Necessary to add: health supervision can be divided into two categories of preventive health supervision and regular health supervision. Preventive hygiene supervision is the new construction, alteration, expansion, renewal of the city, residential areas, various large-scale facilities, factories, mining enterprises, etc. in the planning, design, construction, commissioning and acceptance stage. Take new factories as an example, the content of preventive health supervision includes: site selection, factory planning, production process arrangement, three wastes (wastewater, waste gas, waste residue) treatment and discharge, production, choice of living water sources, etc. Whether it is reasonable, the factory production of the surrounding residents have no impact. Whether the production of harmful factors (such as dust, poison) have appropriate measures to meet the requirements of health standards, whether the design of plant and workshop is reasonable, whether the size of the building, configuration, structure and materials meet the hygiene requirements for the prevention of occupational hazards. Whether the design of auxiliary rooms meets the requirements of production hygiene, living hygiene, and maternal and child hygiene. Whether the medical and health facilities meet the requirements of the enterprise scale and the number of employees. Regular hygiene supervision is the daily supervision and inspection of already operating factories, mines, enterprises and institutions. Each health discipline works with a different professional scope of objects, and the focus of recurrent health supervision and inspection is also different.
Regular health supervision of labor hygiene, the main contents are: labor conditions in the presence of occupationally harmful factors and their degree of harm. Production environment of toxic factors in line with health standards, harmful jobs have set up effective protective measures, their use and maintenance and how effective. Whether the workers exposed to occupationally harmful factors are subject to regular pre-employment and post-employment health examinations, and what the results are. How is the registration and management of health checkups and other information, and whether occupational diseases are dealt with in a timely manner after they are found. Labor positions with or without safety and health operating procedures, exposure to dust and poisonous workers are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment and its regular inspection and updating system and so on.