Roosevelt's New Deal I. How Roosevelt Implemented the New Deal In the history of the economic development of the United States and even the world, the outbreak of the economic crisis from 1929 to 1933 and the implementation of President Roosevelt's "New Deal" left an extremely deep impression on people so that the study of the modern capitalist economy is unavoidable to study this history. The study of the modern capitalist economy is so impressive that it is unavoidable to study this period of history. October 24, 1929 is known as "Black Thursday" in American history. Before that, in the summer of 1929, the United States was still in full swing. During the three months of summer, the stock of the General Motors Corporation of the United States rose from 268 to 391, and the stock of the United States Steel Corporation rose from 165 to 258, and people talked about nothing else but stocks when they met, and it was not until September that the United States Secretary of the Treasury swore to the public that "this boom will continue". This boom will continue." However, the day of October 24, the U.S. financial sector collapsed, stocks fell overnight from the top into the abyss, the price of falling fast, even the stock market automatic display can not keep up with the trip, the stock market crash led to a four-year economic depression, from then on, the U.S. economy was plunged into the quagmire of the economic crisis, the previous flourishing U.S. society gradually by the mountain of inventory, workers are unemployed, stores closed down bleak The previous prosperous American society was gradually replaced by a bleak scene of stockpiling, unemployment and store closures. 86,000 enterprises went bankrupt, 5,500 banks failed, the national financial sector into a state of suffocation, millions of Americans for many years of hard work and savings down the drain, the GNP from the crisis broke out at the time of 104.4 billion U.S. dollars fell sharply to 74.2 billion U.S. dollars in 1933, the number of unemployed from less than 1.5 million people soared to more than 17 million, accounting for the entire workforce of more than a quarter of the overall level of the economy back to 1913, the United States economic crisis. The overall economic level regressed to that of 1913. The value of agricultural products was at its lowest point, and it was not uncommon for farmers to pour milk into the sea and burn grain and cotton in public. It was under these circumstances that Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected the 32nd President of the United States, replacing the troubled Hoover. He responded to the reality of the time, in line with the will of the masses, boldly implemented a series of policies and measures aimed at overcoming the crisis, historically known as the "New Deal", the main content of the New Deal can be summarized by the "three Rs", that is, Recover ( Recover), Relief (Relief), Reform (Reform). Since the Great Depression was triggered by the financial crisis caused by wild speculation. President Roosevelt's New Deal also started with financial rectification. Of the 15 important pieces of legislation enacted during the period known as the "Hundred Days of New Deal" (March 9 to June 16, 1933), laws relating to finance accounted for one-third. When Roosevelt was sworn in as president on March 4, 1933, there was hardly a bank in the country and checks could not be cashed in Washington. At Roosevelt's request, on March 9, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act, which decided to adopt a system of individual examination and licensing of banks, and to allow solvent banks to resume business as soon as possible. From March 13 to 15, 14,771 banks had received licenses to reopen, compared with 25,568 before the outbreak of the 1929 crisis, eliminating 10,797 banks. The extraordinary measures taken by Roosevelt to rectify the financial situation played a great role in cleaning up the mess and stabilizing the people. Public opinion commented that this action was like "a bolt of lightning in a dark and gloomy sky". Roosevelt also took actions to strengthen the foreign economic position of the United States at the same time of bank consolidation. From March 10, 1933 announced the cessation of gold exports, to take one major measure after another: April 5, announced the ban on private storage of gold and gold securities, U.S. currency to stop converting to gold; April 19, banned the export of gold, abandon the gold standard; June 5, the abolition of public and private debt repayment in gold; January 10, 1934, announced the issuance of $3 billion paper money guaranteed by national securities, and devaluation of the U.S. dollar. On January 10, 1934, it announced the issuance of 3 billion dollars of paper money secured by national securities and devalued the dollar by 40.94%. Through the devaluation of the dollar, the competitiveness of American goods to the outside world was strengthened. These measures played an important role in stabilizing the situation and in easing the blood circulation of economic life. During the "Hundred Days' New Deal", Roosevelt, while solving the banking problem, tried his best to make the Congress pass the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the National Industrial Recovery Act successively, which became the right hand and left arm of the whole New Deal. Roosevelt required the capitalists to abide by the rules of "fair competition", set the scale of production, price, and sales range of each enterprise, and set the minimum wage and maximum working hours for the workers, thus restricting the monopoly and reducing and easing the tense class conflicts. After receiving grudging support from big business, Roosevelt then did his best to win over the owners of small and medium-sized businesses. He said that while it was important for big business to accept the Industrial Recovery Act, "the area of fruitfulness lies with the small employers, whose contribution will be to provide new jobs for one to ten persons. These small employers are, in