Do two things, skin care and freeze maintenance, in order to hold the face value. Freezing age maintenance is far more important than skin care.
Skin care fights against exogenous aging factors: UV rays, wind, sand, dry environments, unclean exposures, second-hand smoke, etc.
Skin care is the best way to prevent aging, but it's also the best way to protect your skin.
Maintenance tools are mainly a variety of water cream masks and a variety of medical means.
This level of maintenance, touching the epidermis, dermis, the deepest but the fascia layer. The most important thing to remember is that it's not just the skin that you're looking for, it's the skin that you're looking for.
Skin care is all about cleaning, moisturizing, sunscreen, antioxidant, pigmentation, and collagen activation. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new pair of shoes or boots, and then you're ready to take them on.
Not much to say here!
I'm going to talk about age maintenance, which encompasses muscle and bone mass maintenance and hormone balancing, as well as more profound and decisive levels of maintenance.
Adequate muscle mass, bone mass, and body water content are the main defenses that keep your face from collapsing. And hormones are the ultimate boss behind it.
Freeze Age combats endogenous aging factors, which weaken the body's internal signals of aging.
This level of maintenance requires more than money; it requires a commitment to healthy living, emotional control, and enough self-discipline.
A Muscle Mass, Muscle Elasticity, and Bone Mass
Don't assume that your existing musculoskeletal system will stay with you! They are all cold-blooded and will shrink and disappear with age.
You just have to imagine that the beauty of the face, with age, despite the efforts to keep the epidermis moisturized, but the internal bones and muscles atrophy and deformation, hanging on the outside of the fascia fat epidermis, without the support of the inner, began to flaccid deformation and collapse.
And then the whole facial structure, contour shadow, the layout of the five negative changes, the loss of beauty.
How expensive the cream, how high-tech medical beauty can not save such a disaster scene.
The only way to hold this line of defense as long as possible, so that the downward curve is a little bit smoother, the face value of a little bit longer, the only way is to exercise.
So the prescription is exercise, including outdoor exercise, at least 3 times a week. The body must be properly exposed to sunlight (which does not conflict with sunscreen)
Weight-bearing or resistance exercise must be in the exercise choices to give the bones the stimulation and pressure they need to maintain a certain level of strength and density.
Pick a few yoga asanas (we recommend Double Angle Pose, Lion's Roar Pose, and Twisted Triangle Pose) and practice them regularly to reach all the small muscles in your body and ensure that you don't lose muscle elasticity.
B Hormone Balance
Hormone balance is the ultimate boss of the ageing process, as it is indicative of the body's physiological activities.
Behind the shrinking and aging of the face, there must be a decline in the production of hormones that indicate the repair and renewal of the body's cells, and human growth hormone is one such hormone.
And freezing age = cell repair and renewal>= cell death degradation
It is generally recommended that each high-intensity intermittent exercise for three sets of repetitions, each group to maintain 20 minutes, which 20 minutes need to include in situ or walking warm-up, peak high-intensity action exercise, in situ, such as the three stages of flat back, the stages of the specific time allocated to their own heart rate to feel prevail.
So, in terms of maintaining a youthful hormone balance, you need to do high-intensity interval exercise at least once a week and get a good night's sleep.
30 years old, really glad to have set up the right anti-aging conceptEarly 30s, an awkward middle-aged teenage age
Thanks to the right anti-aging concept, so that at this age, I still have young full cheeks and the kind of vanity that is mistaken for being young
In twenty-six or twenty-seven, I have a sense of crisis, and I have read a lot about anti-aging I've read a lot of posts about anti-aging. Bookmarked a bunch of methods and stocked up on useless skincare products.
Until there is no improvement, I think "why in the end I will be old"
Hundreds of causes will have consequences, not clear the process of aging, only in the appearance of skincare, skin condition is good, but still can not escape from the old haggard state.
The root cause of aging is bone loss
You can look at the second picture, our face is held up by the skin, fat muscle (interlacing), bone and flesh. And the root cause of aging is bone resorption, with enlarged orbits and sunken nasal bases. This leads to deformation and sagging of the supporting muscles and fat, plus the inevitable loss of collagen and water, and that's how we age
A lot of the reason you feel older when you're pregnant is because of increased bone resorption and collagen loss!
