Use 'TL'5 straight fluorescent lamps or 'TL'D Super /80 fluorescent lamps with a choice of color temperatures. These light sources can accurately achieve the desired color rendering requirements. The lamps utilize low-glare specular reflectors.
Pictures, vases and other interior decorations are illuminated with low-voltage halogen floodlights. If the ceiling allows for dome lighting, the ceiling can be lit with warm 3000 K fluorescent lamps.
Decorative light fixtures suspended above desks can provide needed work surface illumination, as can table lamps that fit the interior mood.
Many manager's offices have tables that can be used for small discussions, and floodlight fixtures using compact fluorescent lamps can fulfill the lighting requirements there.
Lighting control systems that can remotely (infrared) control the surrounding brightness can provide enough flexibility for modern office lighting. The typical lighting functions and ambience of a manager's office can be met from a lighting control system. Philips Scenio lighting control system can provide from 8 to 16 lighting scenarios, while Philips Trios lighting control system can provide four scene settings.
Light sources Lamps
PLC FBS 145, FBH 145
'TL'5 TBS 600, TBS 630, TBS 669
'TL'D TBS 369, TBS 300, TMS 011
ELV Halogen Floodlight Fixtures
The Philips Trios Lighting Control System offers a wide range of lighting solutions. p>2,Open office, the purpose of this office is to construct a team spirit and effectively support all group goals.
Lighting must be integrated with the architectural design to give a pleasant visual environment while accomplishing the visual task, providing a certain level of visual comfort for both paper and display terminals.
Lighting solutions:
The most energy-efficient fluorescent lamps, 'TL'5 high-efficiency fluorescent lamps combined with high-frequency electronic ballasts that can be even more energy-efficient were used in the open-plan office. The choice of light source and ancillary components was based primarily on their characteristics in terms of energy efficiency, size and longevity.' TL'5 28W/840 is used in standard sized ceilings. colour 840 is used for its good color rendering.
TL'5 Superfine Fluorescent Lamps High Luminous Efficacy Series Low Pressure HID Lamps, 16mm Superfine Tube Diameter
Ceiling Grille Lamps
3, Conference Rooms, Conference rooms are used for a wide range of activities including speeches, example presentations, multi-media presentations, and meetings with attendees for reading, writing, browsing materials, and discussions. The basic lighting system must be designed to meet the recommended illuminance requirements, lighting flexibility is accomplished by additional equipment such as switches, fixtures on the work surface.
Lighting Scheme:
General lighting is provided by 'TL'5 straight fluorescent lamps or 'TL'D Super /80 straight fluorescent lamps (4000 K). The lamps are designed on the principle of low-glare mirror optics. Conventional lighting can also be realized by dome lighting with fluorescent lamps (4000 K). The lighting of small conference rooms can be realized with luminaires fitted with compact fluorescent lamps.
Floodlights with low-voltage halogen lamps will provide supplemental lighting for lectures, audio-visual presentations, etc. When white presentation boards are used, they must be illuminated. When white presentation boards are used, they must be provided with special lighting with vertical illumination.
Lighting control systems that can remotely (infrared) control the surrounding brightness provide enough flexibility to light a typical conference room. Philips Scenio lighting control system can provide from 8 to 16 lighting scenarios, while Philips Trios lighting control system can provide four scene settings.
Light sources Fixtures
PL-C FBS 145, FBH 145
'TL'5 TBS 600, TBS 630, TBS 669
'TL'D TBS 369, TBS 300, TMS 011
ELV halogen floodlight fixtures
4, the reception and lobby, is considered the calling card of the office. Visitors meet here, register and wait for an agreed meeting.
The attention of visitors can be drawn to the reception desk from the beginning by increasing the illumination on the desk. In the waiting area, guests often do some reading and writing and make phone calls. In this case, companies use the lounge as a showroom to display their products and services.
Lighting scheme:
To meet the lighting requirements the whole area was divided into small sections. Higher lighting levels were used for the service counter, guest seating area and the display area for the products. Metal halide (CDM-T) luminaires were used in the larger areas and compact fluorescent (PLC, 3000 K) luminaires in the smaller areas. Suspended fluorescent systems with decorative features are also a good solution above service counters without artificial roofs. Lighting levels of 300 to 500 lux should be achieved in these areas.
Light sources Luminaires
PL-C FBS 145, FBH 145
'TL'5 TPS 670
'TL'D TMS batten
ELV Low Voltage Halogen Lamps
5, Corridors, which are public **** areas that connect different departments and buildings to each other. Foyers and corridors can also be used to display artwork or honors received by the company.
Corridors provide a good opportunity for thrift in lighting design as they do not have any visual requirements. Lighting design can be used to reflect the image of the office. Depending on the lighting level of the office, conventional lighting for corridors can range from 200 to 500 lux.
Lighting Options:
The most popular type of lighting for corridor lighting is the use of fluorescent lighting. Either straight tube fluorescent lamps or compact fluorescent lamps can be an ideal choice for hallway lighting applications. The wide range of color tones (warm, intermediate and cool) offers the possibility of better matching the interior design.
The choice of luminaire is based on the use of the light source and the size of the corridor. For narrow corridors good illumination can be achieved by using compact fluorescent (off-cor2.jpg & offcor3.jpg) floodlighting fixtures, and for longer corridors dome lighting can be used or fluorescent lamps can be lined up to illuminate the corridors in a straight line. Slat luminaires with single-tube fluorescent lamps can be used for dome lighting (offcor6.jpg), and luminaires designed according to reflector optics can be used for the latter lighting method. Twin-tube fluorescent luminaires designed according to reflector optics are ideal for lighting wide corridors. (offcor4.jpg & offcor5.jpg)
In the case of high ceilings, projector fixtures with ceramic metal halide lamps CDM-T will fulfill the lighting requirements. High-intensity light sources should also be used for uplighters in high-level corridors where ambience needs to be enhanced. (offcor1.jpg).
When displaying paintings or photographs, they should be illuminated with a projector suitable for low-voltage halide lamps.
Light sources Lamps
PLC FBS 145, FBH 145
PL-L FBS 561
'TL'5 TBS 600, TBS 669
'TL'D TBS 369, TBS 300, TMS 011
CDM-T ` MBS 145
CDM-TD MBS 205, MCG 101
6, New Videoconferencing Centers, In traditional videoconferencing centers, the audience is always seated in rows facing the cameras at the front of the room. A screen on the front wall shows the participants in a remote conference room, and that image is obtained from the same camcorder as in the room. In this case, a conventional fluorescent fixture can easily be used to produce a vertical illumination of 700 lux in the direction of the camera.
TL'5 Ultra Slim Fluorescent Lamps High Efficiency Series Low Pressure Gas Discharge Lamps, 16mm Ultra Slim Tube Diameter
Ceiling Grille Lamps