fact, an extremely important part of the backbone of the nation, and the success or failure of our program depends largely on them." The growth of small and medium-sized businesses has played a positive role in the stabilization of American society and the recovery of the economy. Another important element of the New Deal was relief efforts. In May 1933, Congress passed the Federal Emergency Relief Act, the establishment of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, a variety of relief funds quickly allocated to the states, and in the following year, the simple relief changed to "food for work" to provide the unemployed with the opportunity to engage in the public **** cause, to safeguard the spirit of self-reliance and self-esteem of the unemployed. In the early years of Roosevelt's administration, more than 17 million unemployed people and their relatives relied on the state and municipal governments and private charities for their livelihood. But this part of the financial resources relative to such a huge army of unemployed, is like a drop in the bucket. Only the federal government could solve this complex social problem. One of the first measures of Roosevelt's New Deal was the Civilian Resource Conservation Corps (CRC) program, which Congress was urged to pass. The program specifically absorbed young people between the ages of 18 and 25, strong and unemployed, to work in tree planting, flood control, soil conservation, road construction, forest fire lines and forest watchtowers, the first 250,000 people were recruited to work in 1,500 camps throughout the states. By the time the United States entered the war, more than 2 million young people had worked in this organization, which had created more than 7.4 million acres of state forests and a large number of state parks. On average, each person worked for nine months per period, and the majority of their monthly wages were taken out as alimony, thus expanding the relief and corresponding purchasing power of society as a whole. For tens of millions of people dependent on the state, the city, Roosevelt also urged Congress to pass the Federal Emergency Relief Act, the establishment of the Federal Relief Agency, a reasonable division of the federal government and the proportion of the use of the states, the development of preferential policies to encourage local governments to use for direct relief of the poor and the unemployed. During the New Deal period, the United States had a wide range of relief agencies, which could be divided into two systems: the Public Works Department (the government allocated more than $4 billion) and the Civil Works Department (invested nearly $1 billion), which were mainly engaged in long-term engineering programs, and the Civil Works Department (invested nearly $1 billion), which constructed 180,000 small-scale engineering projects throughout the country, including schoolhouses, bridges, levees, sewer systems, and public **** buildings, such as post offices and administrative offices. The latter built 180,000 minor works projects across the country, including school buildings, bridges, embankments, sewerage systems and public **** buildings such as post offices and administrative offices, attracting 4 million people to work and finding employment for the vast number of unskilled unemployed workers. Later on, several new work relief agencies were established. The most famous of these were the $5 billion Congress appropriated for the construction of the Works Projects Administration and the National Youth Administration, which was specifically targeted at young people, employing a total of 23 million people, accounting for more than half of the nation's workforce. By the eve of World War II, the federal government had spent $18 billion on various projects and a smaller amount on direct relief, through which the U.S. government built nearly 1,000 airports, more than 12,000 sports stadiums, and more than 800 school buildings and hospitals, which not only created employment opportunities for craftsmen, unskilled laborers, and the construction industry, but also provided thousands of unemployed artists with a variety of jobs, making it the most important project ever undertaken by the U.S. government. It is by far the most ambitious and successful relief program ever undertaken by the U.S. government. This money passed through the workers' pockets, through different channels and consumption, and returned to the capitalists, becoming the "priming water" to stimulate private consumption and personal investment with government investment. The second phase of the New Deal, which began in 1935, built on the foundation of the first phase, focusing on the passage of the Social Security Act, the National Labor Relations Act, the Public Utilities Act, and other regulations to consolidate the results of the New Deal in the form of legislation. Roosevelt believed that a government "which fails to take care of the old and the sick, which fails to provide work for the strong, which fails to inject young people into the industrial system, which allows the shadow of insecurity to hang over every family, is not a government which can or should exist", and that social insurance should be responsible for Social security should be responsible for the entire life cycle, "from the cradle to the grave". To this end, the Social Security Act was enacted, which provided that wage earners who retired at the age of 65 would receive a pension of $10 to $85 per month, depending on the level of their wages. Regarding unemployment insurance, Roosevelt explained, "It will not only help the individual to avoid going on the dole if he is laid off in the future, but by maintaining purchasing power it will also soften a little the shock of economic hardship." Half of the premiums were paid by active workers and half by employers in the amount of 1 percent of the worker's wages, and the other half was appropriated by the federal government. This social insurance law, reflecting the strong desire of the working people, was welcomed and