Omron sphygmomanometer wrist and arm middle-aged and elderly people suitable for which?

Teach you how to pick the type of sphygmomanometer

Arm, wrist type selection:

The common blood pressure monitor on the market is mainly divided into 2 types: arm sphygmomanometer and wrist sphygmomanometer, mainly depends on the use of sphygmomanometer of the person's specific situation, if the user has high blood pressure, diabetes, it is recommended that you should use the arm type of sphygmomanometer, because patients with hypertension and diabetes have poor peripheral circulation If the user has high blood pressure and diabetes, it is recommended that you should use an arm-type sphygmomanometer, because patients with high blood pressure and diabetes have poor peripheral circulation, and the use of wrist-type will not be very accurate. Kangtai medical equipment mall

Arm and wrist straps Note:

When choosing an arm or wrist sphygmomanometer, you should also pay attention to the length of the arm or wrist strap, generally speaking, is the length of the uniform, but there are special people's arms or wrists are very thick, so you need to arm or wrist straps to be longer, so you have to look at the length of the arm or wrist straps to see if the user can use the arm or wrist straps. The user is able to use it.

Working mode selection:

Sphygmomanometer working mode is divided into 3 kinds: manual sphygmomanometer (old-style watermark column), semi-automatic, fully automatic.

The old-fashioned sphygmomanometer is very inconvenient to operate, and can not be personally operated, not suitable for self-use at home.

Semi-automatic is cheaper than automatic, but it is not very convenient because you need to pressurize yourself, and the degree of pressure needs to be controlled by yourself, is not suitable for the elderly to use at home. Fully automatic is more convenient, now on the market a variety of automatic sphygmomanometer is a single button operation, such a machine for the elderly to use the most appropriate, because the operation is simple and can be operated by themselves, suitable for the elderly at home to monitor the daily blood pressure. Automatic sphygmomanometer also has a variety of other functions, such as: clock, heart rate irregularity prompts, low power prompts, external power supply, multiple sets of memory values, body position error prompts and other functions. Kangtai network medical equipment mall

Blood pressure monitor brand

Blood pressure monitor brand market is particularly many, but the main brand or a fixed number of brands, such as Omron (Japan), Panasonic (Japan), Mike Daifu (Switzerland) and other brands, I believe that we have a certain knowledge of the Omron, Panasonic also have a certain understanding of the two brands are 1 year of national warranty, like Mike Daifu is The two brands are 1 year national warranty, like Mike Dawson is 2 years national warranty.

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