Interview on gas chromatography

The basic theories of gas chromatography and liquid chromatography may be written, but they will not be asked in the interview.


Q: Have you ever used gas or liquid phase?

A: Yes.

Ask; With what instrument?

A: Gas phase: Agilent, Shimadzu, Varian (these three are imported), Lunan (made in China), and liquid phase: Waters Agilent Shimadzu Diane (all imported). You can answer one or two of these questions at will. When all the suggestions are adopted, Agilent is most widely used in China. )

Q: What workstation do you usually use?

Answer: When purchasing the instrument, the engineer installed the Agilent Chemical Workstation Chemstation, which is modular and easy to use.

Q: How long did it take?

Answer: 1 year or more (since you have no experience, don't exaggerate)

Q: What projects have you done?

A: The residual solvent of xxx was detected in the gas phase, and the content of xxx was detected in the liquid phase, and the related substances (biased towards drugs).