praised by the vast majority of the American people. On May 24, 1937, Roosevelt submitted to Congress a widely publicized message on minimum wage and maximum hours legislation. The message recognized that "one-third of our population, the great majority of whom are engaged in agriculture or industry, are poorly fed, poorly clothed, and poorly housed." "We must keep in mind that our goal is to improve, not lower, the standard of living of those who are now malnourished, poorly clothed and badly housed. We know that overtime and low wages will not raise the national income when a large portion of our workers are not yet employed." By Congress did not act on the bill, on October 12, 1937, Roosevelt reintroduced it until June 14, 1938, when it was passed. This was the Fair Labor Standards Act (also known as the Wage and Hour Act), whose main provisions included a minimum wage of 40 cents per hour for 40 hours of work per week, a ban on child labor under the age of 16, and a ban on the use of workers under the age of 18 in hazardous industries. The minimum wage provisions were subsequently adjusted as the economy developed. This social legislation, although it is in the realm of social improvement, has been of great benefit to the population in general and to wage earners in particular. In order to solve the problem of federal funding of the social security system, Roosevelt took the unprecedented step of introducing a progressive tax based on income and assets. A 31% tax on net income of $50,000 and estates of $40,000, and a 75% tax on estates of $5 million or more; and the corporate tax, which used to be 13.75% across the board, was lowered to 12.5% on corporate income up to $50,000 under the 1935 tax law and increased to 15% on income of $50,000 or more. By 1939, President Roosevelt's New Deal was a great success. The New Deal covered almost every aspect of social and economic life in the U.S. Most of the measures were specific considerations aimed at getting the U.S. out of the crisis and minimizing the consequences of the crisis, while others were visionary plans from the perspective of the long-term development goals of capitalism, which had the immediate effect of preventing a major economic collapse and helping the U.S. to get out of the crisis. From 1935 onwards, almost all the economic indicators of the United States rebounded steadily, with the gross national product increasing from 74.2 billion US dollars in 1933 to 204.9 billion US dollars in 1939, and the number of unemployed people dropping from 17 million to 8 million, which restored the national confidence in the national system, got rid of the threat posed by fascism to the democratic system, and prevented the United States from experiencing intense social unrest during the crisis, and contributed to the subsequent participation of the United States in the war against fascism. It created a favorable environment and conditions for the United States to participate in the anti-fascist war, and largely determined the direction of social and economic development of the United States after World War II. It is true that the ultimate aim of Roosevelt's "New Deal" was to strengthen state capitalism in order to overcome the economic crisis and consolidate the capitalist system. "The New Deal was a kind of experimental treatment he tried to cure the diseases of the capitalist society when conventional treatments failed to work. As a matter of fact, some of the measures of the "New Deal" were inadequate, and this was always a reason for his political opponents to take issue with him. "Classes whose interests were hurt in the implementation of the New Deal also resisted and slandered it, and even the Industrial Recovery Act and two other bills, which were important elements of the New Deal in its early days, were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court after a lapse of two years. However, as long as we really look at the New Deal with the attitude of historical materialism, it is not difficult to see that the New Deal had the pulse of the economic and social life of the U.S., and the slogan of "putting people back to work and revitalizing our businesses" had the effect of "putting people back to work and revitalizing our businesses". The slogan of "enable people to return to work and make our enterprises active again" was in line with the interests of the majority of working people and fully aroused their enthusiasm. Roosevelt to maintain the normal operation of the national economy and to ensure the employment of citizens as the responsibility of the government, especially in the form of work relief to build a large number of projects, not only greatly alleviate the difficulties of unemployment, stimulate the early recovery of the economy, but also many of the infrastructure construction of the U.S. economy benefited infinitely. The New Deal left a large number of measures and policies to prevent the recurrence of the Great Depression, for the United States into World War II and the rapid rise after the war laid a solid foundation, Roosevelt also became the most popular since Abraham Lincoln and the world's public since the president of the United States and the history books. Second, how we should learn from the New Deal Although our economy has achieved a soft landing, the momentum of development is good, the country's economic strength has increased significantly. Saving for a rainy day and taking precautionary measures, we should also be sober to see that there are still a lot of contradictions and problems in China's economic and social development. The main ones are: a considerable number of state-owned enterprises have difficulties in production and operation, the number of laid-off and unemployed people has increased, and the pressure on employment has intensified; the foundation of agriculture is still weak, the phenomenon of blind investment and repetitive construction is relatively common in the construction of the economy, and the overall quality and efficiency of the national economy is not high; financial