How much does it cost to do tonsillectomy in Shenzhen?

Low-temperature plasma tonsillectomy, a small operation like this, can be done in general hospitals, a few hundred yuan, not too expensive.

Tonsils need to be removed in the following situations: frequent tonsillitis, or tonsillar lesions completely affect the health of children or interrupt learning, affecting hearing or breathing. However, sometimes tonsillectomy is unnecessary. If the diagnosis is in doubt, we should consider whether there are other problems.

The indications of tonsillectomy include: tonsillitis occurs more than four times a year; Tonsillitis more than three times a year within two years; Tonsillar enlargement causes upper respiratory tract obstruction, causing severe snoring, dysphagia and unclear pronunciation. Suffering from one or more tonsil abscesses; Tonsils cause systemic diseases and become focal tonsils; Repeated inflammation of tonsils causes recurrent attacks, such as rhinitis, otitis media and tracheitis. Or incurable for a long time.

The operation was performed under general anesthesia. When the patient falls into a deep sleep state and loses pain, the tonsils are stripped and removed. Most incisions heal naturally without suturing. The postoperative hospitalization time of patients is generally more than 24 hours. It is generally believed that tonsillectomy will not have any adverse effects on later life.