The root cause of your tear troughs, lines, and fuzzy jawline is bone resorption!
Some Existing Opinions
One of the things that a lot of people will do is fill in the hollows wherever they are. Just filling in the lost collagen and moisture. You'll feel like she's pig rigid, the dimples are gone, and there's still no soulful youthfulness.
That's why with a bone-phase beauty you'd think she'd be more resistant to aging
Some of the things I do
1. Increase bone supplementation, with calcium first and foremost, and multivitamins and iron as a secondary supplement! (will also be summarized later) Don't just obsess over collagen orally. You can't absorb much of it and it costs money.
2. In addition to skincare products, increase phototherapy, heat and some destructive light energy generated by the tissue is forced to regenerate and produce collagen, is a better way to maintain our collagen. Since bone resorption can't be avoided, collagen and moisture can be regenerated (the younger you are, the more useful it is)
If you can't accept some photorejuvenation type of program, at home I recommend taking red and blue light, which is good for anti-inflammation and stabilization.
3. Muscle building
Increase your muscle mass, your water content, and your basal metabolism. In this matter, there is no way to beat muscle training, do not think that eating well, sleeping well, face and skin can be good,
Aging has always been a holistic thing
4. Other bloggers daily anti-aging method I also do, such as foot bath, skin care, better to strengthen the blood circulation, so that the face of the rosy brightening, skin moisture increased.
Cherry blossom
Since aging is layer by layer, the anti-aging we do also needs to be layer by layer. Don't go ignoring bone resorption
Pre-pregnancy prevention
Of course there must be people who say that having a child will be a big change
Some people do some lifting before pregnancy, do some bone material injections to fix it (brow bone jawbone and other locations), this is the secret of why many artists do not grow old after giving birth
Anti aging is a lifelong thing, I hope that you and I all Establish the correct concept
Aging is a problem that everyone has to face, in accordance with the laws of nature, the aging of the skin and the body's function is synchronized with the evolutionary development of the trend that can not be refused, but we can through the outside world to the anti-aging, so that the aging to come a little slower.
Maintaining a healthy body is the basis for the prevention of agingOnly to maintain a healthy body. Skin can maintain normal defense function, metabolic function, to be able to avoid skin aging, if the body is plagued by chronic disease individuals, the body's ability to defend and metabolism will be reduced, so that the skin is more prone to blemishes, wrinkles and other aging. Skin aging is intuitively manifested, the skin begins to wrinkle, skin dryness, flaking, brittleness of the enhancement of the repair function decreases, the woman in the age of 20-25 years old began to enter the natural state of aging.
Aging is also divided into natural aging and exogenous aging red copper role
Exogenous aging main factors: ultraviolet radiation, ionic radiation, air pollution, wind, cold, heat, humidity, active substances, smoking and cigarette smoke released. Many external causes can rush facial aging. The aging of the skin is natural, but in a healthy body, the skin's ability to repair itself and age naturally is significantly lower than in a diseased individual, and the resistance to the outside world is higher than in a diseased individual. So a healthy body is the basis for preventing aging.
Note that skin cleanliness and hygiene can reduce the harm of harmful substances on the skinThoroughly clean the skin is a necessary condition for anti-aging. The sebaceous and sweat glands of the skin are secreting sebum and sweat every moment. The skin's keratinocytes are also constantly being renewed. Especially the facial skin, long-term exposure to the outside world, will be subject to a variety of irritants, allergens, microbes and dust, if not timely cleaning face, the skin in the long term will form dirt, accumulation in the epidermis of the skin, affecting the metabolism of the skin, accelerating the aging of the skin. Stab into the blood circulation
quiet can promote the skin's dermal layer of blood vessel expansion, congestion, promote blood circulation, so as to give the skin to send enough nutrients and oxygen to promote the skin's metabolism, and can prevent dermis such as the head layer of atrophy, increase the vitality of elastin fibers, to prevent the skin from relaxing, reduce the wrinkles, to achieve the purpose of the body Healthy and delicate skin.