supervision is not sufficiently sound, and the financial order is relatively chaotic in some aspects; the regional development gap still exists obviously, and the relationship between the distribution of income has not yet been rationalized, and some people live in both urban and rural areas with relatively difficult conditions. Regional development gaps still clearly exist, income distribution has not yet been rationalized, and some people in both urban and rural areas are living in difficulty. The tracking and monitoring of 58,000 state-owned industrial enterprises by the China Center for Monitoring Economic Prosperity shows that the index of state-owned enterprises from January to April declined again, reaching -109 points, 28 points lower than that from January to March, and 103 points lower than that of the same period of the previous year. ...... The production and operation conditions of loss-making enterprises have further deteriorated. The production and operation condition of loss-making enterprises further deteriorated, the loss surface widened, the loss amount rose, and the loss amount rose 31.6% from January to April, resulting in a net loss of 8.87 billion yuan for all state-owned enterprises." According to the statistical bulletin on the development of labor undertakings in 1997, "the number of employment absorbed by the public economy has declined, and by the end of last year there were still 6,343,000 laid-off and unemployed people in state-owned enterprises nationwide", and among the 846 million laborers nationwide, there were 7.1 million newly employed people every year, and rural laborers, who accounted for 80% of the total number of laborers, were often in intermittent employment. The rural labor force, which accounts for about 80 per cent of the total labor force, is often in a state of intermittent inactivity. It should be clear that the emergence of these problems is an inevitable phenomenon in the deepening of reform and economic development, and is a problem in the process of moving forward, which is fundamentally different from the phenomenon of massive unemployment that occurred in Western countries during the period of economic crisis, and is also different from the serious shortage of demand for employment that occurred in our country during the difficult economic times of the 1960s. The solution to these problems can only be based on the reality of the current stage and the formulation of policies and measures in line with China's national conditions. Reality is the repetition and continuation of history. The stone of another mountain can be used to attack jade. Although the United States President Roosevelt in the thirties to implement the "New Deal" measures, has been more than half a century, the United States and China's current situation is very different, but its economic and social development of China to solve some of the current realities of the problem, especially to start the market and the implementation of the "re-employment" project, there are a lot to be done to solve these problems. "Project, there are still a lot to learn from. 1, strengthen financial supervision, the implementation of correct monetary policy, to prevent financial risks. Modern financial policy has a great regulating effect on the national economy, and modern economic crises are mostly caused by the chaos in the financial sector. Since last year, the financial crisis in Southeast Asia has affected many countries, and our country has maintained the stability of the financial market and the exchange rate of RMB due to the good economic development. However, we must learn a lesson from it and take active measures to try to prevent and neutralize any negative impacts that may arise. In fact, the impact of this financial crisis on a large number of our labor-intensive enterprises whose products are mainly exported to Southeast Asian countries is also obvious, and it will make the business situation of some enterprises even more severe, resulting in an increasing number of laid-off and unemployed workers. This also warns us to pay attention to the negative impact of the rapid expansion of virtual capital, to prevent the emergence of a "bubble economy", to maintain a moderate level of foreign exchange reserves, to strengthen financial supervision, timely detection and evacuation of financial risks, and in the opening up of foreign capital and the financial market must be prudent. At the same time, we should make great efforts to optimize the structure of industries and products, realize the adjustment of the economic structure and the transformation of the economic growth mode as soon as possible, strive to eliminate the hidden dangers caused by the factors of investment expansion, overheating of the real estate and stock markets, repeated construction at low levels, and sharp increase in the non-performing assets of financial institutions on the development of the economy, and make good preparations to resist financial crises in many aspects, and prevent undue losses brought about by the blunders of the financial policies on the national economy and the lives of the general public. Prevent the national economy and the people's life due to financial policy mistakes to bring undue losses. 