with new crown pneumonia and asymptomatic infections is still increasing, which will inevitably cause medical resources to be consumed at an excessive rate. The treatment and consultation of the general population and patients with new crowns and asymptomatic infected people is very important, and the establishment of specialized emergency and urgent care channels is very effective.

Method 1: the establishment of a specialized emergency emergency channel to help more Shanghai residents and foreign workers to get better treatment

It is well known that hospitals will open emergency, but after the outbreak in several cities, some hospitals are overcrowded emergency, likely to lead to the critically ill patients can not get treatment in the first time. In order to further help residents to see a doctor, Shanghai hospitals can take the establishment of a special emergency emergency channel, divided into categories of patients, doctors will be the first time to complete the treatment.

Method 2: Prepare adequate medical equipment and resources to meet the needs of a large number of patients

Once a large number of patients appear in a given city, medical resources are consumed at a particularly rapid rate. Patients with new cases of pneumonia and those with asymptomatic infections are not the same, and healthcare workers need to prescribe medications accordingly. At this time, patients with negative nucleic acid tests will inevitably be unwell, and will also need medications and treatment. Make all preparations in advance, especially the supply of drugs is proportional to the consumption of drugs, so that there is not a huge gap in the supply of drugs.

In general, China's medical development is growing faster and faster, but the large number of confirmed cases will also consume medicines. In order to further protect the normal medical treatment and consultation of all residents, the establishment of a good emergency channel is very effective, and gradually meet the needs of patients.