English interview, how should I practice?

English interview, how should I practice?

1. First of all, foreign companies in Europe and the United States must take an English interview test. This should be easy to understand. After all, many foreign company executives are foreigners, and their daily work often requires global cooperation and reporting. In such companies, English can be said to be the working language, so it is inevitable that the English interview in the interview is a large number of questions in the English paper, and the difficulty of each question varies from person to person. To score as many points as possible, don't let go of any trivia questions that can score points, be careful in your use of time, and utilize every minute for the most worthwhile opportunities to answer questions. Fill in your personal information completely and clearly. Quickly check the paper for completeness and quickly skim through the questions on the paper.

2. Follow the steps from easiest to hardest to select each type of question; writing questions are usually saved for last. Follow the easy-to-difficult steps, selecting each sub-topic of each question type in turn, and completing all of the "easy" questions quickly. Use a pencil to mark all the "difficult and troublesome questions" in each question type. When all the "easy questions" of this question type are done, come back and quickly think about them one by one and erase the markings of the completed difficult questions; leave the remaining "too difficult questions" for the writing questions. Leave the rest of the "too hard questions" for the writing questions and come back to them. Don't dwell on a single point. Remember, when you check your paper for the last time, erase the marks. Write the writing questions on draft paper, then copy them neatly onto the paper.

3. Before handing in your paper, double-check that you have filled in your personal information to make sure it is correct. The English interview, at the end of the day, is an interview. So, in the question bank, it's basically the same as the Chinese interview. Specifically- most of them are business case studies: corporate strategic decision-making, marketing program design, revenue analysis, investment and mergers and acquisitions. One-sided evaluation of seven categories of classic questions:personal knowledge and qualities, industry and corporate job knowledge, experience, situational simulation, stress, specialties and business qualities. Although English interviews sound difficult, the fact is that the question pool for English interviews is still less than that of Chinese interviews.