2, to work for food, start the market. Increased government investment in infrastructure, usually can bring several times the amount of investment in the total social demand and national income, to play what is called in economics "multiplier effect". In this regard, the New Deal is exemplary in promoting economic recovery and helping the unemployed through infrastructure and public **** projects, as the world has witnessed. At present, the lag in infrastructure development is still the "bottleneck" constraining our economic development, and the impact of the Asian financial turmoil has made it all the more urgent and necessary to ensure the sustained growth of the national economy by increasing domestic investment and domestic demand. The implementation of this strategic measure, we have many favorable conditions: urban and rural residents savings balance of nearly 5 trillion yuan, the savings rate is much higher than that of other countries, foreign exchange reserves and foreign currency deposits of more than 180 billion yuan, there are still trillions of dollars of hand-held cash and liquidity in the community; all kinds of inventories, the backlog of nearly 10 million yuan of materials, food reserves are abundant; the nation's turnover of the state-owned collective enterprises have trillions of dollars of assets of the plant, equipment, field, and the development of the economy, and the formation of a system of compartmentalization of the domestic demand. There are blind construction, duplication of investment projects and half-construction projects formed under the system of compartmentalization, and so on. At the same time, China's abundant labor resources are also in urgent need of these areas to display their talents and open up new paths to employment. The Central Government has already taken some necessary measures to expand domestic demand and increase investment in accordance with the needs of economic growth and structural adjustment, and has put forward a three-year plan to increase government investment by 750 billion dollars. What is important now is to strengthen the investment start-up, concentrate all available funds to issue construction bonds to the community, build farmland and water conservancy, railroads, highways, cultural and sports facilities and other public **** projects in the country in a planned batch by batch, develop a number of small investment, quick-acting labor-intensive industries, increase jobs, raise the income level of all the people, and effectively stimulate reasonable consumption, promote production, as soon as possible. Form a virtuous cycle of "economic growth, wealth increase, higher income, demand expansion" chain. 3. Focus on the protection and development of national industries. Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually formed a variety of economic components coexist in the situation, due to the state to take a series of preferential policies, "three capitals" over the years has shown a sharp rise in momentum, to enhance China's overall economic strength, to promote the scientific and technological advances in enterprises, product updates, has played an important role, but at the same time, also gives the development of national industry to the squeeze. Undoubtedly, we should continue to implement the policy of attracting foreign investment, but it is more important to formulate a policy of maintaining national industry for the long-term development of our country. Collective enterprises, township and village enterprises and individual private enterprises are an important part of the socialist economy, and we should create a more relaxed environment for them and provide them with preferential policies, especially credit policies, so as to promote their faster and better development. Only by creating a more suitable policy and social environment for national industries, reducing the tax burden on them, and emphasizing scientific and technological transformation and scientific management can they gradually enhance their capacity for self-accumulation, self-development and self-transformation and their competitiveness in the marketplace, and can they attract more capital and resources to industry, create more employment opportunities, and absorb the surplus labor force in rural areas. Accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization. 4, pay attention to agriculture, strong foundation. Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. Without the modernization of agriculture, there is no modernization of the whole country, without the well-being of the farmers will not have the well-being of the whole country. Roosevelt's "New Deal" to the prosperity of the city and the revitalization of the countryside together, stressing that "if the rural population does not have enough purchasing power to buy shoes, clothes, cars, then the industrial centers also have to suffer. In terms of policy, it emphasizes agricultural relief, reforestation, and the development of power resources by the government, etc. The vast majority of our population lives in rural areas. The vast majority of our population lives in rural areas. In recent years, the fundamental position of agriculture has actually been weakened to a certain extent amidst the clamor for "strengthening", and the rural market is far from being developed. The system of responsibility based on household contracting has brought benefits to the majority of peasants, but these benefits are offset from time to time by untimely and indiscriminate intervention in agriculture, difficulties in selling agricultural and sideline products, and the ever-increasing burdens on peasants. In the countryside, there is a large amount of surplus labor, but there is also a large amount of pasture, desert, barren mountains, mud flats and other resources that cannot be developed. The slow growth of farmers' incomes and the shrinking of the rural market are important factors in the lack of effective demand in society as a whole and in the layoffs and unemployment of workers in State-owned enterprises. Whether from the point of view of social stability, coordinated development of urban and rural areas, or improvement of the quality and civilization of the Chinese nation, it is necessary to pay attention to and strengthen the study of agricultural and rural issues, to formulate practical plans for rural economic development on a macro level, and to give agriculture, rural areas, and peasants further support, guidance, and help in terms of policy to achieve rural development, increased agricultural production, and increased incomes for peasants. At present, there are great potentials in many aspects such as launching the rural market, starting the second business of township enterprises, developing the rural individual and private economy, adjusting the structure of the rural economy, developing and utilizing the idle resources in the countryside, etc. In addition to the policies, science and technology, and inputs, it would be a correct choice to actively guide and encourage the surplus rural labor force and the laid-off staff of the state-owned enterprises and governmental organs to devote themselves to these fields and give full play to their intelligence. It is not a wrong choice. 