Adopt a reasonable, regular habits1: maintain a happy mood: a good mood will also promote the body's metabolism, a good mood, no worries, people will be old and slow, the brain's nervous system, closely related. Optimistic and positive attitude towards life is far better than depressed people.
2; maintain adequate sleep; sleep is not only related to the mental state, but also with the growth of the skin has a close relationship, studies have shown that the night sleep time is the skin basal cells are constantly renewed the most vigorous stage. Sleep, the skin under the action of growth hormone, the metabolism will accelerate, the skin's cell separation and proliferation is in the night at ten o'clock to 2:00 a.m., so the human body's best sleep time is at ten o'clock in the evening, keep sleeping in 8 hours, the skin's cells normal renewal, the skin to get nutrition, improve the function and color of the skin has a very important role. Long-term sleep deprivation will produce fine lines, dark circles aggravated, micro-arteries around the eyes, micro-vessels, appearing flaccid, expansion. Sleep deprivation growth hormone secretion is insufficient, reduced, accelerated aging. With enough sleep, happy mood, the skin will be white, bright, in order to become a real sleeping beauty.
Comprehensive and reasonable dietary nutritional intakePay attention to the caloric intake of cooking to maintain an ideal body weight, good nutrition is to maintain good health, maintain weight, so that the body manager is abundant, and stay young forever. Malnutrition will lead to decreased resistance, weakness and disease, accelerated aging.
Reasonable use of functional cosmetics1: sunscreen is a very important part of the prevention of external assistance = source of aging, Aster stimulation of the skin, accelerating the loss of collagen in the dermis layer of the skin, the loss of moisture in the facial skin, these acne will accelerate the aging process, so the anti-aging is not delayed be sure to prevent sunscreen
2: cosmetic maintenance - an effective way to slow down the aging process: the use of scientific Cosmetics, to enhance the health of the skin, delay aging, have a certain role, the scientific use of skin care products of the two principles; choose high-quality cosmetics, 2: according to their own age, gender, the season to choose the right cosmetics. Different cosmetics have different roles; nutrition, moisturizing, hydration, whitening, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging.
Anti-aging is a long-term process that needs to be adhered to, we will all be old, we just want to make the aging slower,
Facial rejuvenation is a very hot topic now, and it is also one of the easiest industries to make money. And one of the best things you can do to rejuvenate your face is to do it yourself, and one of the best things you can do to rejuvenate your face is to do it with a doctor.
The first thing you need to do is to moisturize your face and protect it from the sun, so that you can effectively slow down the aging of your face. For facial skin problems, you can find our dermatologist to carry out, through the medication, such as facial eczema can make the skin look old, and dermatologists can through the medication, control the eczema, cure eczema, the skin looks a little better.
Another one is some wrinkles and discoloration on the face, which can be judged by a dermatologist and then targeted to be treated with medical lasers or micropigmentation combined with lasers such as hyaluronic acid and Botox. There are times when you need to go through plastic surgery, then you can be treated by a plastic surgeon.
Now this society has a lot of this simply do not have a medical background of people, through some of the so-called crash course, and then opened the so-called studio to laser cosmetic and cosmetic injections, we must open their eyes, we must find a reliable regular hospital or medical beauty institutions, to find reliable doctors to carry out the relevant operation, or else, not only did not reach the face of the rejuvenation, but also easy to disfigure. On the contrary, it is easy to disfigure.
According to a new study, daily yoga practice increases the body of two substances: growth hormone (GH) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS).
GH, or growth hormone, is a peptide hormone known to stimulate cell growth and reproduction. In other words, it is associated with the production of new tissue such as skin and muscle.DHEAS is an androgen (hormone) produced in the adrenal glands. Among other factors, it is associated with immune function and heart health.
Yoga May Help Curb AgingOther Benefits of Yoga for Preventing Anti-Aging
Your body bears the brunt of stress when you feel it. Stress has all sorts of terrible side effects. It can lead to an increased chance of a heart attack, your immune system isn't as effective at preventing disease, head and back pain is more common, and depression can happen. Not to mention your skin is likely to grow acne and rashes . Who would feel beautiful and confident about their body in such a situation? By doing yoga exercises, you can regulate your blood pressure, boost your immunity, and increase your serotonin levels (the happy chemical!). Starting your day with a short yoga practice can be a great stress reliever.
