Nano (nm), is the translation of nanometre, that is, for millimeters, is the unit of measurement of length, the international system of units symbol for nm. 1 nanometer = 10 minus 9 times the square meter, the length of the unit as centimeters, decimeters, and meters, as the same, is the unit of measurement of length. 1 nanometer is equivalent to four times the size of the atom, than the length of a single bacterium is much smaller. The international common name is nanometer, abbreviated as nm.
A single bacterium is simply invisible to the naked eye, and its diameter is about five micrometers when measured with a microscope. Assuming that the diameter of a hair is 0.05 millimeters, it is axially dissected into 50,000 roots, and the thickness of each root is about 1 nanometer. In other words, 1 nanometer is 0.000001 millimeters.
Expanded Information
Nanotechnology includes the following four main aspects:
1, nanomaterials: when the material to the nanometer scale, about in the range of 0.1-100 nanometers of space, the properties of the material will undergo a sudden change, the emergence of special properties.
2, nano-dynamics: mainly micro-mechanical and micro-motor, or always known as micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), used in micro-sensors and actuators with transmission machinery, fiber optic communication systems, special electronic equipment, medical and diagnostic instruments. With a new process similar to the design and manufacture of integrated electrical appliances.
3, nanobiology and nanopharmacology: such as in the mica surface with nanoparticle degree of colloidal gold fixation of dna particles, in the silicon dioxide surface of the fork-finger electrode to do the test of interactions between biomolecules, phospholipids and fatty acids bilayer planar biofilm, the fine structure of the dna and so on.
4, nanoelectronics: including nanoelectronic devices based on quantum effects, optical/electrical properties of nanostructures, characterization of nanoelectronic materials, as well as atomic manipulation and atomic assembly.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Nano