5, make full use of human resources, vigorously promote re-employment projects. The reform we are now carrying out is actually the second liberation movement of the productive forces since the rural reform in the 1980s. Labor force is always the most active and creative factor in the productive forces. Abundant and cheap labor resources are a unique and huge input factor for the vast number of developing countries. A poor genius whose sole purpose in life is to consider how he can stop starving can hardly be of any use, even if he is a hero of the world. In China's government agencies and state-owned enterprises, a large number of cadres and laid-off workers, the vast majority of them are outstanding talents in all walks of life, or at least skilled laborers with a certain degree of cultural literacy. Under the original system, these huge resources have not been rationally allocated, some of them have been left idle for a long time, and some of them are even moving in the opposite direction, producing negative economic benefits, which is the biggest waste. Looking back on the course of rural reform, one of the keys to success is that the responsibility system based on household contracting has mobilized the enthusiasm of the vast number of farmers and provided a broad stage for them to give full play to their ingenuity. The current group of laid-off laborers, on the whole, has greater advantages than the rural labor force in terms of knowledge structure, skill level, management ability, internal and external interactions, etc., and is a valuable asset. Once these labor resources are reasonably allocated, optimized combination, will be a huge force to promote China's economic construction. Governments at all levels are duty-bound to make good use of these human resources. Government departments should take this as the goal, formulate practical work plans according to their respective responsibilities, gradually establish and improve the systematic re-employment mechanism, do a good job of employment services, accelerate the construction of labor markets, establish and improve the labor supply and demand information network, provide laid-off workers with job-seeking and recruitment information, strengthen employment guidance and training, guide laid-off workers to choose their own jobs, self-improvement of their own business, and rely on the market to find a career, and improve the employment of laid-off workers from various perspectives. The re-employment capacity of laid-off workers is being improved in many ways, and a favorable social atmosphere is being created for the implementation of the re-employment project, with the aim of making it possible for the vast majority of workers throughout the country to "have something to eat and something to do". 6. Establishment of a basic livelihood security system for laid-off workers. State-owned enterprises account for the vast majority of laid-off workers in China. Over the decades, they have made indelible achievements for the national economic construction, reform and opening up and the development and growth of enterprises. The factors that have caused many state-owned enterprises to be in a difficult situation and to have too many surplus staff are manifold. Quite a long period of time, we are in the employment mode, employment system, the labor force by the state mainly by the state-owned enterprises package down the approach, as well as such as blind construction, duplication of construction resulting in no market for products, business operations unsustainable; some due to the enterprise employing inappropriate, poor management of the enterprise caused by the shutdown of production and stoppage of production, the staff had to be laid off to wait for the job; some state-owned enterprises, business mechanism to change slowly, do not meet the Market economy development requirements; some due to the enterprise product, technology and economic structure adjustment and lead to the adjustment and transfer of employment positions, and so on. Most of the existing government agencies are also products of the planned economy, and several reforms have failed to get out of the strange circle of "expanding-reducing-expanding-reducing", resulting in more and more personnel without any major changes in functions, and even in the development of a socialist market economy, some of which have not been able to adapt to the requirements of the market economy under the conditions of a socialist market economy. Some of them have even played a negative role in the development of the socialist market economy. It is inevitable that the surplus staff of enterprises and government organizations will bear the brunt of the reform process, taking the lead in joining the ranks of the laid-off and unemployed, and this is the general trend. This is the general trend. However, these people are by no means a burden to society; they have created a favorable environment for the reform of the country by their own practical action of being laid off, and have contributed to society in a special way. The government and society as a whole should do their best to solve their difficulties. Roosevelt's "New Deal" is the initial measures to set up the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, the government allocated special funds to provide jobs for the unemployed, can not find a job as a necessity of life, food, clothing and housing costs. We are pleased to see that the Party Central Committee, the State Council and local party committees and governments at all levels have a clear understanding of this, and are being put into a variety of practical action. The recently