If a woman is not confident in her appearance, she will slump her shoulders and walk with her head towards the ground, trying to hide herself. Yoga addresses this problem on both a physical and psychological level. Doing yoga not only gives you confidence in your body's abilities, it also improves your posture and strengthens your muscles. You won't want to hide after learning simple bends! These poses, over time, will tighten your skin and reduce wrinkles . In the beginning, you may not be able to touch your toes or do the splits while standing, but with slow practice, you can become that woman strutting down the street with her head held high. Embrace your inner and outer strength and others will notice the change.
For those who are serious about yoga, they eat beneficial foods to improve their physique. For those who use yoga to beautify themselves naturally, eating the foods of yogis is a two birds with one stone scenario. For example, yogurt will the protein in Greek yogurt, oatmeal because it burns quickly, and almonds for added energy. Eating the right foods helps to improve your yoga practice, which in turn helps you look better naturally and slows down aging !
Share a set of sequences to prevent aging, 3 times a week to get the maximum benefit.Aids: You'll need a few pillows, a wall and a yoga mat
Breathing: Use your breath to guide you into and out of each yoga pose, moving at a relaxed pace. Breathe y through your nose. Imagine you have a loose band around your waist, and as you inhale, extend the breathing band forward, to the sides and back. As you exhale, pull the band back.
Dynamic Standing Forward Bend
What it does: Warms up your joints and muscles
Warrior II
What it does: Strengthens and stretches the legs, gluteus maximus, abs, and arms
Triangle Side Extension
What it does: Strengthens and stretches the legs, gluteus maximus, abdominals and arms
Tree Pose
Effects: Improves balance; strengthens the feet, legs, gluteus maximus and abdominals
Sphinx or Baby Pose
Effects: Improves posture; strengthens and stretches the back, chest and arms
Seated Twist
Effects: Improves flexibility, eases spinal and abdominal pain. Flexibility; relieves tension in the spine and hips.
Legs Up Against the Wall Pose
Effect : Improves circulation; restores tired, cramped feet and legs
Supine Bunch of Angles Pose
Effect : Reduces fatigue and eases menstrual cramps
Facial Yoga Exercises
Facial exercises are considered to be an alternative way to slow down the aging process. Strictly speaking there are no scientific studies that can prove facial exercises are effective.
But it is said that facial exercises may have some benefits. Among them:
If you are interested you can try Oh, there is really no harm in trying. There are also no adverse consequences.
Other methods:
There is also an increase in collagen is also the key to slowing down skin aging:
With the increase in age and the loss of collagen in the body, the human skin are going to appear a certain degree of aging, so there is no good way to effectively slow down and prevent the face of the aging it?
Nutritional supplements. Because the human skin will be aging and skin elasticity is a close relationship, if you can ensure that the facial skin elasticity, generally effective in preventing skin aging, so in the usual daily diet can eat some high collagen content of food, more common such as pig skin, donkey skin, Agaricus for improving skin elasticity is a great help.
Eat more fruit. Vegetables and fruits in the vitamin content is very high, can effectively slow down the aging of the skin, especially vitamin E is a very good antioxidant, in the human body after the effective prevention of skin aging.
Facial massage. Some facial massage can effectively improve the blood circulation of the face, can effectively prevent the face of the wrinkles, because if the face of the wrinkles is very easy to look old.
Facial moisturizing. Because if the loss of facial moisture is also very easy to cause facial aging, so facial moisturizing is very critical, so usually before going to bed when you can use the mask to increase the moisture of the skin, or usually when you must keep the skin hydrated, you can use some skin care products.
Moderate exercise. Some moderate exercise for improving the overall state of the body is a great help, such as in the process of exercise the body's blood circulation will be significantly accelerated, for the prevention of facial aging or prevention of generalized aging has a very positive effect.
Seven personal experience
From the side of those who are young, good facial maintenance of friends:
First, enough sleep. It is said that beauty is out of sleep, stay up late and lack of sleep is the main reason for looking aging.
Second, facial care and massage. Every day after washing your face, morning and evening, gently massage the forehead, the corners of the eyes, the nose on both sides of the face, etc., to reduce wrinkles.
Third, facial exercise. Facial muscles should also be regular exercise, do ghost face is a good way to move the deep muscle tissue of the face.
Fourth, proper nutrition. Eat more fruits, supplement some of the vitamins they need.
Fifth, drink more water. Every day to maintain a certain amount of water, the skin can be full of moisture.
Six, whole body exercise. Proper full-body exercise will promote blood circulation throughout the body, thus ensuring that the facial blood supply metabolism, look red.
Seven, sunscreen. It has been scientifically proven that prolonged exposure of the face to the sun accelerates skin aging.
The essence of preventing aging is to see the causes of aging, which can be simply understood as two: light aging and natural aging. The former can be maximized prevention, the latter can be silently do some work to alleviate. If someone puts forward a completely radical means of prevention, and by the way Amway a product, it is recommended that you send this product to the feudal period of successive dynasties due to obsession with immortality Dan heavy metal poisoning and early death of the emperors to try , you know.
The prevention of photoaging is simple, sunscreen, and try to avoid direct sunlight. And focus on two easy to ignore the point: winter also need sunscreen, although the sunshine time becomes shorter but UV rays are still strong; in addition, sunscreen is not once and for all, you need to reapply after a few hours. Photo-aging killers are mainly UVA, so be careful when shopping for sunscreen products.
Not too much can be done about natural aging, as it is a natural age-related process. You can do this work, that is, regular routine, pay attention to moisturizing and cleaning, intake and external antioxidant food and skin care products, which can somewhat ease the aging process. But to be reversible, you still need to resort to medical aesthetics. The subject said the three age, can be the main best moisturizing sunscreen, pay attention to regular work and rest, regulating stress plus exercise. With the use of antioxidant moisturizing food, masks and skin care products, occasionally with a similar brush acid, Botox, water light and hyaluronic acid and other light medical beauty can maintain a better state. For the "firmness" mentioned in the question, consider photofacials and hyaluronic acid fillers. Of course, if you do not want to be very good as long as almost on the line, medical beauty as the icing on the cake means, do not join also ok. (p.s: the simple maintenance means only applies to the "first signs of aging" of the three girls, for the running four running five facial skin, sorry also have to put down a bit of "strong medicine"! "The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world.)
Above all, I hope that the three girls are no longer afraid of aging
Seeing this problem I simply empathize, I really have too much to say. First of all, for me, currently also in this anxiety period, skin aging, look in the mirror is to feel the day is not as good as a day, completely lost the previous kind of collagen, sad. In fact, I did not use any cosmetics before, I think my skin is also quite good, and then found that the skin is not so firm, I was a little panic, that day after work went to a certain counter to buy the essence, to be honest, their essence is really good, continuous application of two weeks, I feel that the skin has changed for the better, but still did not achieve the previous results. At this point, I wondered if it was caused by my weight loss, I basically will not eat meat in order to keep in shape do not eat greasy physical objects, so I in order to make my complexion become better, I began to eat meat and eat high-protein, but unfortunately, I have a bad stomach, eat all the pull. Although I also read what other people said about the methods, such as sunscreen ah, skin care ah, maintenance ah, I do not deny their role, especially sunscreen, can anti-pigmentation and aging, but I think the most important is the food therapy. So what I've been doing lately to keep my face from aging is to eat more collagen and then exercise more so I don't get fat.
What can I do to prevent my face from aging?1, insist on exercise
Exercise can promote blood circulation, help sweating, can let the toxins in the skin out, the skin will become smooth and elastic.
2, drink more water
Drinking more water helps the metabolism, and gives the skin moisturizing and moisturizing.
3, eat more fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, vitamins for the regulation of metabolism in the body, especially the regulation of melanin has a significant role to play, can make the skin become more white, red.
4, sunscreen
The sun's radiation is easy to make the skin aging, which is also an important factor in skin aging, skin long exposure to the sun, ultraviolet rays will directly reach the bottom of the skin. Attention to sunscreen can avoid these problems, and physical sunscreen is better than chemical sunscreen.
5, skin care
To a certain age, skin care products are a must. Every night after cleansing you can do a good job of basic moisturizing, the skin at the neck should be brought by the way.