held national conference on basic livelihood protection and re-employment of laid-off workers in enterprises has made corresponding deployments and clarified the responsibilities borne by the government, enterprises and society respectively. In our country, due to the short time of the phenomenon of layoffs and unemployment, and the government's re-employment mechanism and measures are still not perfect, not supporting, in the laid-off and unemployed workers did not find a new job before, to protect their basic living expenses is the most critical link, is particularly important, the immediate interests of the masses of workers and the Party's wholeheartedly relying on the policy of the working class, the economic development, social stability and the country's long-term peace and security of the general. The overall situation of economic development, social stability and long-term peace and security of the country must be given high priority and effectively grasped. 7, sound laws and regulations to ensure the smooth progress of the reform. Market economy is an economy of law. The development of modern economy is inseparable from the gradual improvement of laws. One of the successes of Roosevelt's New Deal is to promulgate and implement a set of laws and regulations in the process of implementation of the New Deal measures in the form of legislation to determine down. For example, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the National Industrial Recovery Act, the Social Security Act, and the Wage and Hour Act were enacted successively. In the process of transforming into a market economy, China's employment policy has changed from "turnkey" to guided employment, and from government resettlement to market adjustment. With the deepening of the reform of State-owned enterprises, layoffs, unemployment and re-employment are increasingly becoming new economic phenomena, and there is an urgent need for government departments to set up social security on all fronts, and to provide laid-off and unemployed workers with unemployment and work-injury insurance, as well as maternity and medical insurance; in particular, there is a need to push forward the establishment of a social security system by legal means, which will help the vast majority of workers to be able to maintain their basic purchasing power without relying too heavily on handouts, and to ease the impact of economic hardship on them. This will help the majority of workers not to rely too much on welfare after being laid off, but also to maintain their basic purchasing power, and to ease the impact of economic difficulties on them. Efforts should be made to maintain the seriousness of the various policies and regulations, to ensure that the laws are followed and enforced strictly, and at the same time to maintain the continuity of the policies, to avoid inconsistent implementation and the phenomenon of mutual collision. Such as since we encourage laid-off unemployed workers actively engaged in the individual private economy, we must at the same time to ensure that they are blocked to the mouth of the indiscriminate distribution, indiscriminate fund-raising, indiscriminate fines, and really make their legitimate rights and interests are protected by law. 8. Effective transformation of government functions. Ensure the normal operation of the national economy and full employment of citizens is the government's due diligence. Modern social and economic development is more and more inseparable from the government's normal intervention and macro-control. Looking back at the history of human development, people will find that the superstructure must adapt to the economic base, otherwise, it will become a shackle that binds the development of productive forces. Whenever the development of productive forces reaches a critical turning point, the governmental system is bound to undergo corresponding changes. The basic framework of China's existing governmental institutions was gradually formed under the conditions of the original planned economy. Although many adjustments and reforms have been carried out in the past, many problems have not been fundamentally solved because of historical and macro-environmental constraints, and the contradictions with the development of the socialist market economy have become increasingly prominent, to the extent that they must be changed. The First Session of the Ninth National People's Congress has already clarified the basic ideas of governmental institutional reform, and its own reform has been gradually incorporated into the agenda of governments at all levels. The significance of institutional reform does not lie solely in the abolition of institutions and the reduction of redundancies, but rather in the complete transformation of the traditional way of governing the country, the adoption of advanced scientific methods, and the rapid adaptation to the requirements of the wave of economic globalization. In accordance with this requirement, and on the basis of the principles of streamlining, unification and efficiency, we should focus on transforming government functions, realizing the separation of government and enterprises, and establishing a scientific and standardized operating mechanism; we should strengthen the government departments that need to be strengthened, merge those that need to be merged, and abolish those that need to be abolished; we should also reasonably adjust the responsibilities and authorities of the departments in accordance with the requirement of the consistency of powers and responsibilities; we should strengthen the macroeconomic control and law enforcement and supervisory departments; we should clearly delineate the division of responsibilities between departments; and we should improve the administrative operating mechanism. The government should also improve the administrative operation mechanism, and must not allow the phenomenon of several departments doing the same thing to continue to exist, in order to create a good environment for reform, development and stability.